overpopulation is a lie,the system wants to guilt you into being - TopicsExpress


overpopulation is a lie,the system wants to guilt you into being apathetic to genocide going on of humans,other species and the planet itself.they tell you our Carbon footprint is warming up the planet and that is a LIE!!We are literally fleas on a dog-climate change is real but humans are not the cause or in control-we are not powerful enough to cause changes like that.The North Pole has been moving very fast transitioning to one of the other 4 stars that magnetic north will align too.This tiny change in the orbit shifts the weather patterns around the world to correspond to where magnetic north is pointed.Greenland wasnt always covered in Ice otherwise why the hell would they call it Greenland.The underwater monuments of the world were not built underwater and the monument builders would not have left very detailed allegory in regards to the 25,000 year cycle for nothing(massive amounts of time was dedicated to making sure we got a simple message)-The great pyramids werent built to line up with Orions Belt in modern times,the last time they lined up was 12,500 or so years ago-Angkor Wat has similar alignment with Draco but the last time it lined up with Draco was 12,500 years ago-The time to build such vast monuments which preserve ancient knowledge to be passed to the future would not have been consumed for no reason-your time was very very valuable then as your attention to survival was mandatory.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:35:06 +0000

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