New set of petition comments: I have - TopicsExpress

   New set of petition comments: I have sacrificed financially to support WBAI and Pacifica Foundation. It is only fair to society and the mission of Pacifica that the current board be replaced by competent, honest and committed people I have been listening and been a member since the late 60′s and am very sad that all this crap is happening. We prevailed last time and I want us to prevail again, keeping Lew Hill’s dream alive. I hope you win this lawsuit and we can get back on track! (It truly seems a shame to have to spend money this way when there are so many other places it could go to help listener sponsored radio!) I would hope that these activities of the herein mentioned “board” be seen as the actions of some whose agenda is contrary to the purpose for which the “serve” and as such be rejected in the whole. This is a terrible thing. We have worked so hard to maintain our wonderful WBAI and now this small band of mercenary cretins and scoundrels are pulling this trick!! Shame on them. May they rot in Hades!! I’m appalled at this colossal waste of money/energy so typical among us progressives that allows the parade of conservatism to pass us by. Stop it now! Pacifica is the most important independent news and information outlet in the US. Its continuation as a network and critical content is a vital necessity to preserve and enhance our democracy. Any effort to dismantle the decades old institutions must be absolutely opposed. Deplorable that the PNB cannot get their gears meshed and repair and correct the damage being done to the basis of the Foundation. As a long time supporter of Pacifica/KPFA I am appalled at the actions now being taken by the Board. It has taken 15 years to undermine the listener movement that stopped this action before; shame on Siegel for using his involvement then to help create this insidious self-serving situation now. Pacifica deserves better than this effort to tear it to bits while arguing over the crumbs. Dismantling pacifica is not an option….do all that’s possible to keep it as is DO NOT SELL WBAI’S FREQUENCY! Even if the Board were legally elected, it would not have the right to destroy the Foundation. It would be proper for the court to dismiss the Board and appoint a competent person to manage the Foundation until a new Board can be elected honestly. I was a member of the Pacifica National Board of Directors in 2004, elected from the WBAI Local Station Board. While on the National Board I fought hard against some of these same people who did not then act according to their fiduciary responsibility, and who now are taking actions which could destroy the Pacifica Network. The Pacifica network of five stations around the United States are an American treasure of superb, award-winning investigative journalism and vibrant cultural transmission, which can be seen in the massive Pacifica Radio Archives which preserves the priceless oral history of Pacifica Network programs since 1949, and is studied by scholars around the world who are researching 20th and 21st century American democracy, civil rights, and culture. The Pacifica Radio Network must not be allowed to be foolishly destroyed by some people who managed to get onto the Board and are acting against their fiduciary responsibilites, some of whom may stand to gain financially by its completely unnecessary dissolution or sale! These particular persons on the current board have taken destructive actions which if allowed to continue could financially screw up the Foundation they are required as Board members to protect and nuture! America deserves the Pacifica Network’s vibrant voice of intellectual, educative, and artistic freedom to continue! Pacifica is a national (and international) treasure. It is the most important source for information and ideas not aired on any of the mainstream media. It is essential to keep this treasure alive, and restore its power to disseminate alternative views, which almost certainly contain much important truth. I am committed to anything that will achieve this end. This includes the current lawsuit to save the network. WBAI is a precious resource but it has not been the same since they took off the WBAI news program. It was the heart of the station and the one reason I turned it on every day. Founder of KPFK, original funder of WPFW and KPFT, sustainer of KPFK, former chair of the Southern California Federation of Scientists when it started its Wizard Show on KPFK, loyal listener to whom Pacifica is endeared. This sounds like a COINTELPRO plot. A green party activist told me. I trust him on this issue. I think WBAI is a landmark that must be preserved. I’m a former producer at WBAI (of “Music of All the Americas”) as well as a frequent guest there on various programs. It would be a crime and a shame for this important NY station to die. I don’t know any of the petitioners except Janet Coleman, but will gladly support just about anything she favors. Even a slim majority must respect the other elected PNB members perspectives and the views of the community and paying members. No action to break up the Pacifica Network should be undertaken by those who never mentioned such a thing during the elections, which were over two years ago and are therefore of questionable current viability. Been listening to BAI for over 40 years. there is nothing like it on the radio dial. It belongs to the listeners and people of the greater metropolitan NY area and not to some west coast Faction that wants to destroy it. Pacifica is at best a shop of fools…perhaps this petition Will enable some cohesive “good” I have been a listener supporter of WBAI for most of its life. To lose it would be a disaster, not only for me, but for the USA. SAVE PACIFICA! Crazy, man crazy! What about all the issues that should bring us together? There are REAL enemies out there who should be our REAL concern..not creating serious breaches WITHIN Pacifica! It is almost criminal to break up Pacifica and sell off WBAI. I am a long term listener and contributor and as a retiree I certainly much appreciate the high quality of Programming WBAI delivers. It is the only radio station in the North-East which gives you outstanding programming without twisting the truth and no distortion. I plead you NOT to sell it. We need an independent voice in this awful corporate environment. “ Dan Siegel’s actions are destructive in EVERY way and they are egocentric and unethical! He must not be allowed to proceed and cause more problems…… This appears to be the final solution for the destruction of Pacifica. It had a great run. This is a shameful power grab, and antithetical to the philosophy and goals of the Pacifica foundation. This is the last bastion of anti corporate and commercial free radio where dissenting voices can be heard. It should be protected. This network belongs to the people, and to steal it and sell it is a criminal act. We, the people of the community, need to keep WBAI intact because of the integrity and quality of reporting. the information that WBAI provides to the listening audience is not available anywhere else in the public media. I have been a listener and active financial supporter for over 30 years. As an Irish Nationalist, I have a particular interest in knowing that Radio Free Erin will have the opportunity to continue to have access to the airways to inform the public on the truth about British injustice, torture and death in Ireland. And, as a human rights individual, I also listen carefully to many other programs on the air, time permitting. We need the good work of so many reputable reporters to have a voice. Do not allow this station to be silenced. I’m a KPFA member for its diverse news of diverse communities and countries. I do not contribute to the station to support a CWA labor union faction. Leave alone what has worked for decades. WBAI is one of the only ways I can hear what is happening in our world. The corporate media does not inform facts, evidence, but political opinions. We NEED WBAI!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:08:37 +0000

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