phraoh was loving musa(moses) but not for ALLAH.he was loving him - TopicsExpress


phraoh was loving musa(moses) but not for ALLAH.he was loving him for his ego and profits.MUSA was a wonderful talented child who attracts abundance.he was cheerful and he was illuminating dark palace of phraoh which is full of tears of victims.when the time of account has come,musa invited him to belive Allah who is owner of everything.but devilish ego of phraoh had gone to mad by seeing source of light of musa.phraoh has always felt a devilish proud by showing musa as his own production.and this invitation had spoiled his devilish ego as a sunlight which melt ice...and he has felt himself so helpless when musa had refused kneeling down to efforts of musa about raising him.musa said that to him"ıf ı am a shameless ungarteful by refusing to kneel down to your efforts,how should we call you when you are refusing to kneel down biggest power of Allah who is owner and creator of everything.when a human being refuses efforts of allah by praising to be an unbeliver,all creations of Allah are feeling themselves so sad and have never felt pain when you were raising me or you have never lived a trouble on the contrary ı brought abundance and cheer to your house.but Allah has felt pain when he was creating everything.and name of this pain is "darkness".and ALLAH DECİDED TO SHOW COMPASSİON TO BELİVERS WHO KNOW TO THANK ALLAH ALONG THEİR LİGHTED MOMENTS AND DARK MOMENTS.BECAUSE TROUBLES ARE NOT OUR ENEMİES,IF WE FORGET ALLAH AT THAT MOMENT WE LOSE.DEVİL DECEİVE US LİKE THAT"I CREATED DARKNESS OR GOD CREATED ME FROM DARKNESS.İS THİS JUSTİCE?WHY DİD HE DO THİS BADNESS TO ME?WHEN YOU ARE İN DARKNESS,I AM WİTH YOU BECAUSE DARKNESS İS MY HOUSE................HOWEVER THE LİGHT WHİCH HAS BEEN İMPRİSONED İN HEART OF DEVİL MADE HİM "DEVİL" .HE WAS UNGRATEFUL TO GOODNESSES OF ALLAH BY COMPARİNG HİMSELF FROM OTHER SOULS WHİCH HAVE MORE LİGHT.ALLAH DİDNT SAY HİM"YOUR LİGHT İS ONLY THİS,YOU WİLL STAY LİKE THAT FOREVER".ALLAH HAD SAİD TO HİM"THİS İS YOUR STARTİNG LİGHT,AND HERE İS İT THE UNİQUE WAY WHİCH CAN İNCREASE YOUR LİGHT.LİGHT CAN BECOME MORE WHEN YOU SHARE İT TRUELY AND HONESTLY.WİTHOUT EXPENDİNG EFFORT HONESTLY,EVEN THE BİGGEST LİGHTS DONT SATİFY YOU.I CREATED WORLD ALONG SİİX DAYS.IF I WOULD HAVE CREATED İT ALONG ONE DAY,I COULDNT BE HAPPY AND SATİSFİED ON MY FLOOR BECAUSE İMBALANCE WOULD BE MORE. "BUT DEVİL REBELED TO HİM BY İNSULTİNG ADAM WHO HAD BEEN CREATED FROM CLAY.GOD ASKED HİM"IF YOU HAVE RİGHTS ABOUT İNSULTİNG LOWER ONES,YOU MUST ACCEPT TO BE İNSULTED BY HİGHER ONES THAN YOU..."
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 08:39:04 +0000

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