people keep asking me what I am about, so let me be clear: Sudan - TopicsExpress


people keep asking me what I am about, so let me be clear: Sudan Hub was set up to bring together the global sudanese diaspora (mogtareeben), document our history and heritage, and provide a place for us to gather. the good the bad and the ugly. The good: Sudan is the oldest civilization in human history (the nubian and kush empire), the largest country in africa, the 9 largest in the world, the meeting point of the blue and white niles, home to over 300 nubian pyramids vs 8 for egypt, the country which has borders with the most countries, not one not two but 3 mass uprisings that toppled military dictatorships, over 500 tribes and languages. Sudan has oil, gold, copper, livestock, agriculture, sesame, peanuts, arabic gum (which is the only sudanese product not subject to sanctions because it is cruicial to the worlds economic development), and so much more. the nicest ppl u will ever find. fastest growing telecoms sector in the world. The bad: Sudan has the longest running civil war in african history (and u kno africa has a bloody history), a long history of slave trading and rasicim, tribalism, hateisim. long standing economic sanctions that are crippling its economic development. first sitting head of state with an arrest warrent issued against them ever in the history of recorded humanity by the International criminal court, for crimes of genoicde (in darfur) and crimes against humanity. The Ugly: Sudan has recently split into north and south, and if were not careful darfur will go, blue nile will go, south kordofan will go and even omdurman will go. But there is lots of hope for Sudan to go back to its rightful place as the greatest and largest country in africa and that is wat sudan hub is about :D we have to acknowledge the diversity in sudan and embrace it, not let it divide us. from salamis, to sufis, to coptics, to protestants, to catholics, to orthodox to atheists. from shwaga to danagla to halfaweeyen, denka, robatab, ma7as, myseria etc from sudanese to greeks to kwajat of all nationality to all the nationalities. united we stand divided we fall regards sudan hub team
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:20:54 +0000

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