ow big can you allow your life to be? I have big dreams, I do. - TopicsExpress


ow big can you allow your life to be? I have big dreams, I do. I want to leave a “dent in the Uni-verse” as Steve Jobs once said. I also want to inspire the world to break free from limiting beliefs and step into their purpose. And maybe, just maybe, become a billionaire doing it. I’ve always thought about how fun it would be to be a billionaire, not because money is my driving purpose, I just dream and imagine about what it would look like to be able to have that much fun and help so many different people. It’s true that we cannot help others from our own place of lack. So it’s kind of a fun game I play with my own dreams and imagination – how big can you dream? What’s interesting is that the dream and the reality are two different things. TDL is rockin. It really is. But sometimes I really get in my own way. It’s like there’s a part of me that just doesn’t want life to be good and certainly doesn’t believe I deserve to be happy. It’s so funny. It’s like I should have this mastered. But I don’t. I’m a total work in progress. And as much as I know that the Uni-verse is abundant, it’s really hard to embody that. My mentor, Guru Prem Singh Khalsa told me that what YOGA really means is to embody virtue. I love that idea. To embody virtue. That is: BE what you represent. To not just be a sign post pointing the way to something, but to be that something. This is why I’ve dedicated this year to really finishing my book, stepping out into teaching and also starting the path of mastery to my body through understanding what I am allergic to. To embody virtue is a really big deal. It means that we stop trying to convince others of the truth, but rather be that truth. To really step into the idea of attraction rather than promotion. To allow myself the time and the space and the room to become the philosophy that I teach, even more. And I really believe that part of that is allowing life to be good. I’m really bad at letting life be good. I’m always looking for problems to fix, or answers to give, or asking, “what could be fixed here?” Its very hard for me to ask, “What do I love about this moment?” Because I’m always trying to make it better. But at some point, allowing is the best thing we can do. I know that I have already arrived, and so have you. The more I step into this awareness, the more that I see that it’s about accepting this, rather than trying to improve. Self-acceptance is the key. Acceptance of the positive and negative. But what is all this work for, anyways? To enjoy life. This is my mission now, to really start to enjoy life. I’ve been coming out of “survival mode” for a long time now and it’s very hard to kick this pattern. So, I’m willing to allow my life to be huge! And also, I’m willing to allow my life to be what it is right now – with all the awesome and all the stuff left over to work out. How big can you allow your life to be?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:34:35 +0000

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