pa share lng. :3 ^_^ Here are 10 basic tips for showing every - TopicsExpress


pa share lng. :3 ^_^ Here are 10 basic tips for showing every day love. Remember: Happy wife, happy life. 1.Introduce her with a compliment. Saying something like “I’d like you to meet my beautiful wife,” or “Here’s my better half” goes farther than you may realize. Publicly recognizing her as your cherished partner validates that you love her. 2.Embrace when you see her. At the end of a long day conquering office battles and keeping the kids from climbing walls, you could both use a loving hug. Make a point of showing you missed her and are glad to be reunited. A big kiss doesn’t hurt, either. 3.Ask her how you can help. If this is a new one for you, she may think there’s a catch. With a sincere willingness to give a helping hand, ask how you can lift her burden. This gesture applies to more than yard work, but being in tune with her needs emotionally and spiritually, as well. Sometimes she just needs a listening ear. 4.Let her pick the movie. Or, if you’re playing games, let her choose. She needs to know her opinion counts in your marriage. Taking turns with these simple choices makes it easier to compromise on the bigger choices together. 5.Forgive her fast. She forgot to pack your lunch, or accidentally broke your TV remote. So, she’s human, after all? With all that she does right, let it go when she makes mistakes. After all, you’re no perfection yourself, cupcake! 6.Hold her hand in public. Some women are less inclined to public displays, but when appropriate, reach out and squeeze her hand. With the reassurance you’re proud she’s yours, she’ll walk a little taller, and smile a little bigger. 7.Write her love letters. You don’t have to be Shakespeare; the thought matters most here. Focus on specific things you love about her; the wrinkle in her nose when she laughs or how she finds joy in the little things. You can hide it in her makeup bag, under her pillow, or somewhere else shell discover it. She’ll be happily surprised and treasure your words for years to come. 8.Open the door for her. Chivalry is not dead. Opening the door is a gentlemanly way to take care of your lady. She likely grew up wanting to be a princess. Be her prince. 9.Carve out time for consistent date night. In an on-the-go digital world, it’s easy to get caught up in the minutia of kids, work, community, extended family and even church responsibilities. Set aside a weekly special night just for the two of you. It doesn’t need to be costly or extravagant. Just make an effort to court her, as you did when you were dating. 10.Let her fly. As her partner, you are in the best position to help her reach her dreams. - See more at: familyshare/10-simple-ways-to-make-your-wife-happy#sthash.C6Z0BnYr.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 04:00:36 +0000

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