pang DAGDAG kaalaman para sa inyo. ^_^ about ANDROID. - TopicsExpress


pang DAGDAG kaalaman para sa inyo. ^_^ about ANDROID. :D Android refers to the concept of a humanoid“robot”, and on November 5, 2007, Google announced this to be the name of theopen source mobile operating system based on the Linux platform. The platformsoperating system, middleware, user interface, and application softwarecomposition was known as the first mobile terminal to create a truly completeand open mobile software system. Similar to the iPhone, the Android WebKitbrowser was enabled with touch screen, advanced graphics, and internetfunctionality. Users can use the phone to check their email, search the web,and watch videos online. In comparison to the systems that came before it suchas the iPhone, the Android system was a single integrated platform for theentire Web service instead of having a more centralized focus on searchfunctions such as that included in the iPhone browser. 2- APK APK or Android Package, is an acronym that refers toan Android installation package that is programmed in the Android phones fileformat. Similar to the APK format, the Nokia phones used to use sisx, sis, andjar formats to install the packaged files. APK files can be installed via the phone, through USB, or throughinstalling auxiliary programs on your computer. 3- ROM ROM in this case refers to the device firmware (insimple words, this is the mobile operating system installation package) formobile devices such as the Android system, the iPhone iOS, and Windows mobilephones. In order to install a new ROM to a mobile device, the device must firstbe unlocked before the ROM can be flashed to the device. “Flashing” refers to writing a new ROM to a mobile device byreplacing the firmware with a new firmware. 4- RAM RAM or Random Access Memory is a storage partitionof the phone that is used to store and preserve temorary data. It can read andwrite at any time, and RAM is usually the temporary storage medium for theoperating system or other programs that are running. (referred to as systemmemory) 5- Recovery Recovery can be reached through the VOLUME UP + HOME + POWERbutton combination, and is often referred to as recovery mode. Simply put, Recovery is a flashing interface. You may beaware of the dos interface or winPE in computers. Recovery is the equivalent ofthe dos interface to system security. You can choose to install the systemrecovery interface, ghost backup your system, restore your system, or manyother things. Flashing a recovery andflashing a ROM do not conflict with each other. In this mode you can carry out a lot of advanced operations,for example, convert partition format, backup, restore, install a patchpackage, empty non-system data, and format the partitions, among other things.This mode is very powerful, and controlling clock speeds of the processor aresome of the more common usages. Generally when the phone is in the “Off” state,press VOLUME + HOME and hold them. Then press POWER to enter the state. Also,you can enter through the adb and restart Tools. Use the VOLUME UP or VOLUMEDOWN buttons to select, and the POWER button to confirm. There is someoperating risks, so be careful when performing these actions. VD kernel related options for instance, are explained below: Reboot system now restart the phone -Apply sdcard: installation rootdirectory of the SD -Wipe data / facktory reset to clear user data, restorefactory settings -Wipe cache partition to clear the cache -Install zip from sdard install zip from SD card -Backup and restore backup and recovery -Mounts and storage mount memory See advanced settings-advanced CWM the SP kernel initialinterface -Voodoo lagfix VD kernel lagfix settings - + + + + + Go Back + + + + + to return to the previouslevel 6 – Double Wipe This is an option in the Recovery statewhose role is to clear the cache. This process needs to be carried out before ageneral flashing wipe. 7 – The 3 Fs in recovery mode are Format data, Format thecache, and Format the system. Thisformats the 3 partitions. Format data will format the data partition and shouldbe used with caution, as user data can be lost. Format cache formats the cachepartition, and format system will format the system partition. This should alsobe used with caution, as errors can result in bricking the device. 8 – Coal mining To reach the Coal mining mode, press theVOLUME+HOME+POWER button combination. 9- Root Root privileges can be likened to the Windows systemsAdministrator privileges. The Root Super Android system administrator useraccount has sovereign rights to the entire system. This account is able to modify and operate all objects on the device. Systems cannot be changed orrevised unless it is through the Root permissions. 10- adb Adb or Android Debug Bridge can be used through Eclipse DDMSto debug Android applications. In fact, the Google Android system uses thesedebugging tools. In addition to the above feature, we can do adb statemanagement on the device, or use it as a mobile device simulator. It can alsobe used to enter the various states of the phone such as the recovery,installation programs, copy files, or even run the shell. 12- External SD Memory, Internal Memory The technical name for this type of memory is “built-innon-volatile mass memory”, but is more commonly known as ROM or Read OnlyMemory. Obviously, this type of memory is not actually read only, or else wewouldn’t be able to make changes to the internal memory, and smartphones wouldsimply be pretty bricks with call functions. External SD Memory (abbreviated SD Card) are memory storagedevices that are bought separately from the mobile devices, and can be insertedinto the device to increase onboard storage space. 13- 3E The so-called 3E version is nothing more than the Samsungofficial update package. 2.2 Samsung recovery 2E and the 3E version are notbackwards compatible, so the ClockworkMod cannot be applied to 3E. 14- lagfix Originally the Samsung disk format was RFS, which had verylow efficiency, so to solve this problem, Samsung introduced the program calledlagfix. When flashing this package to Samsung phones, it converted the systempartition to a format with higher efficiency. 15- VOODOO This is a mainstream kernel whose default recovery is CWM, andwhich has been integrated into the lagfix programs (this doesn’t mean thatflashing this kernel will also install lagfix). 16- Odin3 Referred to as OD or ODIN, this is software that will flashRoms to mobile devices through USB input. 17- Radio The radio module (also called baseband) includes GSM, GPRS,EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA, and GPS communication protocol drivers is responsiblefor communication between communications between mobile devices. But, this isnot responsible for WiFi and Bluetooth functionality. You can flash basebandthrough odin using the ROM phone.tar ZIP files. Flashing baseband is not required if your connection is alreadygood. 18- Kernel The kernel is the basic component of the operating system.It is the part of the software that provides secure access to the computerhardware for many applications. The kernel can decide which functions arerestricted or limited for each program or application, and the timeframes thateach process can use hardware. 19- FC Short for Force-close or forcibly closed, this is mainly anerror that occurs when a program encounters a fatal error and needs toterminate the process. 20- Phone is “bricked” Cell phone enthusiasts jokingly refer to the failed flashingof a rom to a mobile device and the subsequent disabling of the phone’s bootprocesses as “bricking” the phone. If this is manufacturer induced, the phonebecomes useless – a veritable “brick” of useless hardware and circuitry.Thankfully, if the “bricking” of the phone is only due to the improperinstallation of the new system, you can fix the issue through the bootloaderand recovery interfaces. 21- font This is different from the typefont that many of us arefamiliar with. Font in this case refers to the phone font, which is essentiallythe read-only memory of the phone. If your phone font becomes damaged orcorrupted, there is a good chance that you will brick your phone, so don’ttamper with it unless you feel like having a useless hunk of scrap metal! 22- Android Play Store The Android Play Store or Play Store is the hub for alldeveloped applications for the Android platform. It can be directly compared tothe Apple App Store, and includes a vast majority of the apps that are found inits Apple counterpart. Users can browse, download, and install all types ofapplications, and while many are free, there are also many that are paid, sothis provides an incentive for many major media companies to develop forAndroid in order to increase profits. 23- CM CM stands for CyanogenMod, which was founded by Steve Kondikin 2009. CyanogenMod is a launcher shell for Android and can be flashed fromROM. Currently, CM is available in CM7, CM9, and the beta CM10 versions. 24- SPL SPL stands for “Secondary Program Loader” which isresponsible for detecting the hardware, looking for other portions of thesystem boot partition, and loading the ROM. Simply put, it is the flashingsecurity suite that ensures that flashing a ROM will not fail. These can bedivided into two types: either “Hard-SPL” and “Soft-SPL”. 25- Upgrade SPL In order to upgrade the SPL, the phone must first beconnected to a computer via USB cable. Secondly, we must ensure that ActiveSyncis synchronized. Then, disable the automatic sleep and hibernation options forthe computer to ensure that the flashing process does not fail due tocomputer-side failures. Finally, make sure that the phone battery is above 50%so that the phone will not automatically shut down while the files are being flashed. 26- Flash Memory This is memory that comes with specialized storage such ason mobile devices with items that are already preloaded such as applications,pictures, music, etc. Under normal conditions, these types of memory areread-only, and will not allow users to overwrite preexisting data. 27- EEPROM EEPROM mainly stores user settings such as ringtones,sounds, desktop settings, third-party installations, etc. Under normalcircumstances, the user is allowed to read and write to the memory. 28- restoring factory settings Restoring factory settings will erase all user settings onthe mobile device, so before performing this action, it is recommended to backup all user data. This process rewrites the current ROM on your mobile devicewith the stock ROM that the device originally came preloaded with. Depending onwhich maker or system, restoring factory settings will erase user settings,installed software, or some combination of both. This will not erase SMS orContacts, but in general, this option will only reset flash memory, and notreset the EEPROM. 29- ENG S-OFF This process refers to the HBOOT security identificationwhere “S” refers to “Security Lock”. ENG is an abbreviation of “Engineer,” soENG S-OFF can be understood to enter the engineering mode to turn off thesafety lock of the device. 30- OTA OTA refers to “Over the Air” updates. These updates areusually downloaded using a data connection as opposed to the normal WiFidownload. The point of these types of updates is that they can be downloaded atany time. 31- Fastboot Fastboot literally means starting quickly. In fact, fastbootis a special method of booting the phone through the computer that can allowthe user to access a streamlined set of options that increase the efficiency ofperforming some processes. 32- Superuser A superuser is a root permission management software. This software is designed to help you managewhich applications on your device have root permissions in order to avoid anyunintentional damage to your device from malicious or untrusted applications. 33- APP to SD, APP2SD Some Android systems have the option to move applicationdata from the internal memory to the SD card, and still be able to effectivelyrun the programs. This method can also be used to transfer appdata to and fromphones without having to re-input all previously entered data. Another use forAPP2SD is that by moving appdata to the SD card, it frees internal memory fromclutter and improve phone speeds. 34- RUU (HTC) RUU or ROM Update is an official version of a new ROM forusers to download from HTC. The updates can be varied from models, salesregions, or hboot versions, so it is normally good to weigh your options andmatch versions before attempting to flash these updates. These updates can alsobe unstable builds, so in most cases, it is more safe to wait for the stableversions to come out through the proper channels. 35- HOSTS Hosts is an system file extension that can be modified usingNotepad. Its role is to match common URL domain names to the corresponding IPaddresses. This establishes an associated database for the browser so that whena user inputs the URL, the system automatically finds the corresponding IPaddress from the Hosts file first. If the IP is not found, the system will thensend the URL to the DNS server for IP lookup.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 17:23:59 +0000

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