please excuse the very bad language in this video , but if you are - TopicsExpress


please excuse the very bad language in this video , but if you are young son or daughter work in a fast food restaurant or a convenience store please remind them how to treats their customers because they will encounter someone like this lady. People will hurt you in the world that we live in and anything can set them off. No I personally dont believe whatever they need or said was that serious, but it is apparent the woman in this video felt insulted and felt as youve she was need to feel stupid. Many of us have encountered some very rude young people in these restaurants . I dont know everything so help me out what is your opinion on this encounter. I just want out sons and daughters to be safe. Young people respect will take you a long way in life.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:01:27 +0000

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