please take a moment to read THE SUFFERING OF THE - TopicsExpress


please take a moment to read THE SUFFERING OF THE GODLY Intro; Any person who wants to enter into the Kingdom of God shall suffer afflictions and shall pass through tribulations - Acts 14; 22. If you are a Christian, you must know that you are not exempted from suffering. God always does what pleases to Him Isa - 45; 7, Amos 3; 6, and Deut 32; 39. Some people cannot stand firm in the faith because they love the praise of men more than the praise of God - Jn 12; 42-43. The first thing we must know is our ‘calling’ - 1Cor 1; 26-28. Know that we were called as fools, and accept it that we are fools for His name sake- 1Cor 4; 10. But the Bible says, ‘Even a fool, when he holds his peace is considered wise; and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding - Pro 17; 28 Another thing is that, ‘Indeed all who delight in piety and are determined to live a devoted and godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution because of their religious stand - 2Tim 3; 12. And God also allow this to come just to prove your faith - 1Pet 1; 6-8, Zac 13; 7-9, and Jam 1; 2-4. The Pastors in the Northing Nigeria are being slaughtered like sheep and goats because of the name of Jesus Christ - Mk 13; 13, Lk 21; 16-19, and they give themselves to be slaughtered. Therefore note, that if the world hates you, know that it hated Christ before it hated you. And if you belong to the world, the world will love you and treat you well as its own. But because you are not of the world, but Christ has chosen you out of the world, the world hates [detests] you - Jn 15; 18-21. Beloved, marvel not if the world hates you - 1Jn 3; 13, but - - - - - - - - 1. Stand firm in the faith and keep on praising the Lord 2. Keep Silent and Know Your Calling. You were called as a fool and to be part of His suffering - 1Pet 4; 12-13, and Phil 1; 29 3. Have the Mind of Christ - 1Cor 2; 16, and Know the Devices of the Devil - 2Cor 2; 11. 4. Always Rejoice in the Lord in Whatever Situation you may be and Pray always without ceasing. By Pastor Joseph Mensah [Grace Bible Revival Church, Ghana] For questions call Tel: +233244750103 or https://facebook/joseph.mensah.1293 Dont forget to share His word.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:20:16 +0000

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