please Almighty God pull the covers off of these corrupt thuggish - TopicsExpress


please Almighty God pull the covers off of these corrupt thuggish police officers and their union. Let everything they do evil be exsposed to the public and the world. GOD let their own evilness BACKFIRE ON THEIR OWN HEADS AND HEARTS. NOW THESES CORRUPT POLICE OFFICERS ARE PULLING A DICTATORSHIP ON THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, AND IF THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWS THESE CORRUPT DICTATING POLICE OFFICERS TO GET AWAY WITH THIS THUGGISH ACT, THE OFFICERS WILL BE WORST THAN ISIS AND THE TERRORISTS. LET THEM ALL GO NOW. THEY ARE EVIL TO THREATEN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WITH A COUP. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT IF THEY CANT SEE WHAT THESE THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS ARE DOING. IF THESE OFFICERS GETS AWAY WITH THIS, EVERY WHITE OFFICERS IN THE UNITED STATES WILL FOLLOW THEIR LEAD. IT SOUNDS LIKE TO ME THAT THESE THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS ARE SAYING LET US KILL ALL OF THE NON WHITES THAT WE WANT TO WITHOUT ANY ACCOUNTABlLITIES. I PERSONALLY SAY TO HELL WITH THEIR ACTIONS. ACTING LIKE THE DEVIL REINCARNATED. THE HEAD OF THE POLICE UNION DECLARED WAR ON THE PROTESTORS. HOWEVER, WE BLACKS ALREADY KNEW THAT THE POLICE OFFICERS DECLARED WAR ALONG TIME AGO. WATCH THEM KILL MORE BLACKS AND LIE ABOUT HOW IT OCCURRED. HE SPEAKS IT FROM HIS OWN MOUTH, BUT WE ALREADY KNEW THAT THEY DECLARED WAR AGAINST BLACKS LONG AGO. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD LET THEIR OWN GUNS TURN TO THEIR OWN HEARTS. LET THEM BE CURSED WITH A CURSE LIKE NEVER BEFORE AND ALL OF THEIR EVILNESS WILL TURN ON THEMSELVES. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ASKS US TO TRUST THESE THUGS TO PROTECT US. IT IS LIKE TELLING THE FOX TO WATCH OUT FOR THE HENS IN THE HEN HOUSE. I SAY, THE HELL. WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED ON BLACK AMERICANS HOWEVER, BLACKS WERE NOT AWARE OF THE DECLARATION OF WAR UNTIL NOW BECAUSE THE BLACKS FORGOT THE STRUGGLE OF THE FIFTIES. I lived through the fifties, when the whites were LYNCHING BLACKS on the popular tree. As a child I will never forget what I viewed. My mother and father marched with my 9 sisters are brothers. You have to stand for something or die for nothing at the hands of these DEMONIC CAUCASIANS. Never forget or go back to slavery and the Jim Crow era. The Ashkenazi fake jews came together after the Holocaust and they say never forget. I dont hear no one telling them to get over it. And they were the main ones that started slavery. Do your research before you open your mouth. Gunning down blacks are another way of LYNCHING BLACKS. Blacks LEARN YOUR OWN HISTORY, and not the CAUCASIANS HIS-STORY. THE EUROPEAN DESCENDANTS OF CAUCASIANS DO LIE. YOU BLACKS ARE THE TRUE ISRAELIS. YOUR ANCESTORS WERE FORCED INTO THIS COUNTRY IN THE BOTTOM OF SLAVE SHIPS FROM ISRAEL AND AFRICA. EGYPT IS IN AFRICA. LEARN YOUR TRUE HERITAGE AND ASK ALMIGHTY GOD FOR HIS PROTECTION AND BLESSINGS. BUT NEVER FORGET. HOW LONG WILL THE PRESIDENT AND THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALLOW THIS TYPE OF BLATANT RACISM AGAINST BLACKS TO CONTINUE. WHERE IS JUSTICE AND EQUALITY IN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT? All BLACKS AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES NEEDS TO BECOME VIGILANT AND AWAKENED BY THE REALIZATION THAT WE HAVE NO TRUE LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. MORE AND MORE OF OUR YOUNG MEN ARE DYING AT THE HANDS OF WHITE LAW ENFORCEMENT THAT WERE SWORN IN TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF ALL THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. THE MURDERING OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND SLAVERY ALONG WITH LYNCHING WERE JUST AS REAL AS THE HOLOCAUST. WE INDIGENOUS AND BLACKS SHOULD NEVER ALLOW ANYONE OR ANYTHING TO PUSH US BACK. HITLER KILLED THE EUROPEAN DESCENDANTS OF KHARZARS FROM THE CAVES OF THE CAUCUS MOUNTAINS THAT IMPERSONATED THE JEW, BY CALLING THEMSELVES ASHKENAZI JEWS WHEN IN ACTUALITY THEY WERE KHARZARS AND NOT JEWS AT ALL. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ABOUT THE CAUCASIANS AND ASHKENAZI JEWS TO LEARN A TRUTH THAT MIGHT SHOCK YOUR CONSCIENCE, HOWEVER, YOU WILL BE AWAKENED. THIS GREAT COUNTRY CALLED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WAS TRULY BUILT ON THE BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS OF THE INDIGENOUS AND BLACK PEOPLE. NOT LONG AGO A BAKERY WAS FORCED TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO MAKE A WEDDING CAKE FOR A GAY COUPLE, BUT A GUN STORE OWNER CAN REFUSE TO SALE GUNS TO BLACKS THAT HAS NOT BROKEN ANY LAWS. WE ALL KNOW THAT RACISM IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN INSTITUTIONALIZED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Am I the only black woman that can see Gods hands turning this world back around the way a baby turns to position itself to get ready to come into this world. The Earth is crying out in pain from the over flow of blood from the NATIVES and BLACKS that were killed by the hands of the CAUCASIANS that calls themselves whites. They think they are going to reign for ever on this earth with their evil demonic atrocities against blacks. These white demons time is about up, and more of their evil venomous poison is being spurred out by killing unarmed blacks. They traded in the white hoods for police officers suits and a gun so they can gun BLACKS down in cold blood and CALL the murders legal because it is hard to prove racism and a hate crimes if a police officer shoot a black man dead than it is to prove when the white man lynches a BLACK MAN. These white police officers are worse than the street thugs and the ISIS terrorists because they swore to protect all citizens. However, they are murdering the blacks. Almighty God will revenge the blood of the NATIVES and the BLACKS THAT IS crying out from the earth for justice. GODS words are not lies. Those at the top SHALL come to the bottom and the bottom will come to the top. They that are first will be last and those that are last shall be first. The CAUCASIANS guns will backfire in their own faces. No more gunning down innocent black men and NO More LYNCHING OF BLACKS. THE BLACKS WILL NEVER GO BACK TO SLAVERY. NO MATTER WHAT THE CAUCASIANS DESCENDANTS OF KHARZARS FROM THE CAUCUS MOUNTAINS . A flawed Justice system for all blacks. The America Justice system appears to be sending a message to all black Americans that they can not depend on the Justice department for Justice. The message says that blacks have no other recourse except to survive by any means necessary. This Justice system appears to be saying that whites can kill blacks without fear of being prosecuted. This flawed Justice system has to end. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD HAVE MERCY ON ALL BLACKS TO OVER THIS RACIST SYSTEM. WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED ON BLACKS. HOWEVER, BLACKS DID NOT REALIZE THE DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THEM UNTIL NOW. Caucasians wonder why blacks are so angry. If blacks would have treated whites with committing the atrocities on them the way they committed on blacks the whites would be angry too. What group of people could be anymore evil or diabolical than the European descendants of KHAZARS from the caucus mountains that calls themselves whites. HITLER AND THE DEVIL IS IN THE SAME CATEGORY. THE FFAKE JEWS IN ISRAEL FEEL THAT THEY CAN TAKE THE PALESTINIANS LAND AND MAKE SLAVES OUT OF THE PALESTINIANS THE WAY THE EUROPEAN DEFENDANTS OF KHAZARS CALLED WHITES IN THE UNITED STATES DID TO THE NATIVES AND BLACKS. THE UNITED STATES HAS BECOME BABYLON THE GREAT. BABYLON, BABYLON THE GREAT HAS FALLEN FROM WITHIN BECAUSE SHE SPILLED TO BLOOD OF OTHER NATIONS WHILE SHE WAS KILLING HER OWN THAT BUILD HER UP WITH THEIR BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS. THE UNITED STATES TRIED TO REPLACE THE TRUE HEBREWS AND JEWS WITH THE ASHKENAZI FAKE JEWS IN THE 1940s. THAN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IMPORTED THE TRUE HEBREWS AND JEWS IN THE BELLY OF SHIPS THEY CALLED SLAVE SHIPS. THE BLACKS ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF FATHER ABRAHAM AND HIS SON JACOB, JACOB NAME WAS CHANGED TO ISRAEL AND ISRAEL HAD 12 SONS. NONE OF HIS SONS WERE EUROPEAN DEFENDANTS OF KHAZARS. THEREFORE, THE ASHKENAZI FAKE JEWS ARE NOT THE DESCENDANTS OF FATHER ABRAHAM. READ REVELATION 2:9 AND 3:9. THE TRUTH WILL NOT BE HIDDEN ANY LONGER. THE WHOLE WORLD NOW KNOWS ABOUT THE BIG LIE THAT THE UNITED STATES AND THE ASHKENAZI FAKE JEWS TRIED TO HIDE. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND LEARN THE TRUTH. I CAN UNDERSTAND WHY SUICIDE BOMBERS WERE CREATED. I ALSO CAN UNDERSTAND WHY ISIS WAS CREATED. THEY WERE CREATED OUT OF STRUGGLES FOR JUSTICE AND EQUALITY. A NATION WHERE THERE IS NO JUSTICE AND EQUALITY WILL FALL BECAUSE HUMAN BEINGS GET FEED UP WITH BEING TREATED LIKE THEY ARE LESS THAN ANIMALS. Police brutality is creating something worst than suicide bombers in the United States. Citizens feel that they have no representation in the Justice department or in the government. Everyday for years black youths are being gunned down in the streets by white police officers that appears to be the real thugs in the United States. I predict that the streets in the United States will soon be running with blood because citizens are being pushed to the breaking point. Most people believe that they might as well die for something, when the police officers are going to kill your young and you for nothing. My question, is why would the United States Government allow the continual murdering of black youths by police officers without bring charges against these racist officers? Maybe the government dont care what happens to the the black citizens. By the United States Government and Justice department doing nothing to stop the thuggish police officers from killing blacks, Blacks feel that there is no other recourses except to procure the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness by other mean. We cry for the lost of these two officers. We also cry for the lost of all blacks that have blatantly been framed and killed by some THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS in the United States. What a sad day in Americas society. However, I FORETELL of the streets flowing with the blood of many whites and blacks. How long did the federal government expected the continuous killing of BLACKS without creating a feeling in the young blacks for the need of survival. A lack of equality without representation in any NATION will create human time bombs waiting to explode.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 01:16:38 +0000

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