••• please read through ••• Even if u dont believe - TopicsExpress


••• please read through ••• Even if u dont believe in Jesus.... If u dont, then I dare u to read through lol I mean if u dont believe it wont offend or bother u. Jesus said He is the way, the truth & the life. Nobody can come to the Father but through Him. Pretty big claim huh? I mean for many it is hard to believe and it once was for me. Well, in school I was taught the theory of evolution, the Big Bang theory & many other theories. Well, I have a question? Why live our lives overthinking and trying to get logical??? Someone once told me he couldnt believe the Bible because it was written in 3rd & 4th grade level . Though that may be so then why dont most understand it? Could it be possible we are smarter than God? U want the truth? I found it!! The truth is there without a doubt was a man who walked this earth and has brought the truth. Truth is we dont discover anything new to God. He loved us so much He sent His word in such a way even children can learn. We have taught Sierra the word and at 5 she doesnt like to tell on kids who are mean, she comes home and prays. She might not know Justin Bieber but she knows to pray for him. At 5 she at times is more mature than me lol Why is it no other religion is bashed but Christianity? Taking it out of our military smh Why is the name of Jesus the only name in which people get offended? Truth is there is power in the name of Jesus! Say it out loud...Jesus awesome lol We are not a religious family at all. We are followers of the Truth and all truth points to Jesus. If u are after the truth and want it revealed answer the door because He has been knocking. Say this prayer: Dear Jesus I know I am a sinner. I believe U died on the cross for me. I ask u to forgive me and open my eyes to the truth! I invite U into my heart as my Lord and will seek the Truth in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:08:29 +0000

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