■physical sensitivities like loud sounds, too much noise, light - TopicsExpress


■physical sensitivities like loud sounds, too much noise, light and tactile or touch sensitivity may cause discomfort or pain, which is not necessarily true of non-HSP’s. ■a highly sensitive person often needs time to themselves to rest after interacting with others. Non-HSP’s often recgarge with other people. ■social interaction can be draining unless it is for a short time, with a few people in a quiet setting. Non-HSP’s are more comfortable with big noisy social engagements. ■the highly sensitive person hates small talk, something that non-HSP’s thrive on. ■competition and the highly sensitive person are like oil and water. Non-HSP’s are more comfortable with competition. ■highly sensitive people are sensitive to the feelings of others and have a tendency to absorb the feelings of others causing much discomfort and unhappiness. ■HSP’s are known for their empathy. Empathy in sensitives is more than a feeling for others – it is an active way of knowing the world . ■HSP’s are right-brained. Non-HSP’s are more left-brained and analytical. ■HSP’s can have strong psychic and intuitive abilities. ■HSP’s dislike pressure, which non-HSP’s accept more easily. ■HSP’s need egalitarian social and work environments. Non-HSP’s are more comfortable with hierarchical and competitive systems. ■highly sensitive people do not like someone standing over them. ■HSP’s need a simple lifestyle. Non-HSP’s are more comfortable with busyness, stuff and activity including multitasking. ■HSP’s need stillness. Non-HSP’s often avoid stillness. ■many highly sensitive people are introverts. ■HSP’s often feel a deep connection with nature and all the creatures in it. ■highly sensitive people can be deeply spiritual. ■many HSP’s will have physical conditions and allergies of one form or another. ■HSP’s can form deep bonds with animals. ■harm and abuse of all kinds are harder for highly sensitive people to heal. ■many HSP’s dislike rrelationships and find them difficult based on values and lifestyle. ■a highly sensitive person belongs in occupations that bring out the best in them: healing and creative occupations are among the best for HSP’s. ■HSP’s intuition and sensitivity causes them to have profound insights and has the potential over time to lead them to great wisdom
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 20:00:52 +0000

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