personally i would just like to say thank you for you response and - TopicsExpress


personally i would just like to say thank you for you response and that it seems like you family and you have gone through a lot over the years. i have a few questions that people have messaged me asking. A lot of people say your story dont add up, firstly if your family was in such danger then why did you keep opening up rescue after rescue, why did you not stop and concentrate on your children that you say got affected by this so badly. 2. No court would convict anyone or even drag anyone into with out solid proof, statement fro at least 3 people, photographic evidence, reports, solid proof.... ( i used to work within the court) even if its your word against yours it would go to a jury ruling!. 3. why would this women consider you as competition? i have check out this lady you have stated to be your stalker, and she is a pedigree breeder, she has a lot of people buying her dogs for competitions and breeding so why did she have such a problem with you. Why did she sell the dog to you in the first place, then take this animal back after?4.if you moved out of the Netherlands because you wanted to move away from their why was you convicted over there in court? 5. when you moved over here due to being so depressed with this, why within 3 weeks did you start a rescue so fast or start at all, and not stop and just be a mum to your children that has had so much hurt and upset for 11 years? why not concentrate on rebuilding your family?.6 if the lady wanted her dog back then why did you not just call the police and tell them what was happening that she wanted her dog back and didnt want to give you your money back? before it got to the point of her coming to your property...? 7. people will see bad things when they are told bad things, well to be honest people will only pick up on bad things when there is a reason to see it...... people here in the uk, are very much animal friendly and want any animal suffering to be saved. if people feel that an animal is being treated unfairly they will do something about it5+ why would you not register and why did you not work along with any other rescue or work with people that was offering help and advice? rather than taking money, you had alot of people offering foster home, for like kizzy and the cats but you turn this down and advertise on gumtree where like kizzy has been beaten….its all about the money i do feel for your children and feel for you, but you have to understand that you have rehomed alot of animals since december and the people are very concerned about thier contracts and rights and also if the animal might had been stolen or what thier back ground really is i can go on and on..... or the underweight horse with a broken leg, limping across the road with you dragging him and open cut over his body? or the pictures of you beating a horse with a horse whip? i understand that some of the photos are of animal that been neglected and underweight, you were a rescue and could have got sick animals in but what is with the picture that had a horse that was very underweight within a massive mud puddle stuck under barb wire with a head injury bleeding? when you decided to move one last time, why did you not do this properly if you were going to start your rescue? you stated you didnt have the right paper and got done for this in court, why over here did you not just get registered and do things proper, you can be traced all over facebook, if you were so worried about being found by your stalker than why run a open rescue site with you name and pictures of your children on your page.... knowing anyone could pretend they want to adopt a animal and get your address?...... 8.why was you dragged to court over child abuse? we also know why child services were involved and why they stayed involved after?
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 10:22:52 +0000

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