perhaps....if most Americans ACTUALLY knew their American History, - TopicsExpress


perhaps....if most Americans ACTUALLY knew their American History, they would realise that what is going down between Crimea and Russia is EXACTLY how the Americans acquired Texas (except the american pretext was super flimsy and they violently stole Texas from Mexico....the pretext being saving God-faring White Folk from those heathenish Catholic Mark of Cain Mexicans)..........they have just proved themselves TOTALLY ignorant of their OWN history and TOTAL HYPOCRITES .......AGGGGGAAAAAAIIIIIINNNNN!!!!!!! Just HOW many fukups will it take before they BUTT OUT and MIND THEIR OWN biz and fix thei OWN failing country and infrastructure (geezz....what happened to, getting somewhere on your ACTUAL TALENTS and OWN MERIT.....I cant see it ANYWHERE in the REALLY is who you know, not what you know, which is how it ACTUALLY works, sorta, these days....its why we have the Shirt-Tucking Church-Going Crowd/Capitalists putting themselves in Positions of Power....not coz they are ACTUALLY COMPETENT at what they do.....its the garbage they believe that makes them think they are morally superior .......sorry...I dont need a 2000 yr compilation of rantings by old syphilitic goat herders on the other side of the planet to tell me Murder etc is WRONG.....someone should inform the Christians that are running the planet of that fact)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 10:44:41 +0000

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