people are not things, you can not possess them possessiveness - TopicsExpress


people are not things, you can not possess them possessiveness is common specially in marriages and relationships spouses and lovers, many do it frequently it is the root cause of straining and break in relationships. commonest example one can see is the possessiveness of a husband who treats her wife just as his another asset. a wife usually has no freedom and is only expected to fulfill the needs of her new family after marriage she is not treated like a person but is just used like a robot with remote in her husbands hand this kills her personality, individuality, originality, creativity and talent she is just treated to be a nurse of all the family members marriages are based mostly on financial considerations and not on love and trust .dowry demands openly reveal the mindset and greed of the would be husband even before marriage a girl when she sees her father suffering to meet the enormous demands of dowry is in no doubt about the intentions of her would be life partner even before marriage how can she ever forget this all her life how can she ever believe when husband tells her how much he love her as no self respecting man can ever demand dowry, as in marriage, he by all means is supposed to be a protector and provider of all financial, emotional and security needs of his wife, it reveals his real ugly face even before marriage society instead of boycotting and opposing such persons on the other hand encourages such evils mostly girls marry under parental pressure in such cases a relation ship is thus created on the greed and exploitation while it should have been on love and trust all the things that a girls brings in dowry is her personal property under law however frequently it is seen that she is even deprived to use it for herself and is practically owned and consumed by husband and even by in laws children as they grow notice such things. initially they feel bad about it but after they grow up they accept it as a usual practice and therefore fall in line to follow it themselves also and hence generation after generation this evil keeps on passing after losing her identity a woman is reduced to a daughter/a sister before marriage a wife after marriage a mother in old age she always remains at the mercy of either father/brother, husband,or son depending her age any one can turn her out of home anytime if she resists their authority for her just needs she has no home no free will just a thing majorities of such marriages are thus an adjustments for survival and are therefore a major cause of degradation of values of our society and a cause of vanity , unhappiness and hollowness of our lackluster lives. if we wish to have happiness and real love in our lives we must remember people are not things you can not possess them
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:19:20 +0000

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