part one A New Energy Source: And Depletion of Natural - TopicsExpress


part one A New Energy Source: And Depletion of Natural Resources By Matthias David Todd An Internet Hypertext Book: Chapter 1 Todd Railroad Plan: Watermill Electrical Turbine Power Watermill Electrical Turbine Generation idea This is a peak oil documentary and what is happen to world oil reserves. youtube/watch?v=snK_1Oba7Og Peak Oil and the Future of Energy (Full Documentary) It amazing to think such a small watermill can generate so much power to saw wood. youtube/watch?v=pCGBUgv1RvM time 1:54-2:05 minutes, My watermill electrical turbine generation idea will change the world. I want small watermills and turbines the size of a lawn mower or smaller. What if the roman aqueduct system was brought back to some extent and there was a dropped of every two feet or what ever magical number that used the force of gravity and water to rush through a confined area. Small ship propeller blades or regular watermills could be used and a electrical turbine added to the watermill and it could generate an unlimited amount of electrical energy. Large watermills are not need. Think small. Hydroelectric dams are huge waste of materials, man power and resources. Large dams like Grand Coulee Dam take up a lot of space and huge amount of over costs. Watermills dont have to be big. The weight water and gravity spins watermill cups and small watermills can be added up and down a river on both sides every 25 feet and reduction gears used and an unlimited amount power generated that is more environmentally friendly. The old roman aqueduct system could be brought back to some extent but with small water mills in the stream of water. Using Pythagorean math of the triangle, rise and run and gravity and stream gradient a system of canals, streams, rivers and ocean currents could be used to generate electricity. Ocean watermills can work near the coastline in tandem with windmills and oceanmills take advantage of tidal power as the ocean rushes in and out and as ocean current flow around the world. How much electricity can be generated from the gravitational drop of say two feet by two feet, or whatever is need in rise and run and distance and how far apart would the watermills would need to be placed say every 25 feet on both sides of a river. The main idea is small the watermills and keep everything simple and small and maximize river banks and ocean coastlines or however far out oceanmills could be placed safely and still have an aesthetically pleasing scenery. Big watermills are not needed to generate electricity. Small watermills above or below the Mississippi river, taking into account for silt and floating debris like trees, could be used in a long term whether small concrete barrier were made that channeled water through the watermills under the water and had metal screens to keep out wildlife and debris. I need to watermill/ windmill hybrid the electrical turbine to generate electricity. Gears meet watches, Rolex (rolex/) watch gears go around and make things easier as gears are reduced or enlarged to generate torque, https://youtube/watch?v=odpsm3ybPsA Gear Basics https://youtube/watch?v=rauJq_LTMYI Water Mill Demonstration at Otterton Mill time 0:42-2:21 Mechanical advantage like pulleys can be used, like when a block and tackle and rope, to pull up huge amounts of weight that you normally couldnt pick up. https://youtube/watch?v=hoO7PtR0ujY Watch Making Art part 1 Wood is easily renewable and cheaper than metal and last longer if the watermills for generating electricity were made from the watermill buckets and crank shaft were made of wood and as many parts as possible for the whole idea out of recyclable materials. The above video is good because of watermills and gears and is a good visual aid. Watermills and oceanmills can use small ship propellers blades or traditional old fashion watermill blades. watermills can be made very small like Swiss Watches and under water or above water and not even noticeable aesthetically and made friendly to the wildlife above or below the water. /////////////////////////// fix below add above Ocean mills/watermills kinetic energy of ocean waves coming in and out spins watermills and generates electricity and can work in tandem with ocean-windmills. Floating windmills can coexistence oceanmills and both are green energy technologies and combined power outlet would be more than just sing windmills on the land and on the ocean and if ocean river currents were used as the ocean comes in and out and the power was harnessed an significant amount of new additional power can be generated and fix Americans foreign dependency on middle eastern oil. youtube/watch?v=7F76wReAveI The great watermill dvd (first part) In the winter water freezes and ice would cause watermills to be locked and frozen but underwater oceanmills like ships propeller would still spin from ocean or river currents (using kinetic forces and gravity or small blades spinning like a Swiss watch water moving bigger parts) but power would have to be rerouted from warmer areas on the power grid to colder areas and in some places where lakes are frozen and there rivers are to shallow electricity generation would not be usable from my idea. There is another problem with my watermill idea. If the slope of a river is shallow and the river moves slow and it would produce less electricity. My watermill electrical generation idea would end the foreign dependency on oil for the most part trade ships but you could make hybrid sailboat shipping boats wind and oil and it would reduce consumption until technology catches up if possible in the future Watermills and windmills/oceanmills could generate electricity and be used together all around the world and dump hydrocarbons technology for the most part. For every action there is a reaction. The net effect of millions of small watermills generating electricity would slow rivers and ocean currents changing the weather patterns but it would take a lot of oceanmills and watermills and windmills to do this. As the ocean comes in and out if you added electrical watermill power generation turbines, it would drag on the watermill, like ship propellers blades and slow the currents down even by a fraction of the power changing deep ocean current and weather patterns. ////////////////////////////////////////// Watermill electrical turbine power can be generated in portable water pipes underground as cities pump water using gravity and spinning ship propeller blades. Watermills could be added every 25 feet in all city water pipes and a long lasting simple blades added underground that would be designed last long so there wouldnt have to be any reconstruction until the whole system wears out. If the flow of water was fast enough and did stop the portable water as friction and water spun blades, small electrical turbines like Swiss made watches could be used and anywhere where water flows down hill small watermill could be used to generate electricity. Strong pumps in portable water systems would be needed to force water up hill for urban or agrarian farm use and if a system where the pumping stations used less energy than the spinning water propellers blades used that the watermills turbines could create electricity and along every portable water piping sewage system an electrical wire cable system added and electrical sent to the electrical grid from of water and gravity spinning blades and that force being harnessed to create usable power. We could build portable water system and farming aqueduct watermill electrical turbine system that would last thousands of years unlike American portable water/ sewage systems that need replacing ever so often. Every 25 feet through the whole system all water cannels and portable water systems could have watermills turbines attached all the way from the water source to terminal source. When rains on a skyscraper and the was runs down side of the building if the building was put a slight angle of three percent, or what ever percent was needed, the water could be funneled into small rain gutters and ship propeller blades added and small electrical turbines to make power. There are an endless amount of variations of water and gravity and watermills electrical turbine ideas that could use ocean currents, windmills and watermills together and generate clean green renewable energy. Even urban water ditches could be retrofitted, if there was enough rainwater in the watershed during the raining season as water flows to the lowest point, with watermill turbines that generated water in the rainy season and would be idle in dry seasons. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// All of California Aqueduct System or the Central Valley River Project could be retrofitted along the sides of the river and watermill turbines added to create even more electricity. It would be easy to retrofit any concrete water canals for farming with watermills and electrical turbines and electrical power lines headed to cities for power usage that isnt coal based or dirty nuclear based energy. The variations of water ditches, streams and rivers ocean currents or anywhere water flows that can turn a watermill can be harnessed and blades and create electricity. https://youtube/watch?v=MQ3gpMUFPpU Construction of the Colorado Aqueduct to Southern California https://youtube/watch?v=O-3jAQ5sd9g The Colorado River Aqueduct ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// One negative draw back of my watermill idea would be the shifting power struggles of Oil Rich Corporations and countries that would loose revenue and military might and could cause negatives consequences politically. Also if possible where there is an excess of electrical power generated from watermills and oceanmills, it should be rerouted to areas that lacking rivers or ocean access and as a form of redistribution of wealth and natural resources and even to rich countries England and Japan where they have large populations; my idea of a low cost power source could be like cut down to building it and maintain and running and then divide the power out as fairly as possible. Russia has lots of rivers England less and Russia could become very wealthy from watermills but the extra power generated should be redistributed to areas where they are lacking rivers and ocean access. On Cspan Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke said something if I remember right about, Not every country can be an exporter and not every country and importer. What that means is that some countries are oil rich but iron ore poor or countries rich in trees but other have nothing but sandy deserts and the worlds economy if it is to survive will have to work together in a more peaceful fashion and not relay as much on profits but survivability of humanity in general in a peak oil economic environment where copper supplies are running short and water source polluted and so forth. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Rivers and Oceans Currents of the World I forgot a major point in my watermill idea and that is Land Ownerships Rights along river banks and ocean shores and shallow ocean coastlines. If a energy corporation was to buy the whole Mississippi river and the banks, it would be like Exxon Mobil giant oligarchy and would have to much power over people. If the river banks and ocean was public property and a commons area, electrical power would only cost construction cost and maintenance cost and labor cost. This way energy power harnessed would serve mankind and not enslave mankind. The people who currently own the ocean waterfront property or riverbank property could be paid for the land up front of a low percentage of profits for a short period of time 50 years or 75 year, basically a pay check for their property for their whole lifetime but not to be passed down to their kids. this would stop large profits being made and kept by the one percent. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Subchapter Urban Planning Planned Obsolescence: Planning on Products to Breaking youtube/watch?v=9GorqroigqM Story of Stuff (2007, OFFICIAL Version) EDIT We need to stop making designing products to last a short time and are put in the dump. People work all day at minimum wage and barely afford gas to work, a car loan, apartments cost, food and insurance on the car. Normal people, the 99 percent, dont even have enough money to buy long lasting wool coats at 300 dollars a coat that last 10 years over a acrylic plastic hydrocarbon coats that last two years or so and is made out of gasoline oil derived products and that pollutes the earth. Big cities like New York, where there are skyscrapers, the metal is worth more than the buildings and they will have be torn down. we can only mine so deep because of temperatures and humans can only mine so deep without machines. Even if deeper mining is used, there is only so much metal in the earths crust. the world plants and animal species are depleted and new forms of food sources will have to come through breeding programs, genetically engineered like horse thoroughbreds. garbage dumps will be mined for copper and other precious metals. big cites will spread to the rural. ...most of peak oil/ resources and urban planning has already been discussed written about by better people than me. This is a peak oil documentary youtube/watch?v=snK_1Oba7Og peak oil and what is happening to oil sources. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// My railroad watermill idea would end the social security budget shortfalls because of revitalization of the economy. My idea would prolong oil reserves and connect the economy through green electricity and slow the demise of the Industrial revolution. aluminum works for electrical power conductive material and is availably for world wide watermill/ windmill railroad idea. I need to work on watermill turbine/ extra electro conductive metal needed for overall addition of worldwide enhanced smart power electrical grid and also hardened for EMT pulse-solar flares….it is needed to take in overall environmental damage from diversion of water to habit. youtube/watch?v=E9V5umy5-98 Copper Mining and Smelting - 1949 Educational Documentary - Ella73TV /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Environmental Cost of Watermill Electricity: Pollution Created from Mining and Smelters work on grammar and smooth our sentences below. The biggest problem of my Watermill Electrical Turbine Power idea and Todd Railroad Plan is the extra global worldwide demand for more metal for infrastructure of my ideas and the overall environmental cost. gigantic amounts of new iron would need to me minded and refined for all types of usages from heavy equipment machines, to bridges, railroad tracks, electrical power high wires and so forth. When refining metal there are toxic by products and watermill electrical turbines would have a global rate of pollution created by such a large project and the damage to the earth would have to be mitigated as much as possible. aluminum smelting and strategic resources needed to keep the industrial revolution going https://youtube/watch?v=4dLVAwAiZHE Aluminum - Smelting - From Mine to Metal Products 1940s electrical power cables and refining metal and negative drawbacks of pollution and when making aluminum in a smelter a toxic side effect is cyanide in spent anodes. expand this section Environmental issues of aluminum smelters[edit] The process produces a quantity of fluoride waste: perfluorocarbons and hydrogen fluoride as gases, and sodium and aluminum fluorides and unused cryolite as particulates. This can be as small as 0.5 kg per ton of aluminum in the best plants in 2007, up to 4 kg per ton of aluminum in older designs in 1974. Unless carefully controlled, hydrogen fluorides tend to be very toxic to vegetation around the plants. The perfluorocarbons gases are strong greenhouse gases with a long lifetime. The Soderburgh process which bakes the Anthracite/pitch mix as the anode is consumed, produces significant emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as the pitch is consumed in the smelter. The linings of the pots end up contaminated with cyanide-forming materials; Alcoa has a process for converting spent linings into aluminum fluoride for reuse and synthetic sand usable for building purposes and inert waste. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// youtube/watch?v=snK_1Oba7Og Peak Oil and the Future of Energy (Full Documentary) peak oil and what is happening to oil sources. repeated video edit later This is the new boat I need for peak oil running oil, a hybrid boat with sails for intercontinental trade and new cargo ships youtube/watch?v=dCg2olwl1kY Coast Guard Cutter Eagle crew in the rigging as ship sails to Texas https://facebook/TheSchoonerZodiac The coast guard cutter has sails a diesel engine. because peak oil, hybrid cargo ships will be needed and the USCGC Eagle is a great example of old technologies and new diesel propulsion. Not only will intercontinental trade become more expensive as peak oil takes effect but new way of shipping cargo around the world to keep the global market place going because some counties are rich in natural resources and trees and other lacking hydrocarbons. Older technologies on ships with sails for propulsion havent been used in 100 years and sailors Brandy Curran who has a captains license and can handle a ship with sails and safely navigate the world and her skill set will come into high demand in the future within a hundred years to several centuries as the world runs out of oil. The next web site is a intercontinental global trade shipping company. worldcargosvc/?_kk=international%20cargo%20shipping&_kt=862c548a-54e4-41cb-97e2-bbdbe7badcc6&gclid=CO-H7ZHlq70CFVJffgodfR4A0g The new hybrid green sailboat cargo ships with sails would be need to save on petroleum resources because the earth is running out of oil, peak oil. All we have to do to save petroleum hydrocarbons and slow down ships a little with hybrid boat with sails and diesel engines and trade between continents. /////////////////////////////////////// peak natural resources work on this later The food system need to or organic because of running out of peak phosphorus. our current food system uses to much oil and tractors and Simi truck for delivery and cars to drive the food home. If we saved strategic oil reserves, there would be a easier food system and gas could be extended for a couple of more centuries and if supply and demand and price and supply were added the cost of new global hybrid slow sail ships. This would insure a steady price of food and things need by society as a whole and as a global market place. ////////////////////////////////////////// All jet planes used for commercial aviation need to come to a end as peak oil takes effect and oil prices rise as the growth for oil in China and world wide outstrips supply. jet planes consume huge amount of jet fuel and it is a waste of limited natural resources. Hydrocarbon jet fuel is going to need to also be saved for national defensive against foreign foes. Nationalism might slowly fade as boundaries are brought down by the internet and cable TV. Nationalism is to blame for how American treats Hispanic people when there is plenty of land and water in America and most of the Midwest is unpopulated. There will always be organized criminal elements in regions and a small strategic military will always be need to make sure bad people dont to ruin it for good people. South American drug lords will take a long time to be brought to peaceful ways and America will always need a good navy and petroleum will need to be saved to protect America. ////////////////////////////////// Oil based lubricants Mineral oil term is used to encompass lubricating base oil derived from crude oil. The American Petroleum Institute (API) designates several types of lubricant base oil:[2] Heavy machinery products like generators using ball bearing and most machinery in general uses petroleum based lubricants and oil reserves will need to be preserved for basic life sustaining systems as hydrocarbons become scarce. https://youtube/watch?v=vz2p1SvuYjY Motor Oil: Riding the Film 1937 Chevrolet Engine Lubrication /////////////////////////////////////////////// Biofuels and planning for garbage to be reused in the system MacDonalds French fry grease and recycling fat based oils, corn gas to make car gas and ship that energy if reasonable to countries without long rivers for watermills. a reallocation of resources ethanol https://youtube/watch?v=7LPfno2KPcg&list=PLT9XcXhOJhUWg1qxUdnGjfI1iiTOqBgwa Anaerobic Digester - Bellingham Technical College Bellingham Technical College program capturing energy from trash dumps //////////////////////////////////////////// The Todd Railroad Plan: Like the Marshall Plan All around the world where there arte highways systems that automobiles travel on there is land used and owned, leveled, graded and paved. This land can be public or privately owned but never the less already in use as cars travel down the roads. In America the highway systems are publicly owned by the American people and if the road space was used not for cars but for trains or at least one side of the highway all around America a high speed railway systems could be created. There are four lanes on a two way direction highway and one side both lanes can be used for a different mode of transportation. the key is the land has already been paid for by the American tax payers and only needs to be regarded for trains. The Marshall Plan was a organized reconstruction of Europe after WW2 and supplies and monetary loans were made and centralized planning was used to transform all of Europe and revitalize their economy and it can be done in America over a short time and help out society budget short falls and cancel the national debt. Watermill Electrical Turbine Power can end the use of nuclear power and bring forth greener cleaner electricity that doesnt pollute the atmosphere like coal based electricity. youtube/watch?v=8BUpF__h-IY Westinghouse was an inventor trains air breaks and train ideas. Since Americans own the public highways systems, if you take all the highways in America you could use one side of the highway system since there are four lanes and maximize the space of the highway system and use one side to make a electrical European transnational train system and bring back the railway for mass public transit and since American own the highway system you couldnt do it any other way but use the interstate highway system like I-5 from Mexico to Canada since the lad has already been purchased. The highway systems already graded and cleared but there would be some diversions near big cities. It is more a matter of how much metal iron, copper, aluminum/ other metals and resources that would be needed to develop the electrical watermill and the turbine power that would be needed to make my railroad project come to life. urban planning and highways system land that could be used to create a interstate high speed train system. youtube/watch?v=-fgKznlqwhY The Open Road - 1951 Highway Construction Educational Documentary - Ella73TV ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The Electric Car If there was an extra amount of electrical power, trolley electric cars could be made that hook into the road system on the ground or overhead and reenergize power supplies and if electrical car charging stations were added like gas stations and there was a national high speed train system for transport of the public and electricity was cheap enough and environmentally friendly enough, people could travel between the rural areas and big cities all across America at a relatively cheap price. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Urban and Rural Farm Planning: Organic Food Sources rice, corn, wheat, potatoes and all vegetables, fruits, and meats find film documentaries on these subjects later I need to work on this section for myself because I dont know much about plant diseases/nutrition and I need to skim read it later Rice growing and gasoline tractors youtube/watch?v=nQHjjmIVjTU All About Australian Rice (Full Video) youtube/watch?v=O09aEoYzfwU Potato Planting Any country that got to involved in the Industrial Revolution is going broke. Countries who used very little chemical fertilizers and gasoline tractors will pull ahead of first world countries who based their agriculture systems on hydrocarbon power and tractors. All farmers are going to end up being forced to go organic in the end. peasants in china who have kept up cow herds and rice crops will be richer than urban city dwellers who have to use grocery stories to get food. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chapter 3 The Green New World Order: The Green Order fix ideas and smooth it out later, Green-centric focused policies later. The New World Order is dead. The old Sith lords, Black Hats, are ruining the American Empire have gone to far and committed an attack on American soil and a rallying cry has been heard by the good Jedis, White Hats, and all good Jedi forces are rallying behind a secret hidden Jedi knight from Whatcom County, WA and because of the egregious errors made by Bush Jr and company and America has a chance to restructure the American democracy and bring forth the environmental friendly Green agenda. Because of peak oil, environmentalism will dominate the Project for the Green American Century. The good forces will bring forth a new addenda in America of recycling and cleaning up the Industrial Revolution pollution and stopping stupid wars that hurt people. https://youtube/watch?v=byxeOG_pZ1o George Bush Sr. New World Order Live Speech Sept 11 1991 //////////////////////////////////// Subchapter On Fixing American Government a Little Senators Term Limits The American legislative branch of the federal Government should have term limits. Term limits would mean senators wouldnt amiss to much power and stifle democracy but on the flip side senators should have enough time to learn their jobs and have one term in office as a senior administrator of out country. The US Senators can only serve two terms which would let them serve 12 years which is a long time to gain knowledge and power and rule wisely. This would get rid of Vice President Joe Bidens, Senator John McCains, and Secretary of State John Kerrys who have served America from their great grandfathers fathers nut sack until they have gray hair and are in the morgue. The House of Representatives can only serve two year three times which would make six years in office and force new opinions from different parts of America every two to six years and allow Representatives three chances to make a difference but cut out nepotism. //////////////////////////////////// Limiting the Executive Branch of the American Government The Executive Branch of the Government should be more of a ceremonial role unless in a war declared by Congress. Bills should still be passed by Congress and by a majority vote but the veto power of the Executive Branch should be taken away because it leave to much power in one hand and if the bill is vetoed then the bill goes down to the house again and back up or something like that. The common American voter has a vote could have a greater role in decided issues of social security raise and military cuts which most Baby Boomers would say social security raise all around and who cares about the military and oh better heath care for my old bones will youre at it. Another idea on how to reduce the Executive Branchs power would be to use individual counties like Whatcom County and Skagit County and every county in America and all counties had a majority vote in the vertical democracy from the individual to the city to the county to the house of Representatives to the senate and if one must the Executive Branch of the Government to be signed if the American President is even needed anymore. If cities and counties took on more a role in directing national policy there be big powerful cities like New York but they have more different potions across a diverse country. with the advantage of television and the internet voters could be educated more and integrated into a bottom to top voting system where everyone gets a chance to really effect national and regional polices, where everyone has a batter equal chance real democracy. The president should not have veto power like a king and the finial say. The people should have an override by the common voter in a an age of computers and America should have the a say in bills as a majority vote. Video documentaries can be made and simplified to inform the voter and educate the voter and make it so almost everyone can vote on any bill over the phone or on the internet or on cable TV. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// On Limiting Congress Power Over the Judiciary Federal Judges should be nominated and voted on in their demographic regions and not nominated by the President who can stuff the Judicial Branch with his own candidates and fix legal cases and by pass justice. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// On limited the Supreme Court of Americas Power Supreme Court Judges should be voted in by the American People and not by Congress and by the President. It would limited the Executive Branchs power and make it so judges are voted in by their appeal on legal issues that the American people care about like freedom of press of gay rights. Supreme court judges should not be in power for life but for a term of say ten years and stack it so at least 60 percent of the court has senior term status and should have enough time to learn their jobs and have enough time in office as a senior administrator of out country. maybe there should be more supreme court justices like say 49 justices and make it an odd number so there is always a majority vote and the number of justices should reflect case loads and true justice for all. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The Green Revolution The world is running out of oil and oil reserves should be saved for military homeland defense against organized crime and warlords since there will always be bad people out and there and there will be a need for a police military force to insure peace. planes are a key tools used in national defense and navy ships. The world will need to save oil for strategic military defense and for airplanes and save oil for global shipping cargo trade. Ship crossing oceans will need oil for global trade and will have to switch to sails and hybrid oil engines until technology catches up and makes Green ships and green peaceful military planes. As it stands, ocean going ships are not hybrids (using wind powered sails/ diesel) that use other sources of energy for forward motion and hydrocarbons will need to be saved to make complex lubricants and other items of importance for the continuation of the industrial revolution and a higher standard of living. One of the side effects of watermill electrical turbines would be a shift in power structures; those that were rich might become poor and countries who were oil rich might loose petrodollar wealth in ground and devaluating financial instruments and military and countries might see power structure shifts. we need a scientific utopia and a new garden of eden and as peak resources happen we might end up in a horse and buggy days and pre-industrial revolution phase.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:04:06 +0000

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