pg no 206 to 210 Both Hindus and Muslims think that these - TopicsExpress


pg no 206 to 210 Both Hindus and Muslims think that these books are their holy scriptures. This is all due to the diabolic influence. People do not think that it is most unfortunate that they are pitted against each other. The banias have very cunningly planned to place their progeny in a Hindu or a Muslim family so that Hindus and Muslims will think that the child was born in their community and then they will treat him as incarnation of God. How can a human being, who is full of infirmities, be god? The light of God’s divinity is manifest in every living being. How can a human being be God himself? But these banias have so much destroyed the wisdom of the people by their diabolic power that they make people accept a human being as God. The purpose is that when somebody from their community will have won the adoration and reverence of the Hindus and the Muslims as an avatar, he will look up to them, in the event of the riot or the conflict the Hindus and the Muslims will dare not blame them (the banias). This is how they fool the people by announcing the arrival of an avatar. The newspaper persons or the writers of the astrological forecast, unaware of the secret designs of these saudagars, simply pick up these things from the books of fraudulence or hearsay and write them down, which in course of time become a reality. But what makes them a reality is the diabolic ritual performed by the banias on the eighty four lakh Kundis. Nobody would be harmed if this diabolic ritual is not performed. Their modus operandi is designed in such a way that people will squarely blame the writer of the newspaper reports or the astrological forecast for practising diabolism. People will conclude that they had prior knowledge of these events that’s how they could make forecast in newspapers and astrological writings. But actually these newspaper reporters are not responsible for this sinful activity. It is the banias who are responsible for it. These unscrupulous banias practice diabolic rite to harm the world and it results in conflicts in which brothers start fighting and killing each other. But if they stop this practice or somewhat reduce its intensity, people begin to think and behave wisely. They start Saying that they should in no circumstances fight among themselves. So they stop fighting. Thus when the banias stop performing the diabolic rite targeted against the world, nobody is harmed. People do not think of harming others. But these banias do not stop it permanently. When they somewhat stop it, conflicts and clashes too stop. With their magical influence they make people believe that an avatar has descended. They have so much damaged the intellect of the people that they cannot think rationally. In God’s regime a lion and a goat move together. But the thinking of the people is so much spoiled that they have become each other’s sworn enemy. This is the effect of diabolism. These saudagars present a human being as an avatar and make people forget about the existence of God. God has created this Earth and the sky the entire Creation. But nobody thinks so. It is all due to diabolic influence. The influence of diabolism is so overpowering that it creates confusion in the minds of the people. So you should understand it fully and try to wipe out diabolism. Then alone the coming generation and the world can have a secured future. The banias are the practitioners of diabolism. With their diabolism they have created confusion in the world. Under its influence people stop believing in God. For this people are not to blame because their wisdom has been captivated by the banias who exercise their diabolic power for this purpose. If they want to destroy any kingdom, they will first destroy the wisdom of the King by their diabolic power. That king starts behaving in an unjust manner. He lets lose a reign of terror. Alternatively, the King is killed by the banias who then, after holding consultation among themselves select someone from their own clan to succeed the ill fated king. If he too starts indulging in atrocities, the blame goes to the king’s clan. The kings thus use their kingdom, their children and also their reputation. Under the diabolic influence of the banias, people fail to see the reason. The Kings die, while the banias continue to flourish. They place the person from their own clan on the throne vacated by the King who had been killed by them. The person from the bania community who thus occupies the throne is made by the power of the magic an exact look alike of the King who has been secretly eliminated. His features, his nose, his ears resemble totally with those of the ill fated King. The wives and the children of the King accept his replacement as the real king. For this, the banias cloud the vision of the King’s near and dear ones - his mother, his wife, other members of his family, his attendants and even his subjects. The replacement looks to them as the ruler of the State. They fail to see that the ruler has died and the one that they are finding in his place is impersonating him. When one’s vision is clouded, one cannot detect the reality. Now if they choose not to kill the King, they destroy his intellect and so the King starts indulging in atrocities and brings disaster to his kingdom when others find the King indulging in atrocities, they attack him and take his kingdom under their control. This is how he himself becomes, the cause of his destruction. Such is the tentacle of the banias. When a magician presents his show, he immediately mesmerizes the onlookers there. He makes them see fruit laden trees, currency notes and things like that. People are amazed at these spectacles. They say that the magical power of the magician has made such miraculous feats possible. What they do not know is that the magical show of magician has its roots in the diabolism of the banias. When the banias perform the diabolism, the magicians are able to perform their magic. But the magicians are not aware of it. They think that they have controlled a deity and that’s why their magic works. But the fact is that all these things happen because of the diabolic power of the banias. The magicians are mistakenly arrogating to themselves these powers. It is all wrong on their part to assume that they have controlled deities and evil spirits and thereby they have acquired magical power. Just as Ravana had captivated the wisdom of the people of all the three worlds, these banias in the same way have captured the intellect of the people by their diabolic power. What you people ascribe to the Swarga and Naraka (the heaven and the hell) is in fact the diabolic operation of the banias. The magical feats of the magicians and tricksters are made possible By diabolism. The banias have motivated people to learn the art of magic and then others pick up this art by watching them while they practice it. Then it is suggested to them that they have controlled the deities and the evil spirits and thereby acquired the magical power. The Swarga and Naraka with eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus which people talk about is in fact the secret sinful act of the banias. The banias very cleverly motivated people to learn magic and when they have learnt this art idea are planted in them that they have acquired some power. Thus people are made to bear the brunt of the sins of the banias. The magicians present their magical show openly in broad daylight. People watching them practice magical tricks will conclude that they are the persons who practice black magic. They will then become the victim of people’s anger. Little do the people realise that the magicians too are the captives of diabolism. They do not know that the poor magicians will wrongly be punished for an act which is an outcome of the sinful activity of the banias which they are pursuing secretly. It involves a huge expenditure. The magicians who present their show to the people are completely unaware of the secret designs of the banias. If they had known that the banias had inveigled them into learning the art of magic in order to harm their children and that in fact it was the black magic of the banias, they would never have learnt it nor would they have organized their public shows. They are under the wrong impression that they wield this power because they have captivated deities and evil spirits. The practitioners of diabolism would not like to be exposed. The entire world and all its people are under the influence of diabolism practised by the banias. As a result, people have lost their power of reasoning. The banias used their diabolic power to destroy the intellect of the people and then motivate them to learn and practice magic in order to bring disaster to them. When they want anyone of their own tribe to become the ruler of the country, they eliminate the King. If the King has gone out, say, for hunting on a horseback or by some other means, he is killed during his outing and then somebody belonging to the community of the banias is made an exact look alike of the king. He impersonates the king and returns to the King’s palace riding the horse or some vehicle of the King. He acts and behaves like the King and so people cannot detect that he is not the real king. He continues to rule: you, the people of the world should believe me. Please do not think that I have written all nonsense in this book. You may be thinking that things written in this book are nothing but a child’s blabbering. It is my humble request to you to take a serious note of the contents of this book. The facts that I have dictated forming the text of this book are a true account of the nefarious activity of the banias. Please take them as such. Do not pay heed to those who say that I am insane or stupid or talk like a foolish child. I have been captivated in the diabolic web of the banias. You have not had this experience. When Ravana practised diabolism he cheated Sita and Ramchandra in the guise of a deer. Ramchandra didn’t know that the deer was in fact Ravana who turned into a deer by magical power. Lord Shanishchara made it known to the people. If that was true then what I say too is true. You will call me a mad man but the fact is that these banias by their diabolic power presented before me the holy men who had died long ago. They made me see the faces of the sages of the ancient times. When the king of a country visits another country, they make him appear as a poor man. On the other hand a poor man visiting another country is made appear as a king of a country. I have very closely and thoroughly watched these tricks of the banias. I have been watching how with their diabolism these unscrupulous elements change the face of a person so that to others he looks a different person from what he actually is. But I am no stupid. It is the magical effect of the banias which hypnotises the people. I am writing all this from my own experience and what I have suffered. There is absolutely no untruth in it. If you think that there is no truth in it, then tell me what is it what you call the fourteenth or the sixteenth vidya (science). You must have heard about it or read in some books. It is said that King Bhoj went to Guru Gorakhnath to learn from him the fourteenth, the fifteenth and the sixteenth vidya. He was accompanied by a dhobi (washer man) Boliya.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 16:01:36 +0000

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