photo of Emma Roller By Emma Roller Follow on - TopicsExpress


photo of Emma Roller By Emma Roller Follow on Twitter July 18, 2014 Watch Elizabeth Warren give a speech to her fold, and you realize shes one of the rare Democrats who can excite her base in the same way Ted Cruz or Dr. Ben Carson can excite their own. As Politicos Katie Glueck wrote on Friday, liberals minds may be with Hillary Clinton, but their hearts lie with Warren. Speaking on Friday at Netroots Nation, a convention for liberal bloggers and activists, Warren got the crowd more fired up than Vice President Joe Biden was able to do the day before. (To be fair, the crowd was in a solemn mood at the time in reaction to the news of the Malaysian passenger plane crash). In her speech, Warren outlined more clearly than other Democrats the social issues that galvanize progressives. Her performance was reminiscent of a certain other young senator in 2008. What are our values? Warren asked the audience, some of whom held up Run Liz Run signs. What does it mean to be a progressive? She went on to outline 11 tenets of progressivism: Share This Story - We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and were willing to fight for it. - We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth. - We believe that the Internet shouldnt be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality. - We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage. - We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them. - We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt. - We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions. - We believe—I cant believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work. - We believe that equal means equal, and thats true in marriage, its true in the workplace, its true in all of America. - We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform. - And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:40:32 +0000

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