please note that ebola seemingly is a dna directed disease within - TopicsExpress


please note that ebola seemingly is a dna directed disease within the content of this virus is a strain of hek293 whic combined with sodium and is connected with someone with the host virus becomes lethal to people of color, i researched mad cow disease and kuru which stems from species being fed human flesh it seems that even in animals just like cows there are strands of disease which can cause ebola abd other dangerous illnesses. at one point it was alleged that hek293 was in are food supplies offered as a taste enhancer found in soda water and other store puchssed consumed items there for if you come in contact with a person with the host virus you can get the disease please note that the disease seemingly is racially programmed as those who die are mainly of color who having the right rh factor of blood. hek293 is a tsdte enhancer used to make the consumer believe they are digesting sugar the fda I think approved its use after the controversy of this being used in food products whereby hek293 contains human kidney protein of aborted babies. we are what we digest and this can cause cross genetic diseases ask them to look into this. Second the idea of using an effected persons blood as a virus weapon well we aew also effected by strange blood types entering into non compatible blood types therefore how could someone with a type b strain of blood be used in a rh positive o type. unless i am wrong just like in a blood transfusion the blood types have to be the seem or you can have another disease and or virus which could kill the person being treated. this is my idea based on research in these diseases done by science. .. please ask them if this was a bioweapon as it has all of the earmarks of one. comments please and share ..the detectors radio network blogtalkradio/danneburleyshow from 6p central time m_f 6p central time caller 718-508-9513 email me danne.burley@gmail @gmail
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:51:48 +0000

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