please help us get this out, Urgent Conference Call from the - TopicsExpress


please help us get this out, Urgent Conference Call from the Senior Prophets tonight Oct 2 2014 concerning the need to gather to pray for 11.11.14 This is a Global Conference Call from the Senior Prophets to hear first hand what is coming and why we must gather to cry out for our Nation and the World for Global Harvest and Outpouring and why we must covenant to stand together in an uncompromising walk with the Lord Jesus Christ in this critical hour The call will be tonight @ 7pm PST 8PM MT 9PM CT 10PM ET Conference Call Number: 619-326-2772 the pass code is 7645282# Thank you for many of you that have replied to last nights communication concerning the change to the Honda Center I know that many of you questioned information and sources. So we will be sending it along to all in the next few emails. but have included much in the last 2. Thank you to all those that replied positively that you will help mobilize, pray and attend 11.11.14 @ the Honda Center. Here is a u-tube video that will summize the information concerning the current pope. Some of our team was in Seoul KOREA a month back when the Pope was in Korea and witnessed the influx of mainline denominations flocking to the new world religion order that all religions are okay and all offer salvation, Remember Jesus said, He is the Only way to he Father. youtube/watch?v=jrhu6E33Vxo to those that questioned our email that had gone out concerning a outbreak of Ebola and Isis the bible code. here it is below We will send the bible code info shortly. _________________________________________________ Aug 11th 2014 article in its entirety the article went out also on the 15th 22nd and 29th as part of the task team announcements. Here it is in its entirety. Ebola is highlighted in yellow. __________________________________ A Hard Word....At the request of some of the Senior Prophets Blessings to our Prophetic Roundtable friends, From Pastor David Andrade Those that know me, understand that I am not prone to post messages like this one. But being surrounded by senior prophets and recently having my own dreams, I feel an urgency to pass this along and request that you do so as well. Concerning Angel Stadium The Angel Stadium team needs help to mobilize the 11.11.14 at Angel Stadium Encounter 9am - 9pm We also request that you partner with us with your finances @ one of the websites alineinthesandangelstadium2014 or alineinthesandIsrael2015 The total amount that we are spending with the 2 encounters is about 750,000 and we know that the Lord will reward you for your giving, Though the miracles continue to come, this meeting has come with a great amount of opposition and at a great personal from the team.... We have been met by satanic opposition. On the other hand many outstanding senior prophets have continued to call or visit us to keep us on track. They have confirmed from the beginning that this will be a Glory Holy Spirit visitation meeting to empower the church concerning the work of the harvest our heavenly Father wants to do through the church of His Son, Jesus Christ to spring board global harvest. We must be empowered to stand when the persecution comes. And it is not far. They (the senior prophets) have repeatedly said that there is a catastrophic event coming to California that will have global consequences should we delay this meeting. And that other events will follow shortly after. And that Jesus and The Father desire to give us more time should we be willing to contend for the time needed to bring in the harvest. I am not trying to hype you with some manipulation. But they have repeatedly said it. The prophets that surround me are the real deal, who give give names and dates and information though some are from as far as India. Gary Beaton and Ken Peters went so far as to give a word concerning those opposing these meetings and there blindness to what is coming. The prophets have repeatedly said, 11.11.14 must happen. Because of the ongoing battles, Yes, I have wanted to delay the gathering to give us more time to do what is needed to be effective.. But they have said no. Still, to have satanists come out and openly say so blantly that they are opposing this meeting, is an affirmation that it is important. For those that joined us for 11.11.11 at the Rose Bowl, that meeting was opposed by the Myan 13 skull gathering who did their own meeting at the LA Airport Hilton, as they were expectant as they said to open a port whole into the heaven. The Pasadena Weekly ran an article that following week proclaiming some kind of victory over the RoseBowl gathering and success of their task, all of the miracles (over 400 as well as a pastor raised from the dead) took place amongst an attendance of 30,000 at the RoseBowl as we together sought Jesus and him alone, while their meeting in LA of 500 had zero miracles. Our God met us there at 11.11.11 at the RoseBowl and He will meet us again at Angel Stadium 11.11.14 just a few months away, Please help us raise up prayer, finances and help us mobilize. alineinthesandangelstadium2014 _____________________________________________ Prophetic Insight of the time Also, ISIS is not going to go away.. There is coming a war to that region as foretold in Ezekiel. Not until their time has passed will they cease to be. The current events will bring the nations as well as Gog into that region. For those that are knowledgeable concerning the Torah bible code, both ebola and Isis are named in 2014. This was published back in 2004. For those that are not, that region still needs your prayers and we are in the time of Biblical fulfillment as marked by the 4 blood moons and Sackcloth Moon on the Jewish feast days running from 2014 to 2015 marked in Genesis 1:14-16 Since I was involved in Global Currency trading back in 2004 and have some understanding concerning what is happening on the global money market,............. For those that have purchased Iraqi Denarii, sell them now. Babylon will become a single nation again that will include Iran and Iraq. Trade your denarii for either Chinese Yan or Silver. Silver being the best chose. But take courage, 2015 will bring the global outpouring we have been waiting for. Amidst the crisis fire there will be an outpouring of Holy Spirit Glory fire, Love David Andrad Welcome to A Line In The Sand Israel 2015 alineinthesandisrael2015 Come join the nations on that Friday March 20 2015 as the Nation’s gather with the people of Israel in A Joel 2:15 Solemn Assembly. NASAs website predicts a total solar eclipse will ________________________________________ FOR THOSE THAT DID NOT READ Yesterdays Article OCT 1, 2014 Urgent Message from David Andrade please use the video below to promote this 11.11.14 encounter. Dear friends we will be meeting next Thursday evening Oct 9th to continue planning for 11.11.14 at Dennys in Duarte, 1060 Huntington Dr, 91010 @ 7 pm. Please take note that we are no longer holding the 11.11.14 previously at Angel Stadium will now be held at the Honda Center across the street. Yes we have paid the deposit. At a great heartache, the Global Call School of the Prophets is being postponed until next year so that the team can stay focused on 11.11.14 Honda Center directly across from Angel Stadium. Please plan to attend. All of us need to pray and beseech our God for Mercy available when we seek him. I am including a video released today that will help us understand the impact of what is coming. We need others to help carry this burden financially for the Honda Center. alineinthesandconference CIA Economist: “U.S. Headed For Crisis... 2 weeks ago mmptrack With Love David Andrade DEAR FRIENDS FROM DAVID ANDRADE PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG THE CA LISTENING TEAM AND THE 11.11.14 TASK TEAM ARE PURSUING THE HONDA CENTER FOR THE 11.11.14 ENCOUNTER. THE WARFARE AROUND THE ENCOUNTER ORIGINALLY PLANNED FOR ANGEL STADIUM HAS BEEN RELENTLESS. ON BEHALF OF THE TEAM, I AM MAKING THIS APPEAL TO YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS ATTENDANCE AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE HONDA CENTER 11.11.14 . I, AS WELL AS THE TEAM HAVE GONE THROUGH MANY PERSONAL AND FINACIAL ATTACKS, AND SUFFERED MUCH LOSS TO CONTINUE THIS GATHERING. LAST MONDAY, WHEN ANGEL STADIUM CANCELLED, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN EASY TO SAY, I QUIT, BUT THE TEAM STANDING WITH ME, HAVE SAID, WE MUST CONTINUE.... WHY THIS MEETING MUST TAKE PLACE ON 11.11.14 3 MONTHS BACK, WHEN THE PROBLEMS ESCALATED, I TOOK THE QUESTION TO THE SENIOR PROPHETS ON THE CALIFORNIA AND GLOBAL LISTENING TEAM, SHOULD WE GO ON OR IS IT OKAY TO CHANGE THE DATE. AT THAT TIME ABOUT HALF SAID IT WAS OKAY TO RESCHEDULE THE OTHER HALF SAID STAY ON TRACK, IT IS IMPORTANT OTHER HALF SAID WE MUST CONTINUE 11.11.14.. SOME OF THOSE THAT HAD STATED IT WAS NOT IMPORTANT WERE SOME THAT HAD GIVEN ME SOME DIFFICULTY ALONG THE WAY. YET, AFTER SAYING IT WAS NOT IMPORTANT, IN A MATTER OF DAYS, THE SAME ONES TURNED AROUND TO SAY THAT THEY HAD DREAMS OR VISIONS CONCERNING WHAT IS COMING AND THAT YES WE MUST CONTINUE.11.11.14. I WAS CALLED OUT IN MANY MEETINGS WHERE THOSE MINISTERING DID NOT KNOW WHO I WAS AND TOLD THAT THESE WERE GODS MEETINGS AND NOT TO LET 11.11.14 GO. THESE PROPHETS SAW CALIFORNIA AND THE WORLD AND BOTH DIFFICULTY TAKING PLACE AMONG A GREAT OUTPOURING. WHAT CAUGHT ME BY SURPRISE, IS THAT THE SAME ONES THAT HAD GIVEN ME SO MUCH HEARTACHE WERE NOW SAYING. IF THERE IS ANYWAY TO CONTINUE 11.11.14 AND NOT POSTPONE, PLEASE DO NOT SHUT IT DOWN. NOW I FEEL THAT WE HAVE BEEN ENTRUSTED WITH SOMETHING THAT MUST HAPPEN AND IT IS A HEAVY WEIGHT TO CARRY. I BELIEVE, IF POSSIBLE 11.11.14 MUST TAKE PLACE EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD SO IN OBEDIENCE THE TEAM CONTINUES. I HAVE HAD MY OWN DREAMS CONCERNING WHAT IS COMING AND FEAR THE UNSURRENDERED PORTIONS OF MY OWN LIFE THAT NEED REPENTANCE. PLEASE PRAY FOR MERCY FOR CALIFORNIA, OUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. WE NEED JESUS, WE NEED A HARVEST, we NEED TO STAND TOGETHER AND WE NEED TO DO IT NOW. SOME THINGS THAT I SENT OUT BEGINNING IN AUGUST THAT WERE NOT YET ISSUES. FIRST, THE GOOD, THERE IS A GREAT OUTPOURING OF GODS LOVE AND GLORY COMING, IN 2015 WITH GREAT DEMONSTRATIONS OF POWER THAT WILL LEAD MANY TO JESUS. THE HEART OF JESUS AND THE FATHER IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE SOULS, AND THAT WE WHO KNOW HIM LOVE HIM AND ONE ANOTHER, . THIS WILL BE A GLORY OUTPOURING THAT WILL CHANGE PEOPLE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. IT WILL CAUSE THE WORLD TO TAKE NOTICE THAT JESUS IS ALIVE, ALIVE IN HIS PEOPLE. AND ISRAEL WILL COME TO KNOW THEIR MESSIAH. THE EMERGING REMNANT WILL MOVE IN POWER TO DECLARE UNCOMPRIMISING TRUTH AND THE SOON COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. MANY MIGHT SAY WHAT I AM SAYING IS CRAZY, YOU MAY SAY I AM CRAZY, BUT TAKE NOTICE OF THE SIGNS AROUND YOU. THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT. MOST OF OUR SENIOR TEAM ARE SAYING THE SAME. THESE ARE SESSIONED APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, AND THE QUESTION IS, WHERE DO YOU STAND, WHEN THE LORD HAS SAID HE WILL DO NOTHING WITHOUT REVEALING IT TO HIS APOSTLES AND PROPHETS. SO I THINK WE ALL NEED TO PAY ATTENTION THAT SOMETHING IS COMING, SHOULD WE IGNORE THE SIGNS OR ACT WHILE THERE IS A WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY.. PLEASE HELP US RAISE WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THIS 11.11.14 ENCOUNTER AND PLAN TO COME TO BOTH THE GLOBAL CALL SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS AND 11.11.14 WE ARE A MONTH AWAY. URGE ALL TO COME. FREE WILL OFFERINGS CAN BE GIVEN AT OR WWW.LIFTCALIFORNIA.COM WHAT IS COMING IN 2015 TRAVELING WITH THE PROPHET, PAUL CAIN THROUGH HIS DIFFICULT YEARS ON THE COAST OF SANTA BARBARA, PAUL TOLD OF HIS VISITATION AND VISION CONCERNING A TIDAL WAVE COMING OVER THE MOUNTAIN THERE FROM THE 101 FRY AND CALIFORNIA COAST LINE. OTHERS SUCH AS WILLIAM BRANHAM HAVE PROPHESIED THE SAME THING BOTH IN 1951 AND 1965. IN MY OWN DREAM, I WAS TRAVELING ON THE 134 FRY EARLY IN THE MORNING, THE SHAKING, WAS SO SLIGHT, YET IN A FEW MINUTES, I WATCHED LOS ANGELS COVERED IN WATER TO HALF OF THE HIGHEST SKYSCRAPER. AS EAGLE ROCK BECAME A COAST LINE. I KNOW THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS CONVICTING PEOPLE RIGHT NOW THAT WHAT I AM SAYING IS TRUE. OTHER REFERENCES FOUND IN THE BIBLE CODE ABOUT 2014 - 2015 UNCOVERED IN 1995 AND 2004 EBOLA , THE WORLD OUTBREAK BEGINS IN 2014.... I STATED THIS IN AUGUST WHEN IT WAS ONLY A FEW CASES. ISIS POPE FRANCIS WILL LEAD THE APOSTATE CHURCH INTO A ONE WORLD RELIGION ANY GOD WILL DO SALVATION MESSAGE. SOME OF OUR TEAM WERE IN SEOUL 3 WEEKS AGO TO PRAY AS POPE FRANCIS VISITED KOREA. HE WILL GATHER THE APOSTATE CHURCH, AS HE DID IN SEOUL, KOREA TO PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE ANTICHRIST. MANY VATICAN PRIEST WILL BE AMONG THE MARTYRED WHO WILL TAKE A STAND AGAINST HIS POSITION. - THE VISION OF CATHOLIC MYSTIC BISHOPS VISION WHILE VISITING ROMES VATICAN CITY - Saint Malachy around 1132 AD....PUBLISHED IN 1500 VATICAN LIBRARY HE WILL DECLARE THAT JESUS WAS ONLY ONE OF MANY STAR-CHILDREN, RELIGIOUS PRODIGIES AND AFFIRM ALLAH AND BUDDHA, AND OTHERS TO THE SAME POSITION AS JESUS. HE WILL BE AMONG THOSE THAT CLEAR THE WAY FOR THE ANTI CHRIST. THE BIBLE WILL BE LABELED A HATE BOOK. IT WILL BECOME A CAPITAL CRIME. SHOULD ONE BE FOUND IN ONES POSSESSION. THE GLOBAL ECONOMY WILL PLUNDER MAKING WAY FOR A COMPUTERIZED PERSONAL CHIP ONE WORLD SOCIETY. DONT LAUGH, THESE CHIPS ARE ALREADY USED BY OUR ARMED FORCES. AS OF JULY 1ST 2014 WE ARE SUBJECT TO THE WORLD GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNITED NATIONS. LOOK AROUND YOU, YOU WILL SEE THE UNITED NATIONS VEHICLES EVERYWHERE. OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS HAVE BEEN SURRENDERED TO THE UNITED NATIONS MANDATE. WHEN THEY DEEM IT NECCESSARY OR FOR THE BETTER GOOD OF THE WORLD. THE U.S. DOLLAR HAS BEEN CIRCUMVENTED AND WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CURRENT RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM. THAT IS WHY, CHINA IS BUYING ALL OF THE GOLD. THEY INTEND TO BE THE NEW WORLD CURRENCY. BY THE WAY, CHINA OWNS CALIFORNIA. STILL, GOD WILL ARISE AND BE SEEN IN HIS PEOPLE. I COULD SAY MUCH MORE. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING IS TRUE. ARE YOU SEEING 11s or 53, or 11:53 everywhere. IT MEANS 7 minutes (YEARS) UNTIL midnight... the close of the church age and the beginning of the kingdom age. if you are seeing these numbers, you are called to gather all that will come to the Honda Center. THANK YOU FOR HELPING MAKE 11.11.14 HAPPEN WITH LOVE TO YOU FROM THE HEART OF JESUS AND THE FATHER DAVID ANDRADE ON BEHALF OF THE TASK TEAM
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:06:08 +0000

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