peace,F.B i have somthen i wona build with u people on n that is - TopicsExpress


peace,F.B i have somthen i wona build with u people on n that is voteing n share with u a lil somthen on the science of non-alignment in fact f 1was 2study this science in depth u would descover u have more power in non-alignment lets take 4 exmp, the African policy Their policy,in a nutshell,is positive neutrality,non-alignment. They dont line up etherway.Africa is 4 the Africans.And the Africans r 4the Africans The policy of independent..Egypt was a good exmp.they take frm East n West n dont take sides with either1. study Nasser n hw he ruled. i cite that as n exmp just 2 show u what this positive neutrality means: if u wont help us help us;were still not with u.If u have a contribution 2make 2our development do it.But that doesnt mean were witht u r against u. Were neutral. Were 4ourselves. Whatever is good 4 us thats whatwere interested in.That dosnt mean were against u..But it dos mean were 4 ourselves..Agen this is what u n i need 2 learn u ni need 2 learn how 2 be positively this country,its impossable4 u 2 be aligned-with ether party..ETHER PARTY THAT U ALIGN UR SELF WITH IS SUICIDE! Y BECOUSE BOTH PARTIES R CRIMINAL, BOTH PARTIES R RESPONSIBLE 4 THE CRIMINAL CONDITION THAT EXISTS... so u cant r shuldnt align ur self with a party.. What u can do is get registered so that u have power-political potential.When u register ur political potential,THAT MEANS UR GUN IS LOADED..YOU DONT HAVE 2 SHOOT UNTILL U CEE A TARGET THAT WILL BE BENEFICIAL 2 U...if u wont a duck,dont shoot whn u see a bear;wait tell u see a duck And f u wont a bear,dont shoot when u see a duck wait till y cee a bear.Wait till u cee what u wont-then take aim n shoot! this the shit they tell us go out n get register n vote n i say vote 4 what whn u put some1 up their who go kick u in yo ass 1 will do it str8up n the other will do it while ur no payen attion etherway it gos u still geten kicked in ya ass makes no difference wrether its dun overtly r covertly a kick in the ass is a kick in the ass all the same in my book.. So dont register n vote- u can vote 4 a dummy,u can vote 4 a crook,u can vote 4 anothe whod wont 2 exploit you.Registermeans u being in a position 2 take political action anytime anyplace n in any manner that would be beneficail 2 u n me;being in a position 2 take advantage of our position.Then well be in a position 2 be respected n recognized.But as soon as u get registerd n u wont 2 be a Democrat r a Republican u r aligning.And once u r aligning u have no bargaining power NON-WHAT SO EVER! I say whn u register But register as independent.And by being registered as independents, it means we can do whatever is necessary wherever its necessary n whebever the time comes u dig! peace,frm Kusheem the God!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 09:42:52 +0000

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