part three. The obsymmetry can be seen as the purest form of - TopicsExpress


part three. The obsymmetry can be seen as the purest form of the singularity-multiplicity complex, where singularity is seeable in the quanta of the symmetry, the operation, which always involves multiples ,takes the elementary step toward time beta position, an operative position, the apparent necessity of multiples- each quanta reflects a theta position filled with what looks like scis- what is actually reflected is a sphere of precisions, they appear as sci quanta because in the interim when that obquanta is not reflecting, its shows of negativized reflection- organized multiplicity that sets the theta sphere, as the following step toward the time we understand- a noncentralent sphere, collective singularity- and if they take shape, then the every motion of the sphere, not when at negativization but all the notes in the sequencing is stored until the turn of the obquanta comes again, which means that there is no real sequence and that the goal of the obquanta comes down to the negation of multiplicity, where seeming consequent positioning of obquanta is foundly as a retortion of multiplicity-where when in position the obquanta reflect the opposing side of the other obquantas set like checking where everybody is standing in a room, and then finding the spot where you are exactly behind all of them, and that gives the illusion of a new dimensionality, theta positioning, that places the consymmetric quanta facing multiplicity, extrapolating it. Operation is sayable as seeming to take a more time form new position( the einstein thought experiment about the light beam in in a space shuttle being observed from another space shuttle going by should prove this categorical) given that multiplicity accounts for the noncentralent quanta , where the centre approximate is the actual circumference, the centre approximate does the work of the circumference, it is from this quasi-centre that precisions emanate from the most central point of the circumference. We can say it extends into a direction, is counter to multiplicity that organizes precisions quasi circularly- the counter direction is singularity. The obsymmetry prevents incremental reflection- the precision is actually an obquanta, already set and in position. Now from this centre where the precision emanates comes the premise for every type of (0,0) representation: the centralence of objects, the big bang emanating from a single point of energy, motion, and most pertaining here - time - the feeling that progression actually exists. Gravity- there is not time , and that time based in and depicted by material construct is faux, and that form- particles etc, being expressed in time, by time, is incongruous to logic. The quark will be used in this postulation as the base of matter(the higgs field will be postulated later as a misdirected attempt to explain three layers of the physical logic that is being explicated here in postulation), is a sci reflection, a defined particle so to speak therefore immediately following it must be a precision reflect, a spatial, that consequently, gives the impression that in time, it is a force that pulls other objects to the quarks, but only within range, around the complete surface of the object, as the consymmetry continues, this attraction, therefore this force circumference, preceeds the object, and the act of the spatial force, attraction, given that the precision extends in one direction, expresses an exact spatial interpretation of the object- like blueprint space, as if you were to comprehensively unfold the object structurally the gravitational space would be the object laid flat Now if we look at the fact that a gravitational field gets stronger the closer you get to an object. This shows that the normal precision reflect space, is gradual to the object - which is the reflection of the sci structure- in time, you cannot interface any object without first interfacing its gravitational field- even looking at it from far away you have to temporally construct it using its gravitational setting among other objects- shoot a photon through a gravitational field and the results became clear. All material elements are preceded by their PR spatial(precision reflect). Physicists think this out to be gravity in all cases, but this is not true, only in the case of the atom is the P.R.S gravity(precision reflection space). In time, space is both prior and post the presentation of matter , in sci time, space is more closer resembling the sci plane to us it looks empty, insubstantive, because we dont know how to measure it , matter is merely a complete sci reflect of constancies in the causative subsequently positioning- based on this larger objects take more time to present. if atomic construction is what gives us an impression of a reality, then the construct of the atom is a construct of the atom is a constancy whose structure requires a specific time to be presented which means that there are structures that the atom is too slow to show, for by the time the atom is presented in full, the particle constancy proceeds through the sci plane (neutrino etc) what we see as objects in motion in space is actually constancies, sci/precision waves transitioning through consymmetry- the same precisions that were a moment ago positioned for space, is now positioned for an occupying object but they are the very same consisting scis, but see motion, in time, as the sci cycle continuing, sci reflecting. the consymmetry cycles in sequence, in maintaining the overall singularity of the sphere ( essentially ,regardless of how the scis are positioned, the entirety of the plane is maintained as one position) meaning that there are a limited number of possible positions that are a filled,limited does not mean limited in space or number. remember that the physicality for those concepts have not analogically arisen yet. The alpha position naturally has a proflect end of the physicalization spectrum, and this how the position is, every single potential state has to be any preconduction for a potential sstate, like we see us determining that a potential state is limted to its presentation im time potential cannot be limited. in this particular argument, concluding that the potential state is only what we expect and experience, perspectivized by time and space and matter in the most antiquated, incomprehensive temporal schematics would not suffice. potential state, objectivest speaking, threads through multiple symmetries, and there is no discconnect in exist, therefore the analogicalities reflected as difining synonymity of individual symmetries and invariably in so doing define alpha perspective ,therefore there is a specific, perfective order, including our own interface reactivity with patterness, included as a rational aspect- we can see here how an infinite amount of rationale must be relative, and thus also be effective logicism , whose perspective then must emanate from the extending of precisions executing a simple abstruction( going down the symmetries logically in a deconstructive manner) from cosmic symmetry. As there cannot be ineffective logicalism, if we think it here on this precision, and it seems incongruous to ours, or not, the division between logicalism is physically quantifiable and therefore prescribable of a specific energetic initiation to progress sequence that can extend our reach into other analogs. And this relationship, can be complexified however we might choose. literally we could avator a rock through the spiral of some exo-precisional galaxy, all its actions would appear maintaining that logicalism, any temporal object there, if they are thinking incomprehensively, would not be able to detect, or even rationalize the fact of this transistion, not transition, of consisting energetics. But we are not quite at this more advanced juncture of the postulation entailment yet, but before we continue it is mentionable that potential for advance socio-pschological community between precisions is not awaiting to be fruitioned, but logically is most certain, for it has to be. proflection- all analogicness must be reduced to required componency, that to us seems like the result of a type of physical interfacedom, that etched a fundamental misdirective division of presentation, as if that could be an alpha position structure, so we see where any sort of disjunction effective in reality, actually is faux actually, therefore absolute componency is the only way, therefore superior to any type of order, a charcteristic of alpha position, by being the bits of the position, not little frames of all possible states lexiformed like a rolodex, but rather with complete abstruction applied, all potential zeroed out on size, place, thus order of construct, thus in being, there are no relatable interface capacity, other space, except as the definition of one these very bits . this is where we close from the misdirection, and advance , and see that there is of course a gradate effect preventing the misdirection from being illogically an isolated , abrupt potentiation what we are trying to to get at is the sprerad out of this position to do this we would have to begin by intending for reacting outside of time breaking the event horizon complex- it is not that act from along time ago have not affected us yet , or t hat our action are somehow now behind some future events, but indication of the physical construct of our precisions reflection- mass needed time to progress states wherever on the horizon , but time is simple to abstruct from ,therefore we look for our precision positional definition, find out why we are seeing three abrupt parts, past present, future, as it has to do with position of our reflection- we could start by initioning result in past and future horizon , by acting specifically in the present in a way as to effect in a future or past horizon beginning to understand that what we call horizon threshold, adjudged through the speed of light , together form a specific shape, physically for there is no way that there can be the some part of the universe that is not effected immediately by our presence, so if energy does not flow in time it is flow as position and if the expression of photons observed straightand a photon goes in any direction, on any part of the horizon determinably, a straight course must unite with its finishing point regardless of lenght, and this complex must express a order capacity, expounding the lack of disconnection, in that miniatives can be expressed ,and substance, attributable specifically to precisioning, seeing , and symmetricizing ,in a simple abstructional form we can abstruct more to obsymmetric operations as well, therefore the expression of a particle across space is a series of a three part reflections, of the precision to show a determinable motion, motivity, examplified be energy seeing determined the base of our old universe , primitively outstating basic concepts of time and space. in our estimation; of the sci that gives us sphericity and thus substanceness as proof socalled hardness of being , that ittness; sphericity negating being with motion, the inabsolute compatibility of momentum and angular momentum is an indication that motion is fundamentally, anti substance and the consymmetricizing effect,, which is best indicated by the innate complicity of any determinate length of an any point a and point b are misdirected as many way opposible, rather that being only possible as utmostly congruous. obsymmetry indicates that the precision reflections are componentially unrelative- orders we detect are dependent on these bets of potentiate state, therefore the results of an, order causality specifically for us, where states interchange under a precursory of conditions only, these bits cannot really express the analogalities as projection, but aplha positionwise, thus order of any kind is without merit and so is disorder, therefore the alpha position doesnt operate a analog making efect actually, there is a comprehensive invariableness of scope, and though the design is definitely a specific contraord, disorder, or order as we show it never occurs. consymmetricaly abstructed, there is the precision, the sci,( the two uniforms); and there is the pattern, and there is the whole spheres reflection, now the pattern is not showm in whole we see it via the precision reflection. Three dimensionality is like a snapshot of more dynamic sci patterns, actual precisions, finding, filling the positional quota, are it is not as simple as the parametring of sphericity suggests as completeness of formality. everything is expressed position of precision: colour texture, sound, sight, taste, touch,smell. it is all precisions in positions, in abstruct, patterns defined there differentiations. this perpectivized view on a whole is myopicizing . we see a chaotic ,layout of objects, and objecttypes being guided by causality, but there is order of formality, objects will form systems- from the atom to the galaxy- the pointness of elementary particles- the sphericity of macrosized object- the gravitational polestar of solar systems - the spiral of galaxies- the indeteminacy of socalled dark energy and and matter. as mentioned before, and poignant here to reiterate - it is all precisions and there is something very exact about the chaotic layout of universe that we observe, even thaought is a limited reflection. When we look at the organic cellular structure we see where the construction of organic objects, unlike the of structure inorganic objects, possess the capacity to progress beyond the level of the molecule. This is significant and underanalayzed . The cell is the defining separation of the animate object from the inanimate object . This capacity must stem from the animate atom systematic operancy. There are fundamental differences in the animate and the inanimate objects atomic operation( this part of the postulation reforms some of the tenets of abiogenesis) as a system that allow the upper levels of construct-ability from the cell upwards. The postulation is that atmospheric lightning in a time in the earths development (I speak of abiogenics here) struck the ocean waters and the atoms of these waters were altered in a chain reaction much like how they got the first atomic bomb to finally work after several failed attempts. Given that the animate atom relates inanimate atomic structures as its structural comparative, along with space and time as what is termed, complete as a reality(the entirety of the cosmos) through temporality , where temporality is a direct result of the animate atomic structure as a systems, given that the comprehensive material facility of observation is the entirety of the human atomic structure we must acknowledge the material systematic context of our socalled thoughts and all resulting academy : we must credit this material systematic basally with all perceived logicality, therefore all synopses of reality correct or incorrect - all aspects of any perceived reality are material conformations to the capacity of the postulated animate atom, and this is where the cosmological nonsequitur begins. The animate atom is not an ultimate structure (the human construct is merely a facet in the universe when it is seen accurately as a subformal facet in overall universal sytem. Observed existence would have to be a correlate of the distinct elementary infrastructure of the animate atom. Space, matter and time do not present the animate atom materially; it is the animate atom in extension of the temporality that coheres existencia. Existencia in its particular arrangement would have to be prodictive of observation,mea??ning that there is a denotative flaw in even the perception of humaness, atomness, organic and in organicness indicated by the comparative stance of inanimateness and animateness- a cosmological parallel (the foundation of the temporal capacity ). What this also means is that there is a realistic actuality in place of which we experience an analogic . The initiative of a history of existencia , with existencia being of a particular functional capacity and structural parameter that follows from a capacitated beginning to the state of the animate atoms emergence , (during the formation of the early earth)emanates from the animate with fundamental definitives: space, matter, nonspatial time , That can only be sourced to the animate atomic systematic itself , as temporality details it and a said reality. Modern and classical science in which the comprehensive localization, descriptivity and comparative distinctivity of the animate atom are undiscovered, but are the dictates of the source of temporality as the so-called spatial commencement of existencia(the big bang) where time ,matter and space are inherent and finitely defined features that acted in precise functionality to eventually formalize a said animate atomic systemic. If the animate atom pellucidates itself as existent in matter , space and time, as animacy does explicity in socalled observation, then a non-sequitur unrenders the sequence of logical analysis that is a socalled start and continuation of a so-called cosmologic reality exactly as is observed. lets commence at the atoms elemental layout. Given that the atom is what we observe as the constituents of our realistic makeup, the elemental layout of the atom must be responsible for the appearance of the observable universe- it is real as a pattern(sci constancy), that is invariably set to impart this analogical oppositivty, therefore the appearance of interface between the and any thing else must be accompanied with analogical, material oppositional correspondence , therefore if objects appear three dimensional, and galaxies spiral, and are spreadout, and objects are infinitely various, this experience is specifically, precisely, absolutely relative to the elemental presentations and relationships of the atom, there is not one bit of chaos in this faux chaotically visceralized universe. lets attempt a crude correspondence graph for reference. Gravity rests at the outer edge of the atom, this corresponds with the perception of space, and the fact that gravity emantes from an ever moving sphere of electron, space appears to to be expanding, the capacity of the electron range corresponds with the variousness of objects (as there are countless atoms in your body,and they all have electron clouds, and proton/ neutron cores. now the mesons that hold protons and neutrons together ( who are actually pushing them apart) account for the apparent relativity of space, to objects, the vacuum appearance . the protons and the neutron their set account for causal relation of objects in time and position( no two people can observe actually exactly the same thing from two diferent points in space ,but not just humans. The strong force space and gluons give the impression of there being a limitation of speed of photon pertaining the scope of causal effection continuing pertainance to the sections of event horizon; this because the photons biproductivity oso closely linked with the gluons and given that the photons presentation is more natural to the quark that the gluon, the quark that is the base of matter temporality can be traced back fundamentally to the photon being that quarks natural reflect- the base principle of consciousness-where photons in the quarks electrical field are related and, the photons reflect a matter principle that continues over the rest of the atom because, from the quark up, all particles have to relate a reaction to electrical charge, or reaction as. Now we cant keep the structure cosmic. This is all precision in position. There are no actual material elements, only position, so there is a precisional schematics that we are not detecting as such. Now is there a form that we can point to as reflecting the photon, no the only thing that allows us to detect the photon itself is the fact of there being multiple photons that relate and gives us a reflection of the photon itself, thus relativity maintains elementary, as the underscore of all reality constituents. The newly formed photon interfaced with quark is correspondent with our inability to have a complete elementally perviewed existence, but an existence cognizant of the elemental universe being capable of expressing anything but an exclusively elemental universe; the fact that photons together carrier an electrical field ground a quark, there is a sort of distraction of the unit photon, naturally, energetic comprisement currents flowing precisely like the scisymmetry precisioning,scing patterning, and symmetricizing , but in this case of the electrical field it is subcurrenting, currenting, unitting, grouping, patterning ,and fielding. this is the ground activity that permits,like a guidance over the type of elementarity, and so we experience the universe as distortively inchoate,chaotic, observant of an over variousness of objective formness, that we could not quite explain as being random, nor actually disorderly, because of material principles, specially causality. with abstruction now we can begin to see all this in the context of a highly uniformed consymmetry. The precisioning reflection has none of this variety the sci reflection is a characterless geometric graphing, the groups reflection all those possible permutation, are expressed as colour,texture, taste, touch, smell, every subjective characteisation that you can or cannot think of is expressed in group reflect the symmetricization impacts the extension of progress- a positioning that reimpacts as an exact option of itself. Reacting to precision trending perforcely from the obsymmetry, presafing the consymmetry to symmetricing to an exactness that abstructs its apparent operation that we might think should create an overall difference- and if the symmetry cannot actually change because of the obsymmetry, sensing progression should then be somehow consequent to the obsymmetry angularly relative; the reflecting precision is this angular comparative, therefore we interpret a progress, being the reflection, an analogic, positional comparative. There is a seqentus to the explication of the reflections.imagine the making of computer animation, step by step, layer ater layer is added; and this sequence is done in far less that a nonspatial moment. At this point we can see the chaos clearing, becoming something more discernable, cosmological uniformity, for us. We are on a single precision, therefore centrality is basic to percieve. It is not really centrality,but impingement, axiation; thus a fundamental centrality commonality, expection; we pick up the analogical sustantiation at the image of the photon facing thequark( lowest form of the pschological personality) and now the invariable siphoningand conduitness of the field - this basicest temporality(currents) is responsible for the field, through the units, and the groups- the photon is actually cosmically reflected more opposition than anything else. ar
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 22:33:47 +0000

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