poor and working class liberals are the ones that are suffering - TopicsExpress


poor and working class liberals are the ones that are suffering the most under liberalism and they just dont know it. lets see...what are the goals of the wealthy liberal progressives like barack obama, bill and hillary clinton, nancy, harry reid and others liberal progressives? goal number 1. take over the democratic party but pretend they havent. (check). goal number 2. pretend that they arent really all that wealthy and that they are for poor people and the working class. (check) goal number 3. work with other other wealthy liberal progressives (main stream media) and other subversisives like the environmentalist movement, code pink, the aclu, the muslims (cair), the communist party usa and black nationalist organizations like the black panthers and congressional black caucus. form bonds and ties with these groups and lie if they have to so people wont know who they are and what they represent. (check) goal number 4. keep the poor and working class poor and forever working like hamsters on a wheel. when they get out of line...lock them away despite their support for you by forever giving you their vote. when they get out, make sure theyve lost their right to vote or own guns. they will forever be under government control. (check) goal number 5. encourage the growth of large urban populations. offer free public transportation, museums and lots of free recreational events. make it fun to live there. when they get out of line, it will be easy to shut down their mode of transportation and cordon off access in and out of the city. (check) you see, conservatives are not the real targets of liberal progressives. conservatives are too independent. they are the engine needed to keep the system going. they are stubborn and smart. they live in suburbs, farms and ranches and can protect themselves or survive if the need ever arises. yes, poor and working class liberal conservatives...you are the targets and the victims that you continuously vote for to oppress you.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 01:07:10 +0000

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