part 10 on 11.09.2013 (riots in India) INDIAN MUSLIM ORGANIZATION - TopicsExpress


part 10 on 11.09.2013 (riots in India) INDIAN MUSLIM ORGANIZATION (IMO) INDIAN:THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN INDIAN CONSTITUTION MUSLIM ; THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN RELIGION OF PEACE ORGANIZATION;THIS ORGANIZATION IS FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN CONSTITUTION OF INDIA,AND WHO BELIEVE IN TEACHING OF ISLAM Thanks for reading my article it help me to write more why this riot take place? maximum riot take place for political gain,and who suffer? innocent people who have nothing to do with this politician simple way out is do not try to change constitution by bringing amendment which are some time unnecessary, except constitution , because it was written with great care,do not try to mix culture,religion,festival,but keep separate identity,and respect each other not go to any other religious festival which you have no faith in,(what will happen by not doing this,akelesh yadav ,mulayam singh do not required to were scull cap just thinking that muslim will get impress and BJP and other like minded organization will not thinking that they are muslim supporter and polarized the vote as i said before job of politician is to take care of power.water,and other development,muslim or christian leader do not have to go to other religious function to impress other,because this festival is matter of faith,)you should respect each other and there culture. in 1984 Indira Gandhi had given strong warning to the committee of golden temple that religious place should not be allowed to use to rage a war against country that is terrorism, but they did not listen then Indira was force to take action,action was right it was as per law, but some people killed Indira that was wrong,after that some people from congress took whole committee for task was more bigger crime ,so when some xyz from any committee does something wrong do not take whole committee for task ,but every Indian should catch that culprit and hand over to police and let law take its course. and culprit should not be let free. just because congress was responsible for 1984 sikh riot that does not give BJP,or VHP,Bajarang DAl,sanathan darma,to create more bigger riot in 92 mumbai riot were more than 1000 Indian died,gujarat riot,more than 2000 Indian died,and this people may advani or modi becoming deputy PM and CM is slapped on indian culture and constitution the leader who may not be involved himself but he is responsible for not having control on law and order,incompetent person asking vote to be PM is shame and true India will not like it,only those person will vote him who are dreaming of hindu rastra,same way in j&k if yasin malik or mirwaz faroouqui,sajaad lone should not create a riot, why people do not understand that God had created one earth which is revolving around its own axis and around sun,we people created geographical and political boundaries that is country we all have excepted one constitution and that should be followed, why people do not understand that we have average life span of 60 years after that we will die ,so spread rule of law if there is injustice done than that can be fought in court or way mahatma Gandhi taught us satyagraha .killing innocent person is crime in all religion. its our duty that our religious place may be masjid,temple, should not be allowed to rage a war against country, if you find any suspected people doing something wrong report to nearest police station ,that will stop riots and bomb blast,our unity is strength and difference is our greater weakness. CM who are unable to control riots or punish those who create riots,they should be shown back door it may be Modi or omar forooqui,assam cm or any CM from any state. Power corrupt fools,nobody in this world was able to conquered whole world, may be Alexander,nappolin,Hitlar,akbar,jengiz khan ,everybody and every living thing has to die one day everybody will die ,and next generation will not even know you,the house in which you are staying today,which you have build with lot of interest once you die after another 2 generation they will stay in your place but they will not know who you where. journalism :is voice of common man its should be a medium to carry voice of common man to Government,but nowadays it as become commercialized ,that is another danger ,TV news channel try to put own words into other mouth, my observation star plus,zee TV,cnn ibn,ibn lokmatta, you can call them BJP channel aaj tak,NDTV congress channel were is journalism,it as lost the track in commercial business. solution to avoid riots :1.police should not do partiality with any committee they should act neutral,they should give more priority to law. 2.those politician who speak for or against and who are unable to control riots automatically loose the power. 3.Muslim should be given example of pramvir chakra havaldarabdul hamid ,brigarder mohmed usman who was known navshera ka lion during 1947-48 war and many other who sacrifice there life for our loving country India then only Muslim will thing that they are part of our country,and there will many muslim who will sacrifice there life for our country india 5.stop creating 2nd or 3rd citizen but create only one citizen 6.journalist should act in maturity. 7.we all have responsibility to preserve our constitution. jai hind, jai hind,jai hind we salute our jawaan and kisan due to whom we live in peace,and sleep well. president ASIF KAZI
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 18:11:30 +0000

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