people have some really contradicting thoughts , they see - TopicsExpress


people have some really contradicting thoughts , they see different things and they tell you, they are the poles apart .... but thats just a give away, because both the north pole and the south pole are parts of the same magnet ... Lets put that into another analogy .... what makes you breath? normally people would answer well its because i need oxygen to burn and produce energy .... but thats just half of the story .... If levels of Carbon Dioxide increase a substance known as carbonic acid is released into the blood which causes Hydrogen ions (H+) to be formed. An increased concentration of H+ in the blood stimulates increased ventilation rates. and so having this among alot of other things .... you must understand that what you think is opposite is the exact same thing only on the other side of the spectrum .... they are various levels .... love implies hate , death implies life , heaven implies hell , happiness implies sadness .... and you cannot have one without the other you simply cant when you start to realize that it is a process a full one , but it is our deficiency and lack of abilities as human beings that makes us see them in separate entities ..... its not a deficiency i will rephrase that to a nature .... limited nature .... for us to understand something we have to dissect it into little pieces .... just like you must bite the chicken in order to eat it .... but the chicken is a whole it doesnt come to this world bitten . realizing that fact you will abandon the small minor view and you will head to the much larger view ..... and this my friend is the very beginning of the road to knowledge .... its knowing how little you know and how vast the world really is
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 22:31:34 +0000

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