por siempremi amor episode 111 Isa tries to convince the witch - TopicsExpress


por siempremi amor episode 111 Isa tries to convince the witch doctor to let her go but the witch doctor needs Isa in order to get Art from Feo. Isa will never have Art according to the witch doctor. Ara and Este are married. Este wants a kiss after the wedding but Ara cant stop thinking that she was his dads boo. She still feels dirty. According to Ara they are only married on paper. Feo tells Art that everything is ready for a family meeting. He is grateful for Arts financial offer but Ara married his son so that she can collect her trust fund. He tells Art that Sucia will bring Ara and the money. Art is livid but behind those bars there is nothing that he can do. Feo tells Art: 1. That he knew Sucia years before he married Eugenia 2. Sucia knew him as Fernando Cordova and knew everything that he did to,Art, Isa and Ara Feo is still interested in knowing how come Art is a babe magnet? Feo would like Art to give him tips before he kills him. Feo also tells him that Isa will be there and they can have a family celebration. Ara and Este are at the bank getting the trust fund monies. Agente Rosas goes to Sucias building and the security flunkie tells them that Sucia is not at home. She happens to be in the doorway listening and then walks away before being discovered. Ally visits Gaby and tells her that she has nothing against Gaby. The failure in her marriage is not Gabys. She wants Bruno to be happy and she knows that its with Gaby. Perhaps in time they can be friends, but Gaby must promise Ally that she will make Bruno happy. Ara calls Sucia to tell her that she has the money and Sucia scolds Ara for involving the police. Ara told her that she gave the video to Fab and he must have gone to the police. Sucia is not too pleased and calls off the deal. She knows where Feo is but since she has to flee like a criminal, thats it. Sucia doesnt trust Ara. Sucia hangs up on Ara. At Casa Arte- Daphne reports to work. Mau and Andy tells her that she will get a check, her hospital bill will be paid and she better stay away from Este. What she did was unforgivable!!! Coldly she asks for her check. Sucia calls Feo and tells her that she doesnt trust Ara and the deal is off. Feo doesnt want to hear that and tells her that he promises that she will pay if she doesnt complete the deal so she had better redial Ara. Ara feels bad that the deal is off and tells Este that she wants to be alone to think things over. She is hoping for another chance to be able to help free her dad. Sucia calls Ara back. Sucia wants Ara to transfer the money before she flees town, but Ara wont transfer a dollar until she sees her dad. Sucia gives her directions on where to meet her without Este and without the police. Feo calls Marloca and gives her driving directions to where he is, somewhere off of the Pachuca highway. Daphe is in the hood trying to get a hot meal and sees a sign- rooms for rent. She asks where can she rent a room? Thank goodness, Este goes to the police station and tells Agent Rosas about Sucias involvement and how she will take Ara to where Art is. The police are already looking for Sucia. Sucia stops at the gate of the deserted prison and Ara gets out to see Art. Sucia throws Aras cell phone out of the car and puts a large gun in her waist under her small jacket. They drive into the deserted area. Sucia tells her to walk up to the house and Ara looks for her phone and Sucia tells her that a little while ago she got rid of the phone, shes no fool and pulls a gun on Ara and tells Ara to get out of the car and walk towards the house. Ara gets out of the car and gets it. Sucia and Feo are together again. She has the money and Sucia tells her that the money is only half of what her family has taken away from her. (Both Sucia and Feo have a warped sense of responsibility. They blame everyone but themselves for their wrongdoings and actions). Ara wants to see her dad, but Feo tells her that she has time before she bids him farewell. They will all be together. Que, que, what??? Lucha cant find Ara and Este tries to call her cell phone. Ara is placed into a different cell . Art demands that they let Ara go, but Feo says that Ara is a fundamental piece in all of this. Art asks Sucia- what have we done to cause you so much hate? You ignored me and humiliated me all of my life because you preferred Eugenia over me. Eugenia robbed his love from Sucia and thats why she killed her. Este heard me and asked Lucha for Aras computer. Este is concentrating on the password. Back to Art-Feo insists on Sucia telling the truth. Sucia hated Eugenia because she was the perfect child. Eugenia got in her way. Art cant believe that because of what Sucia did, she left Ara without a mom, Eugenia only showed her love, trust and affection. Feo is gloating In the background. Sucia tells Art that she changed Eugenias medication. Feo tells Sucia to give him her gun, and pulls a larger gun on her. He tells her to walk to the other side. He reminds Sucia that she deceived him and fell in love with Fab and places her in another cell. Feo wants Ara to transfer the money into his account and pulls a gun on Ara so that she can walk with him. Art tries to reason with Sucia, how could you involve Ara, your niece? Sucia could care less as to whether it was Eugenia or Ara, its all about Sucia! Art says that her only motivator is money and thats why she married Fab, she says that Feo was right, she fell in love with Fab. The only pure love in her life and its Arts fault that he wants to divorce her. She should have killed Feo when she got there and Art cant believe her cavalier attitude towards murder. Sucia tells Art that Feo is going to kill them all, because he never leaves any loose ends. Feo wants Ara to transfer the money and conveniently has a computer, booted and ready. Ara needs her password which is in her bag. Osvy feels useless just waiting around while his son is under a killers control. Balthy is eavesdropping. Osvy feels bad for misjudging Isa and to think she was interned in a nuthouse. FF Marloca is on the highway and calls Art for further directions. Este is still trying to find that password. He sees Grenitas and by golly, hes got it. no, maybe Mama or Eugenia. Thats it!! Feo has the money but wont release anyone because he is waiting for another member of the family. Balthy visits Zenaida at work and Balthy tells her what is going on at the house. Art was kidnapped and Tita needs Zenaida. She walks off of her job. FF Este calls Agente Rosa and says he is on his way where Feo is hiding, he has a lead, Agente cant believe his ears Feo is dangerous. Este tells him that he has Art and Ara. The police are on their way!!! At the same time Marloca arrives. Isa is in the back. Feo is so happy. Isa will return to him and he will have her in his arms again. Yuck! Zenaida returns to Titas. She returned to support her. Have faith!, Zenaida will ask the Virgencita for help. FF Lucha and Gabino feel guilty because their son was involved. They apologize to Gaby. Mau calls Gaby, Este knows where Feo is. Feo meets Marloca at the entrance and tries to trick her, she wants to know that Art is safe and sound before the trade. Feo gun butts the witch doctor and she is down for the count. He says that her arrogance is her downfall. Mau calls Gaby and tells Gaby that Agente Rosa called him because Este has an idea of where Feo is. Lucha tells Gaby that Este looked at Aras computer before he left. Feo and his one arm carries in the witch doctor. Art wants to know where is Isa and Ara asks for her mom and Feo ribs them. Oh, now shes your mother, the other day she was a slut. Yes, thanks to your deceit, Feo. Now Gaby is trying to figure out the password. Gaby calls Este he gives her the password and Gaby sees the map. Gaby calls Bruno. Isa wakes up, unties herself and gets out of the car . Feo pulls a gun on her. Lucha tells Gaby to think of her baby and stay put. She gives Mau the address to where Este is heading. Isa joins her family in jail. Feo places her in yet another cell. Feo has the complete family now. Art was afraid that he wouldnt see her again. Feo says that they should say their sorrys now because the only walking out alive is Isa. The last part of his revenge. She will watch her family die and she will be alone like she did to him, when he was in jail. He told them to choose who will be the first to die???
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 06:53:50 +0000

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