people keep asking me.. How did you find your cancer? Such a - TopicsExpress


people keep asking me.. How did you find your cancer? Such a question that everyone wants to know because the C word is SUCH a scary word that EVERYONE hates! in 2009 i found a Lump in my chest between my breast and sternum bone, I called the doctor made an appt to see her and when she saw me she said oh, thats just a benign cyst, dont bother taking it out because you will just have an ugly scar on your chest every year when i went back to see her for my yearly physical i always asked her to please look at it again and she always checked it and put it off.. told me not to worry and not to cut it out cuz itll scar. i took her word for it because (well after all shes the Doc Right?) This year 5 years later it started to really hurt and bother me. It was protruding a little more and Andrew had begged me for years to remove it, so now that it was hurting me i had no choice. I went BACK to the same dang doctor and she was STILL hesitant on me removing it telling me its JUST a cyst! i finally INSISTED getting it removed because i couldnt handle the pain of it. Got the cyst removed from a dermatologist and sent it off for biopsy. It came back as not a cyst but a tumor with unusual cells, so it was sent off to a Pathologist to test for Cancer. It sure enough came back as DFSP Cancer which is Tumor Sarcoma cancer that grows UNDER the skin in the 3rd Subcutaneous layer and happens to 1 in 1 Million. During the time when we first pulled the tumor out i had gotten REALLY sick and had gotten a big infection in my chest. The doctor knew it was cancer at that point before even getting the results back just by how sick i got from the first removal. NOW i had switched to andrews insurance which is Kaiser and they did all the tests and blood work got me into surgery and cut the rest of the bad boy out, leaving me with now a nice sized scar length between the thumb and index finger, but only a reminder that God Loves and God Saves and Protects. We were scared the most that this tumor had been in me for 5 years as the Doctor pushed it aside and this cancer has tentacles on the tumor that attaches to bone and muscle. So that was what the second surgery was for.. to remove the tentacles and get the rest of it out! My Chest had felt like it was beaten with a sledge hammer after surgery and still sore to the touch today. BUT its GONE and i WILL NEVER ignore my body ever again! No MATTER what the DOCTOR SAYS! If your putting off something in your body that you dont think is a big deal just GO GET IT REMOVED! I never would have thought ME a healthy active young woman would ever be diagnosed with a Cancer, but thats just ignorance and i know that now. God DOES love me and he DOES have a purpose for me and he took care of me in the time and i am forever grateful to HIM for that. (Side note: that doctor OBVIOUSLY is not my doctor anymore, that was before i had Kaiser and the Kaiser doctors took amazing care of me! i loved my surgeon! and the causes of this cancer are still unknown because it so rare.. I want know what causes it!.. but the only thing i can do now is just eat EVEN MORE healthy then i already did and stay active for life!) *sorry for this status being SO LONG* Today is my Post Op, and i felt emotional today. (happy emotions) and hopefully i get my stitches out soon!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:34:21 +0000

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