part from anything else, the wind only blows sometimes. At others, - TopicsExpress


part from anything else, the wind only blows sometimes. At others, a fan on your chimney is fair set to pull it down. Just like the regularly appearing pictures in newspapers of huge turbines in the countryside which have keeled over in gales. One of the staples of newspaper coverage of wind power is the description of some new wind farm as having the capacity to supply 10,000 homes or some such. Invariably, the figure quoted is what you’d get if the wind were just right all the time. But the fact is that most of the time the weather is too calm or at the other extreme turbines have to be stopped or they blow up. The actual practical output is a fraction of that quoted and not even timed to coincide with use. The wind does not conveniently decide to blow just when everyone is boiling kettles for their evening tea. The newspapers should be ashamed for misleading people – and not just about that topic! You need other sources of energy to fill the gap apart from the sheer cost of wind power systems......Read article for more.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:24:42 +0000

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