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please read so you can get a better understanding of Pitbull. The Truth About Pit Bulls November 22, 2013 Pitbulls are the most misunderstood breed of dogs in the world. And as usual, this can be attributed to the media attention that they receive. As we all know, the only thing that the media cares about is how many people they can get to tune in to their lies. The truth about Pit Bulls is NOT that they are human aggressive by nature unless they are trained to be; however, they are animal aggressive by nature – and that’s exactly what today’s pitbulls were bred to be, So don’t blame the dogs, instead blame humans – if you have to point blame at all. In truth, pitbulls are magnificent creatures that can out-perform any other breed in a number of areas. SEE ALSO: How To Raise a Pitbull Puppy Another fact is that their true name is Staffordshire Terriers, and they can be either American or English. American Staffordshire Terriers stand taller than the English breed, which are shorter and wider. The name Terrier is actually a nick-name that they earned many years ago as a result of being thrown into a dog fighting pit, although since earlier times there is now a breed called the American Pitbull Terrier, which is actually a Staffordshire terrier from earlier times. It’s interesting how acceptable it is that people can spear a bull to death in Spain and call it culture, in fact, this practice draws thousands of tourists to the country each and every year. The term “Terrier” isn’t even a recognized breed of dog; instead it represents a number of breeds which can include the Bull Terrier, the American Bulldog, They hail from England and were originally bred as hunting companions for large game and were used for gripping a wounded animal until the hunter arrived on the scene. Later, they were used as butcher’s dogs to control livestock. In the early days, they were forced to fight large animals such as bears, bulls, and other large animals whereby they would maintain their powerful grip on the animal and hold on until it became exhausted from the loss of blood and fighting. This sport was known as “Baiting.” When baiting was banned in the 1800’s, people began to pitting dogs against one another by tossing them into a pit where they would fight to the death, and thus, the term “Pitbull” was born. In the popular television series The Little Rascals, Pete the pup was an American Staffordshire terrier, and he was loved and adored by literally millions of people around the world. This breed also helped to defend Americans in WW II, where they were trained to keep prisoners at bay until they could be transported. They were heroes. This breed is the ONLY breed to ever have been featured on the cover of Life magazine three times. The Terrier was so well-respected in the early 1900’s that the United States Military used an image of the breed to represent the United States on war posters, but look what the media has done to pollute this breeds image. Another truth about pitbulls is that they don’t make very good watch dogs unless they are trained to be, and if a home invader breaks into a home with an untrained pitbull, they are much more likely to be licked to death than bitten! Although if an animal enters the home, they will wish they never made that mistake, but again this all comes down to training as they can be taught to be friendly to animals as well. In the Twentieth century, pitbulls were highly respected for their determination, bravery, and loyalty. The first pitbull to become a decorated war hero was named Sergeant Stubby, and he was a guest of every White House administration until his death. Probably the most important thing to pay attention to when training a Terrier is to socialize them early on. They should be taught to be friendly to other animals, although this is not always effective since it’s in their blood. Pitbulls have a very high tolerance for pain, which makes them very good companion dogs for people with disabilities, as they can handle getting their paws or tail run over by a wheelchair and other accidents without reacting. So the next time you here the media harping all over this magnificent breed, just realize that these reporters are nothing more than misinformed, arrogant, idiots who will say anything and stop at nothing to get people to tune in.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:11:08 +0000

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