ow.ly/B2yAi Antichrists Strategy: Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded - TopicsExpress


ow.ly/B2yAi Antichrists Strategy: Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded In Manhattan Declaration by R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, James White, Richard Bennett, W.J. Mencarow, Dr. Steven Dilday and Greg Price (Free Reformation Resources) ow.ly/B2yAi The Troubling Aspects of the Manhattan Declaration by James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries (Web, Text) ow.ly/B2yAi Making Shipwreck of the Faith: Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Together by Kevin Reed (Free Online Book) swrb/newslett/actualNLs/0_shipwr.htm Dr. R.C. SPROUL ON SWRB puritandownloads/r-c-sproul-on-swrb/ Other Comments on SWRB (Positive and Negative) puritandownloads/comments-on-swrb/ Sample Negative Comment: You will burn in hell. Hear that Still Waters? Youre going to burn Still Waters. Youre going to burn with all your other Puritan scum. Youre going to burn in the pits of the underworld. Satan will rip the flesh from your skull. - Answering machine message Sample Positive Comment: When I look up at the stars in the night sky my mind is boggled at Gods creation. When I see your work at SWRB I likewise marvel at Gods grace. I cannot get my mind around it any more than looking at the night sky. I am awe stuck at the books you provide for the world. - Sincerely, Greg P. (TX, USA) FREE MP3: Fruit of the Spirit #18 Live At Peace With Others, Biblical Separation, Heresy, Etc. by Greg Price sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=9114122292 If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. - Pastor Greg Price (Author, Theologian, Covenanter) ow.ly/gAu3F. Antichrists New Strategy - Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded In Manhattan Declaration by Richard Bennett (Free PDF by a former Roman Catholic priest who is now a Calvinist pastor) puritandownloads/antichrists-strategy-roman-catholic-agenda-embedded-in-manhattan-declaration-by-r-c-sproul-john-macarthur-james-white-richard-bennett-w-j-mencarow-dr-steven-dilday-and-greg-price-free-reformation-resources/ It is no coincidence that the ecumenical agenda of the Pope appears in the Manhattan Declaration. This Declaration is as important as the proclamation that launched the Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) movement in 1994. ... the Manhattan Declaration is only the latest step in the downgrade into implementing Catholic social doctrine. There is yet another purpose; one primarily stated in Vatican Council II and post-Vatican Council II documents. Through the use of social issues, the Roman Catholic Church seeks to draw true Evangelical Bible-believers into itself so that there can be no opposition by them on the fundamental issues of the authority of the Bible alone and the Gospel. In order to soften up the Evangelicals in their separation from the Catholics on biblical doctrinal issues, particularly the authority of the Bible alone and the Gospel, the Catholic modus operandi calls for using social issues on which both Evangelicals and Catholics agree as preliminary common ground... The Roman Catholic Churchs primary goal is to make enforceable its claim that it is the only true church of Jesus Christ and its pope, the claimed Vicar of Christ, has the right to judge everybody, as he did during the Middle Ages. ... the Manhattan Declaration itself must be read in the context of its Website if one is to comprehend what one is about to sign... In recognizing and signing onto MD, Evangelicals are sanctioning the Roman Catholic system and Orthodoxy as Christian. This is something they should have refused to do. - Richard Bennett The Puritan Hard Drive has been such a superb blessing to me! - Richard Bennett (former Roman Catholic priest, now Reformed Baptist), Berean Beacon bit.ly/ci3g2z. RICHARD BENNETT REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE (FULL REVIEW) ow.ly/6J3tT. The Manhattan Declaration: Why didnt you sign it, R.C.? by R.C. Sproul (Web, Text) ow.ly/B2yAi (8th item down) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. - 2 Corinthians 6:17, KJV The Roman Catholic (Papal, Jesuit) Inquisition, By Former Roman Catholic Priest Richard Bennett (Free Videos & MP3s) ow.ly/xWuXY The Key To Pope Franciss Jesuit Identity By Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest Who Is Now A Christian) ow.ly/xWu2X. Pope Francis Shows His True Colors By Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest) and Classic Reformation Teaching On Antichrist and the Jesuits by John Calvin, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon and Others (Free Videos, MP3s Books etc) ow.ly/xWufc I do not think that it is an exaggeration to say that the Puritan Hard Drive presents an historic and singular opportunity. - Dr. Steven Dilday ow.ly/71ceL ow.ly/xWuOq Classic Reformation Eschatology Identifying The Beast & False Prophet By Greg Price (4 Free MP3s) With Many More Free MP3s On the Beast & False Prophet By John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, Jonathan Edwards, W.J. 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If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert. - Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar, covenanter.org/ - bit.ly/ci3g2z FULL REVIEW: PASTOR GREG L. PRICE RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE ow.ly/gAtQr Free MP3s: Antichrist and Eschatology In the Teachings of the Early Church Fathers by Dr. Steven Dilday ow.ly/xWuwp The Antichrist, Man Of Sin, In Our Midst, Classic Reformed Eschatology & Prophecy by Richard Bennett, W.J. Mencarow, Greg Price, et al. 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Student and scholar alike can benefit from the Puritan Hard Drive and to pass over such a resource would be an immeasurable loss. - Dr. Kenny Rhodes (PhD, DRE, Founder, President, Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Scofield Graduate School and Theological Seminary, Host and Bible Teacher for the Reason for Hope TV program) ow.ly/fPY4o How Reformed Eschatology Pinpoints Antichrist In the Bible; or, The Papacy Prophesied In Scripture (Free Reformed MP3s, Books & Videos)ow.ly/xWuRU Are You Looking For A Covenanter Church Or Are You Interested In Covenanter Worship (Along The Lines Of The Original Intent Of The Westminster Standards)? If So, Please Email Pastor Greg Price At covpastor@gmail For More Information About How To Take Part In A Covenanter Service, From Your Location, Via Conference Call. Over 600 Free MP3 Sermons By Greg Price Are Also At sermonaudio/go/29065. FREE MP3: The So-Called English Standard Version and Bible Manuscripts, Texts, Separation, etc. by Dr. Theodore Letis sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=860711134 It is like the treasures that were taken out of Solomons temple. It is packed with such knowledge, understanding and so much wisdom I can fully understand how our Puritan forefathers walked in such fear of the Lord that they sought His and only His will to be done in their lives. I was struggling with life in general and felt that I was slipping so far away from God that I just could not see the way back, when I started looking into the Puritan Hard Drive. I was short on finances but willing to part with a treasured Matthew Henry 5 volumes in order to pay for the Puritan Hard Drive. Well only just after a month of continuously looking into the Puritans (on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.), reading some and listening to the audio I feel that the Lord in His good kindness and His abounding mercy has once again assured me of His wonderful gracious Love towards His own. Ive got other Christian teaching material but nothing compares to what the Lord has done using Still Waters Revival Books to bring these books together and putting them all in one small compact 21st century device. It is TRULY amazing. I am the very least of all true Christians and what the Puritan Hard Drive has done for my spiritual revival is so wonderfully great, I wholeheartedly recommend getting this Puritan Hard Drive at whatever cost. - Paul Blyth, Plymouth, England (UK)ow.ly/fPY4o Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded In Manhattan Declaration by R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, James White, Richard Bennett, W.J. Mencarow, Dr. Steven Dilday and Greg Price (Free Reformation Resources) puritandownloads/antichrists-strategy-roman-catholic-agenda-embedded-in-manhattan-declaration-by-r-c-sproul-john-macarthur-james-white-richard-bennett-w-j-mencarow-dr-steven-dilday-and-greg-price-free-reformation-resources/
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:09:48 +0000

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