ow.ly/ARelH JOHN KNOX, ON THE REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE OF WORSHIP, WRITES: The matter is not of so small importance, as some suppose. The question is, whether God or man ought to be obeyed in matters of religion? In mouth, all do confess that only God is worthy of sovereignty. But after many - by the instigation of the devil, and by the presumptuous arrogance of carnal wisdom and worldly policy - have defaced Gods holy ordinance, men fear not to follow what laws and common consent (mother of all mischief) have established and commanded. But thus continually I can do nothing but hold, and affirm all things polluted, yea, execrable and accursed, which God by his Word has not sanctified in his religion. God grant you his Holy Spirit rightly to judge. - John Knox, Works VI:14, cited in John Knox, True and False Worship, at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/tfwintro.htm (free online book) ow.ly/Aq6s8 The Westminster Larger (Q&A 107-110) and Shorter (Q&A 49-52) Catechisms On the Second Commandment (Reformed Worship, the Regulative Principle of Worship, Etc.) by Jim Dodson (Free MP3s) ow.ly/Aq6s8. These four messages make up some of the best teaching you will ever hear on the second commandment, Puritan and Reformed worship, and the regulative principle of worship. By all which, you see where the idolatry of worship lies. The instituting of any, though the smallest part of worship, in and by our own authority, without scripture-warrant, makes it idolatrous, as well as if we worshipped an idol (Ex: 20:5). - John Flavel, The Works of John Flavel, Vol, 4. p. 527 (on the Puritan Hard Drive ow.ly/dZ3ua ). ow.ly/y29RH Gods Will Vs. Mans Will In Worship, Romanism and Arminianism In Worship Are Heresy (The Plausibility Of Will Worship To Worldly Wisdom, Colossians 2:23, the Regulative Principle Of Worship [RPW], Etc.) By Jim Dodson, John Calvin, Greg Price, et al. ow.ly/y29RH The Regulative Principle of Worship (RPW) in the New Testament by Greg Price (Puritan Worship Series, Free MP3) ow.ly/y2arR The Regulative Principle of Worship in the Old Testament (The Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformation Worship) by Greg Price (Puritan Worship Series) ow.ly/xWIDl For God is not worshiped of us, but when it is his will to accept our worship: and it is not his will to accept our worship, but when it is according to his will. - William Perkins (Puritan), on the Puritan Hard Drive ow.ly/dZ3ua The Regulative Principle of Worship declares that God alone is sovereign in worship. The Regulative Principle of Worship simply applies the principles of Calvinism (i.e. Gods sovereign Lordship) to worship, whereas the view that what God doesnt forbid in worship is permitted is applying the principles of Arminianism (i.e. mans sovereign lordship) to worship. Just as fallen man naturally seeks to impose his will in salvation (e.g. I can cooperate with God in salvation, or I have a natural freedom to choose Christ), so fallen man naturally seeks to impose his will in worship (I can cooperate with God in worship by adding what I desire so long as God doesnt specifically forbid it). But just as God condemns a man-centered salvation, so God condemns a man-centered worship (Col. 2:23 specifically condemns all will-worship, i.e. all worship instituted by man). - Greg Price, Foundation for Reformation: The Regulative Principle of Worship, p. 10, free at swrb/newslett/actualnls/REFORMATION-RPW-GP.htm or on the Puritan Hard Drive ow.ly/dZ3ua Historic and singular opportunity. - Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive ow.ly/dZ3ua The Protestant Reformation was a conflict over many critical issues. Of all the issues contested between Romanists and Reformers, no issue was more crucial than the question of true worship. John Knox displayed a preeminent concern for worship. Throughout his ministry, the Reformer proclaimed the scriptural law of worship: all forms of worship (and all religious ceremonies) must possess clear scriptural warrant, if they are to be admitted as valid means of worship. This concept has subsequently been called the regulative principle of worship, because it regulates our approach to God in worship.- Kevin Reed, Preface to True and False Worship John Knox at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/tfwintro.htm Why Most Worship Is Actually Idolatry, Which God Hates, According To the Bible (the Second Commandment Or The Regulative Principle Of Worship, RPW) By Jim Dodson, John Calvin, Greg Price, the Westminster Assembly, Dr. Steven Dilday, John Owen, et al. (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books, Etc.) ow.ly/y2a4K There has not been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive. It holds some of the most priceless Reformed works of God-centered and Christ-glorifying truth that were ever penned. Most students, ministers and scholars of the Bible would never personally acquire even half the literal number of books on the Puritan Hard Drive, much less the extreme caliber of its contents. In Gods providence modern day Christians have been chosen to be the recipients of both a theological and practical blessing. May we not squander it. - Dr. Matthew McMahon, Pastor, Author, Theologian, Seminary Professor, A Puritans Mind Web Site, etc. - Dr. McMahon, A Puritans Mind (Pastor, Author, Seminary Professor, etc.) ow.ly/fPY4o Biblical Reformation Worship (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books) ow.ly/y2aAj Take heed of all occasions of idolatry, for idolatry is devil-worship. Psalm 106: 37. If you search through the whole Bible, there is not one sin that God has more followed with plagues than idolatry. The Jews have a saying, that in every evil that befalls them, there is uncia aurei vituli, an ounce of the golden calf in it. Hell is a place for idolaters. For without are idolaters. Rev 22: 15. Senesius calls the devil a rejoicer at idols, because the image-worshippers help to fill hell. - Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments (emphases added), on the Puritan Hard Drive ow.ly/dZ3ua All things considered, certainly it is no small condemnation of us to behold what an ardent zeal the holy martyrs had in the past, especially in comparison with the nonchalance we demonstrate. For as soon as a poor man of that time got so much as a little taste of the true knowledge of God, he did not hesitate to expose himself to the danger involved in confessing his faith. He would have preferred to be burned alive than to go so far as to commit some outward act of idolatry. - John Calvin (on the Puritan Hard Drive ow.ly/dZ3ua) If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. - Pastor Greg Price (Author, Theologian, Covenanter) ow.ly/gAu3F. FULL REVIEW: PASTOR GREG L. PRICE RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE ow.ly/gAtQr or puritandownloads/pastor-greg-l-price-on-the-puritan-hard-drive/ Trying the Spirits To Avoid Antichrist, His False Doctrine (Arminianism, Sacramentalism, Etc.), His False Worship (the Mass, Man-Made Hymns, Musical Instruments, Etc.), His Holy Days and Much More by Jim Dodson et al. ow.ly/y2a9T False Worship and Well Intentioned Idolatry Brings Gods Wrath and Even Death (For Violations Of the Second Commandment Or the Regulative Principle of Worship) by Jim Dodson, John Calvin, John Owen, Greg Price, Jonathan Edwards, W.J. Mencarow et al. (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books, Etc.) ow.ly/y2acC Christmas Is A Roman Catholic Missions Strategy (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books) ow.ly/y2atN The Puritan Hard Drive is a remarkable accomplishment! It presents an historic and singular opportunity. The common Christian can now have a world-class Presbyterian and Reformed library at his fingertips, for only pennies per volume. The works on the Puritan Hard Drive have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on the Puritan Hard Drive. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian and Reformed past, the Puritan Hard Drive is a must. It is my hope and prayer that the Puritan Hard Drive will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten. - Dr. Steven Dilday, Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church in Northern Virginia, President of The Matthew Poole Project, Seminary Professor, Author, Publisher, Founder of Liberty and Grace Reformed Theological Seminary. Dr. Dilday is currently translating (from Latin to English) the Synopsis written by the Puritan Divine, Matthew Poole. This project when completed will consist of approximately 82 volumes. ow.ly/fPY4o Separation From False Worship, Idolatry, and Popish Principles by John Calvin (Free Reformed Resources) ow.ly/y2av6 Some one will therefore ask me what counsel I would like to give to a believer who thus dwells in some Egypt or Babylon where he may not worship God purely, but is forced by the common practice to accommodate himself to bad things. The first advice would be to leave [i.e. relocate - GB] if he could... If someone has no way to depart, I would counsel him to consider whether it would be possible for him to abstain from all idolatry in order to preserve himself pure and spotless toward God in both body and soul. Then let him worship God in private (at home - ed.), praying him to restore his poor church to its right estate. - John Calvin, Come Out From Among Them, The Anti-Nicodemite Writings of John Calvin, Protestant Heritage Press, A Short Treatise, pp. 93-94, emphases added. Calvin quote (above) cited in Appendix G in The Covenanted Reformation Defended by Greg Barrow (ow.ly/y2af7) and on the Puritan Hard Drive (ow.ly/dZ3ua). The Sin of Ishtar or Easter Worship, Idolatry In the Church and God Hates False Worship by Jim Dodson, William Perkins, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Greenhill, Kevin Reed and Others (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books, Etc.) ow.ly/y2al4 New Free SWRB Android App, Free SWRB iPhone and iPad App Too, With Many Free Covenanter, Puritan and Reformed MP3s, Books and Videos By Greg Price, Various Westminster Divines (Samuel Rutherford, George Gillespie and Others), Jim Dodson, et al. ow.ly/xWHlQ Are Easter, Christmas, Other Popish/Pagan Holy Days (Not Authorized In the Bible), Man-Made Hymns and Musical Instruments In Worship, Etc., Idols? - According To the Classic Reformed View Of The Second Commandment (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books) ow.ly/y2amH The Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. - Pastor Greg Price ow.ly/dZ3ua. Phenomenal Message About Practical Atheism and How Christians and Unbelievers Practice This Sin As Individuals, Families, Churches and States, and How Practical Atheism Leads To the Breakdown Of All Levels Of Society by Jim Dodson (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books) ow.ly/y2aqi ow.ly/dZ3ua If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive (ow.ly/dZ3ua) provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert. - Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar, covenanter.org/ - ow.ly/dZ3ua FREE SWRB iPhone & iPad App ow.ly/dZ57X Puritan Hard Drive Reviews bit.ly/c5MGjL Christmas, Easter, Lent, And The Cross - Pagan/Roman Catholic/Antichrist Holy Days [Holidays] In The Church, Family, And Society (FREE MP3 at sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=1170810520) Gods Will Vs. Mans Will In Worship, Romanism and Arminianism In Worship Are Heresy (The Plausibility Of Will Worship To Worldly Wisdom, Colossians 2:23, the Regulative Principle Of Worship [RPW], Etc.) By Jim Dodson, John Calvin, Greg Price, et al. puritandownloads/gods-will-vs-mans-will-in-worship-romanism-and-arminianism-in-worship-are-heresy-the-plausibility-of-will-worship-to-worldly-wisdom-colossians-2-23-the-regulative-principle-of-worship-rpw-etc-by-jim-dodson-john-calvin-greg-price-westminster-divines-dr-ste/ (Free Reformation MP3s, Videos and Books). John Calvin: ...God here cuts off from men every occasion for making evasions, since he condemns by this one phrase, I have not commanded them, whatever the Jews devised. There is then no other argument needed to condemn superstitions, than that they are not commanded by God: for when men allow themselves to worship God according to their own fancies, and attend not to his commands, they pervert true religion. And if this principle was adopted by the Papists, all those fictitious modes of worship, in which they absurdly exercise themselves, would fall to the ground. It is indeed a horrible thing for the Papists to seek to discharge their duties towards God by performing their own superstitions. There is an immense number of them, as it is well known, and as it manifestly appears. Were they to admit this principle, that we cannot rightly worship God except by obeying his word, they would be delivered from their deep abyss of error. The Prophets words then are very important, when he says, that God had commanded no such thing, and that it never came to his mind; as though he had said, that men assume too much wisdom, when they devise what he never required, nay, what he never knew. - John Calvin on the Puritan Hard Drive ow.ly/dZ3ua SOLA SCRIPTURA AND THE REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE OF WORSHIP BY BRIAN SCHWERTLEY (Free Book) ow.ly/xWGPM How False Worship Destroys Nations Under Gods Wrath By Jim Dodson, John Calvin, Greg Price, John Knox, Kevin Reed, Westminster Divines, Dr. Steven Dilday, Thomas Watson and Others (Free MP3s) ow.ly/xWHxk JOHN KNOX, ON THE REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE OF WORSHIP ow.ly/ARelH
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:23:31 +0000

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