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ow.ly/ChSRo All Civil Rulers Are Obligated To Submit To The Sovereignty & Kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ According To the Bible (Free MP3s & Books) ow.ly/ChSRo And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers... - Isa. 49:23a, KJV ow.ly/ChH22 A Kings Obligation to Jehovah (1/4) The Biblical, Reformation & Covenanter Doctrine Of Civil Government by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3) ow.ly/ChH22 A Kings Obligation to Jehovah (2/4) The Biblical, Reformation & Covenanter Doctrine Of Civil Government by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3) ow.ly/ChH22 A Kings Obligation to Jehovah (3/4) The Biblical, Reformation & Covenanter Doctrine Of Civil Government by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3) ow.ly/ChH22 A Kings Obligation to Jehovah (4/4) The Biblical, Reformation & Covenanter Doctrine Of Civil Government by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3) ow.ly/ChH22 Christs Kingship Over the Nations Maintained and Defended in the Establishment Principle, or, The Principle of the National Recognition of Religion by C. J. Brown puritandownloads/christs-kingship-over-the-nations-maintained-and-defended-in-the-establishment-principle-or-the-principle-of-the-national-recognition-of-religion-by-c-j-brown/ And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. ... And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. - Revelation 19: 11-16, KJV ow.ly/ChH22 The Subjection of Kings and Nations to Messiah 1 of 2 (Christs Sovereignty, Kingship, Authority, And Rule Over All Countries) by James R. Willson (Free MP3) ow.ly/ChH22 The Subjection of Kings and Nations to Messiah 2 of 2 (Christs Sovereignty, Kingship, Authority, And Rule Over All Countries) by James R. Willson (Free MP3) ow.ly/ChH22 Prince Messiahs Claims To Dominion Over All Governments: And The Disregard Of His Authority By The United States, In The Federal Constitution by James R. Willson (Free MP3) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=21002233618 Prince Messiahs Claims To Dominion Over All Governments: And The Disregard Of His Authority By The United States, In The Federal Constitution by James R. Willson (Free Book) covenanter.org/JRWillson/princemessiah.htm Biblical Civil Government Versus the Beast and the Basis for Christian Civil Resistance by Greg Price (Free MP3) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=4250134432 Biblical Civil Government Versus the Beast and the Basis for Christian Civil Resistance by Greg Price (Free Book) swrb/newslett/actualNLs/bibcg_gp.htm Reformation is desperately needed in our languishing nations. In the past, not only did biblical reformation sweep the church in doctrine, worship, and government, but also reformation of biblical Christianity was promoted and accelerated by Christian magistrates who wholeheartedly supported and defended the ministry of the reformed churches. Reformation is never easy. The truth is no more fashionable today than it was at the time of our reformed and covenanted forefathers. If we would see reformation we must return to the old paths of our God and of our forefathers. What is presented in the following pages is not a novel view of civil magistracy, but one which is believed to be both biblical and representative of our reformed and presbyterian forefathers from the covenanted reformation at the time of the Westminster Assembly. Civil magistracy is a blessed ordinance of the living God, given to the human family in order that it might reflect the order in which God so much delights (For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace 1 Cor. 14:33). This ordinance should be so cherished by Gods people that when the ruling civil magistrate cannot be owned as the ordinance of God within a nation, the hearts of Gods people both sadly bemoan that fact and earnestly pray that God would in His mercy remove His righteous anger from the land and grant nursing fathers to the church. May God be pleased to open the eyes of His people to the need for reformation in the divine ordinance of civil magistracy. - Greg Price, Biblical Civil Government Versus the Beast; and, The Basis For Civil Resistance, free online at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/bibcg_gp.htm. What Is A Christian Nation? Christs Kingship and Lordship Over the Nations (Best Free Audio!) 17 Free MP3s by Greg Price, With More Free Resources by Samuel Rutherford, William Symington, et al. puritandownloads/what-is-a-christian-nation-christs-kingship-and-lordship-over-the-nations-by-greg-price-17-free-mp3s/ Moreover, to kings, princes, rulers, and magistrates, we affirm that chiefly and most principally the conservation and purgation of the religion appertains; so that not only they are appointed for civil policy, but also for maintenance of the true religion, and for suppressing of idolatry and superstition whatsoever: as in David, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah, and others, highly commended for their zeal in that case, may be espied. The Scottish Confession of Faith (written by John Knox and others), Chapter 24, 1560. Yet civil government has as its appointed end, so long as we live among men, to cherish and protect the outward worship of God, to defend sound doctrine of piety and the position of the church, to adjust our life to the society of men, to form our social behavior to civil righteousness, to reconcile us with one another, and to promote general peace and tranquility. - John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, 4:20:2 puritandownloads/civil-government-and-resistance/ The Biblical View Church and State by the Westminster Divines, Bannerman, Owen, Cunningham, Gillespie, Symington, Smeaton, MCrie, Price, Dilday, Barrow and Shaw (Free MP3s) puritandownloads/the-biblical-view-church-and-state-by-the-westminster-divines-bannerman-owen-cunningham-gillespie-symington-smeaton-mcrie-price-dilday-barrow-and-shaw-free-mp3s/ Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 by James M. Willson and Other Books and MP3s Defending the Classic Reformation Position on Civil Government (Free MP3 Audio Books, Free Online Books and Other Formats) puritandownloads/civil-government-an-exposition-of-romans-13-1-7-by-james-m-willson-and-other-books-and-mp3s-defending-the-classic-reformation-position-on-civil-government-free-mp3-audio-books-free-online-books-and-other-formats/ The orthodox churches believe also, and do willingly acknowledge, that every lawful magistrate, being by God himself constituted the keeper and defender of both tables of the law, may and ought first and chiefly to take care of Gods glory, and (according to his place, or in his manner and way) to preserve religion when pure, and to restore it when decayed and corrupted: and also to provide a learned and godly ministry, schools also and synods, as likewise to restrain and punish as well atheists, blasphemers, heretics and schismatics, as the violators of justice and civil peace. - George Gillespie, Works, 1:12. puritandownloads/civil-government-and-resistance/ Unlawful Taxation & Wicked Civil Governments That Disobey God & His Law, Free Reformation MP3s, Books & Videos puritandownloads/unlawful-taxation-wicked-civil-governments-that-disobey-god-his-law-free-reformation-mp3s-books-videos/ Taxes, Taxation, Covenanters and Civil Power, What Does the Bible Teach? Probably Not What You Think By Jim Dodson, Westminster Divines, Greg Price, John Knox, David Steele, Samuel Rutherford, James Willson, William Symington and Others puritandownloads/taxes-taxation-covenanters-and-civil-power-what-does-the-bible-teach-probably-not-what-you-think-by-jim-dodson-westminster-divines-greg-price-john-knox-david-steele-samuel-rutherford-james-willson-william-symington-and-others/ Civil Government (Politics) & The All Encompassing Worldwide Victory & Advance Of The Christs Kingdom by Dr. Steven Dilday (FREE MP3) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=98081215417 One factor behind this rising tension was that Huguenot political rhetoric had required a decidedly anti-royalist tone during the second and third civil wars. While Calvins Institution of the Christian Religion seemed to suggest that private citizens owed their obedience even to an ungodly king -- only lesser magistrates could legally oppose the authority of a wicked king -- his biblical commentaries published late in his life offered more intriguing possibilities. In his Readings on the Prophet Daniel first published in 1561, Calvin argued that when Daniel refused to obey King Darius, he committed no sin, since whenever rulers disobeyed God, they automatically abdicate their worldly power. Calvin went even further in his Sermons on the Last Eight Chapters of the Book of Daniel published posthumously in 1565. Describing the same biblical incident, Calvin argued that when Kings defy God, they are no longer worthy to be counted as princesŠ [And] when they raise themselves up against GodŠ it is necessary that they should in turn be laid low. - Mack P. Holt, The French Wars of Religion 1562-1629, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 2005), p. 78, ow.ly/ChH22 A Hind Let Loose by Alexander Shields (A Covenanter Classic!) puritandownloads/a-hind-let-loose-by-alexander-shields/ Against Romish Rites and Political and Ecclesiastical Tyranny, A Faithful Admonition to the Professors of Gods Truth in England (1554) by John Knox puritandownloads/against-romish-rites-and-political-and-ecclesiastical-tyranny-a-faithful-admonition-to-the-professors-of-gods-truth-in-england-1554-by-john-knox/ Act, Declaration, And Testimony, For The Whole Of The Covenanted Reformation by the Reformed Presbytery puritandownloads/act-declaration-and-testimony-for-the-whole-of-the-covenanted-reformation-by-the-reformed-presbytery/ An Inquiry Into the Times That Shall Be Fulfilled at Antichrists Fall; The Churchs Blessedness in Her Millennial Rest; The Signs that this Happy Season is at Hand; The Prophetic Number Contained in the 1335 Days... by Archibald Mason puritandownloads/an-inquiry-into-the-times-that-shall-be-fulfilled-at-antichrists-fall-the-churchs-blessedness-in-her-millennial-rest-the-signs-that-this-happy-season-is-at-hand-the-prophetic-number-contained-in-the-1335-days-by-archibald-mason/ DR. STEVEN DILDAY REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE puritandownloads/dr-steven-dilday-on-the-puritan-hard-drive/ Maybe now you can understand why the national reformations that took place in the OT always included the recognition and national confession of the sins of the fathers - for those sins brought Gods wrath upon the nation (2 Chr. 34:21, 2 Chr. 29:6-7, 2 Chron. 30:7-9, Ezra 9:6-10:2, Neh. 9:2-37). Previous attainments and obligations continue to bind the national moral person (for more on the moral person of nations and churches see Scotts Distinctive Principles of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, pp. 61, 70, 195f., 285f. and Roberts The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism, p. 150). Moreover, these teachings formed the biblical basis as to why the Reformers (especially during the second Reformation) where always eager to seek out the causes of Gods wrath, and repent of these, whether individual, ecclesiastical or national. The best Reformers did not try to gather together all manner of infidels, idolaters, sectarians, etc. and form some kind of general, moralistic, conservative crusade to uplift the nation - never! (Cf. Gillespies Another Most Useful Case of Conscience Discussed and Resolved, Concerning Associations and Confederacies With Idolaters, Infidels, Heretics, or Any Other Know Enemies of Truth and Godliness in his Treatise of Miscellany Questions, Works, volume two). They aimed at purifying and unifying the church, state and family on the basis of a covenanted uniformity - always seeking to be faithful to Christs Crown and Covenant and shunning all suggestions of humanly based solutions to the problems of the day! They looked first to Gods mercy and grace (after recognition and confession of sin of course) in their individual lives; and they werent about to start to build on a resurrected covenant of works, after having faithfully begun building on the covenant of grace, in the civil or ecclesiastical realms either - when dealing with the reformation of church and state. This is why the Reformations under Asa, Hezekiah, Josiah, Ezra and Nehemiah all involved the biblical aspects listed below. They sought to: 1. Nationally eradicate idolatry and false religion (with iconoclastic zeal) (cf. 2 Chron. 34:3-7; 2 Chron. 31:1; 2 Chron. 15:8; 2 Chron. 15:16, etc.). 2. Nationally promote the true worship, discipline, and doctrine of the church of Christ (2 Chron. 29:11-30:6; 2 Chron. 30:12-27; Ezra 10:10vv.; Neh. 10:31-32, etc.). 3. Nationally establish the one true religion and church (cf. 2 Chron. 34:8- 17; 2 Chron. 29:3-5; 2 Chron. 31:2-3; 2 Chron. 31:20-21; 2 Chron. 32:12, etc.). 4. Nationally confess their own sins and the sins of their fathers (2 Chron. 34:21; 2 Chron. 29:6-7; 2 Chron. 30:7-9; Ezra 9:6-10:2; Neh. 9:2-37, etc.). 5. Nationally publish the truth (2 Chron. 34:30; Ezra 10:7-8, etc.). 6. Nationally renew covenant with God (with specific regard to the present testimony) and set the state upon a fully covenanted biblical pattern, agreeing to nationally obey the law of God (2 Chron. 34:31; 2 Chron. 29:10; 2 Chron. 15:12-15; Ezra 10:3-4; Neh. 9:38-10:31, etc.). 7. Nationally cause (by civil power) the inhabitants of the nation to stand to the covenant (2 Chron. 34:32-33; 2 Chron. 15:12-13; Ezra 10:5, etc.). - Dr. Reg Barrow, A Contemporary Covenanting Debate; Or, Covenanting Redivivus (Dr. Reg Barrow Debates Joe Bell), free online at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/covdebrb.htm. There is not a single square inch of the entire cosmos of which Christ the sovereign Lord of all does not say, This is mine. - Abraham Kuyper puritandownloads/civil-government-and-resistance/ _____ The Lord Jesus Christ exercises, as Mediator, the offices of prophet, priest and King. The church bore ample testimony to his prophetic office, in the early ages of Christianity, in the writings of the Fathers, in their suffering to the death for holding the truth of the Bible, to be a revelation from heaven. To the doctrine of his priestly office, his servants bore witness in the 16th century, when justification through faith, without the works of the law, was taught and illustrated. The conflict then was between the heresies of the Papists respecting pardon by indulgences, penances, pilgrimages and purity, on the one side; and the meritorious offering of the son of God for sinners on the other. Then was the second great article of the churchs creed settled. For the truth of the priesthood of Christ, many thousand of saints laid down their lives, not counting them dear. The witnesses must finish their testimony, by bearing witness, and dying to seal it, for the princely honor and glory of him who is Lord of lords, and Prince of the kings of the earth. To the headship of the Mediator over the church as her only Lord, in opposition to that of the Pope or of any earthly potentate, our Fathers in Great Britain, nobly bore testimony in the pulpit, by the press, on the scaffold, at the stake of the martyr, and in the field of battle at Airsmoss and Bothwell Bridge. By the arguments which have been conducted in Europe and America against the despotic governments of the former, and the infidel regime of the latter, the church has been asserting the claims of her glorious Lord, to the homage of the commonwealths of the nations. Tyrants are yet on their thrones, and unholy republics refuse to acknowledge Him as Lord of all. The saints know this, mourn over it, and continue to plead with the nations, that Messiahs claims may no longer be set aside. To this topic, the following pages are consecrated. O Lord Jesus, by thy word and Spirit aid the writer, that he may ably, faithfully and successfully plead for the glory of thy kingdom that ruleth over all! ... Prince Messiah, then, is appointed to rule as Mediator over the whole of Jehovahs dominions; he is well qualified for the kingly office; he administers the kingdom in power and righteousness; he makes the kingdom of Providence to subserve the interest of the church; for the good of Zion, the lordship of the nations is subjected to him, and all the nations commanded, by the high and holy authority of the eternal, to acknowledge him, formally, as Lord of all to the glory of God the Father. - James R. Willson, Essay One: The Bible Claims Of Messiah To Authority Over All Governments in Prince Messiahs Claims To Dominion Over All Governments: And The Disregard Of His Authority By The United States, In The Federal Constitution, emphases added, free online book at covenanter.org/JRWillson/princemessiah.htm. _____ All Civil Rulers Are Obligated To Submit To The Sovereignty & Kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ According To the Bible (Free MP3s & Books) puritandownloads/all-civil-rulers-are-obligated-to-submit-to-the-sovereignty-kingship-of-the-lord-jesus-christ-according-to-the-bible-free-mp3s-books/
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 02:47:40 +0000

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