ova tym i v discovered dere is no absolute finish line 4 evry1 in - TopicsExpress


ova tym i v discovered dere is no absolute finish line 4 evry1 in d race of lyf. our tracks r diff n our duratns r diff. d only thing we v in common is d same empire. 4 instance, 1 persn graduates at age 20 n struggles 4 anoda 5yrs 2 get a job, anoda mit gaduate at 25 n get a job immediatly. 1 cn marry a virgin n wait 4 d nxt decade 2 v d blessings of children, anoda lady probably afta ving series of abortn in her past, bkms a moda almost imediatly afta mariage. a felo bkms MD at 38 n dies at 56, anoda bkms MD at 55 n lives 2 90. wat a lyf? lyf is full of twists, turns, ups n dwns n many more surprises n disapointmnts. lyf ofas each 1 of us diff opotunities n once n opotunity is lost, its gone 4eva xpt by d grace of God. it is up 2 each 1 of us patiently prepare, wait, recognise n utilise evry opotunity. we learn on d way. no 1 knows it all or hs it beta. dere is a reson y we all dnt fall at d sem tym. its so dat wen 1 is dwn, weak n discorage, d oda wu is strong, cn encorag n lift d oda peson. God neva promis dat d rod wud b easy bt he promis neva 2 leav nor 4sek us. aldo lyf is lyk a competitn, let us learn 2 go easy on ourselv n trust dat God is workin it all out 4 gd (evn if it dosnt mek sense nw). i kno dat dere is a tym 4 evrytin bt mst impotntly dat "it l cm 2 pass" wateva trials, challenges or dwn tym, dis 2 shall pass n in due course, u l b up n strong agen 2 lift up dos wu may b dwn around u. ..NEVER LOSE HOPE!!!!!!!! ABOVE ALL, DONT LOSE UR PRAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 13:34:38 +0000

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