porting@ng/Oyo The peculiar mess in Oyo political landscape - TopicsExpress


porting@ng/Oyo The peculiar mess in Oyo political landscape is defection, recently being called porting. It was set rolling by the ruling party, the APC. The Nuru Akinyos, The Kazeem Adedejis, The Wale Muffys, The Sharafa Allis, The Lowo Obisesans, many of the notables in the admin of Ajimobis left elsewhere. Also the APC two elected Senators abandoned the party for better options. While the discussion was on that the APC Oyo state is finished little did the PDP Oyo state suspect that oye to kan ara Iwo o mbo was kan ara Ede. The aftermath of the cancelled PDP Congresses and several inconclusive Abuja meetings led to great depletion in her ranks. The Destiny Group, led by Otunba Adebayo Alao Akala ported to the newly restructured Labour Party en masse. And before the dust settled on the defection of the DGAA, the Omi Titun Group of Engineer Seyi Makinde also abandoned the torn umbrella for the Social Democratic Party. The Accord Party of Oyo state also refuse to be outdone in this season of defection. What is happening in the Accord is more than porting but implosion. The supposedly impenetrable Accord grassroots are disjointed. Like her quiet proprietor, Senator Rashidi Ladoja, many of the Accord greats are quietly on their way out of the party. Though I wont mention names, 70% of the decampees, including serving Honourables, have concluded unconditional arrangements with the Labour Party. All we are saying Ladoja must not come back, was the chorus. LASTLINE: Permit me to adjust my glasses. Have you seen of anyone leaving his/her party to join the PDP/APC Oyo state. Methink the mega parties are no more attractive. NB: Egnr FEMI Babalola has not joined the HPP as being reported on Social Media. But definitely, the JOGOR Chief Executive is out of the PDP.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:47:48 +0000

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