over six million jewish men, women and children were killed in - TopicsExpress


over six million jewish men, women and children were killed in germany during world war two. they werent killed on the battlefield. they were rounded up from their homes and neighborhoods and shipped to concentration camps. they then were stripped naked their belongings were gathered, their heads shaved, eventually shot or gassed and then burned in industrial ovens. its rumored that hitler may have been jewish himself, he turned his hatred for jews into a sick and twisted national pride for the german race...even to the point where his scientist conducted human experiments, one being his attempt at creating a perfect blonde and blue eyed race. in his own evil mind, hitler displayed his national pride for germany. barack obama is just the opposite of adolph hitler...he displays no pride for the united states whatsoever. from something so small as not wanting to wear a u.s. flag lapel pin, to not saluting the flag to endangering all races in our nation equally...our president has no pride for our nation or any of its people. even hitler displayed nationalistic pride. barack obama...nothing. nothing except an agenda to destroy not just a portion of the united states or one race like hitler did with the jews...but all of us except those wealthy liberal elite colleagues who share the same liberal hatred and anti-american agenda against us. when thousands of disease ridden illegal children from el salvador, gautamala and honduras crossed our southern border...obama showed no compassion for either the children or the american citizens whos path they may cross and get sick themselves which would cause wide spread contagious infecting millions of people here. where is the compassion or american pride? where is any sense of urgency to do anything except try to wrest billions of dollars more from congress to be used in his liberal agenda? where was his compassion for gays or a fellow liberal on the night or days that followed the death of ambassador chris stevens in benghazi, when he and others in the white-house told our military to stand down and not try to rescue ambassador stevens or others who were killed that night in libya? mr. stevens was one of his own liberal appointments to serve in benghazi and mr. stevens was gay. barack obama has displayed no national pride in defending u.s. interests at home or abroad. he has shut down industries like coal and oil...thus increasing fuel cost on all americans equally. he has failed to in any type of logical way improve our economy in six and a half years...instead he worked diligently to destroy our healthcare system and implement trying to pass laws banning our legally registered guns. wait, thats it. thats the common thread between barack obama who has not an ounce of national pride and adolph hitler who took national pride to a deadly extreme when he slaughtered so many millions of jews...they both worked on banning guns. hitler was successful. jews went to their deaths...unarmed and unable to defend themselves. barack obama keeps trying but has fortunately been unsuccessful. who in the world would want to find themselves defenseless in a nation under a leader who is not compassionate about or concerned about the health, safety and well being of an entire nation of his citizens or anyone in the world...not even children for that matter? even adolph hitler, who slaughtered six million jews showed a love for his nation and the german people. president obama...hasnt cared about anything american since day one and continues to display it six and a half years, many deaths and massive amounts poverty and suffering later. in the meantime...the mainstream news reports on the murder trial of bladerunner and will hillary run?, giving president obama carte blanche access at completing his destructive and dangerous liberal agenda with less compassion for any of us than hitler had for the jews.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:19:53 +0000

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