please pray for me...oziah is on my last nerve today! we are potty - TopicsExpress


please pray for me...oziah is on my last nerve today! we are potty training and he had undies on....right before needing to leave this morning to take nariah to school he pooped in his pants, so I had to give him a shower and redress him, he then hid the socks so I had to go back upstairs after looking everwhere for them to get new ones, I then put his shoes and socks on him. we go to the bathroom before leaving only to find out he peed in his pants so I had to change him again, making us 15 min late to taking nariah to school. I had to go to the 99cent store and he was more or less ok in there but kept screaming for no reason while we were in the store. he wouldnt let me buckle him when we got back in the car and he took his shoes and socks off too. so after struggling to buckle him we get home to find out the gardener is there, so i leave everything i the car and send oziah to the house barefoot. he goes and walks all over the fresh cut wett grass and tracks it in the house. i have to pump so to hopefully keep him out of my hair while pumping i put his favorite show on. well he sure is watching it but crawling all over me and jumping all over me and the couch even tho i keeping telling him to stop and i keep pushing him off of me. i am at my end with him! oh and the more i punish him the worse he is getting! HeLP!!! all the while penny is sleeping in her carseat with a poopy diaper. poor baby.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:03:51 +0000

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