position of the scriptures in islam Bible, Toranh, - TopicsExpress


position of the scriptures in islam Bible, Toranh, Quran... Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. For a fifth of the worlds population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. God sent Prophets to teach mankind how to worship him; starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the last of the messengers, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). the islamic position is that all of these prophets came with the same message, that there is no deity worthy of worship except the one true God, known in arabic as Allah, the scriptures bible torah Quran.... are meant to keep the religion safe from corruption and deterioration, at least for some time after the death of the prophet. at the present time, the Quran revealed to our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the only scripture to remain safe from corruption. A Muslim firmly believes that divinely revealed books were actually revealed by the compassionate God to his prophets to guide mankind. the Quran is not the only spoken word of God, but God also spoke to prophets before Prophet Muhammad pbuh. “…and to Moses God spoke directly.” (Quran 4:164) God describes true believers are those who: “…believe in what has been sent down to you (Muhammad) and what has been sent down before you…” (Quran 2:4) the most important and central message of all scriptures was to worship God and God alone. “And we sent never a prophet before you except that we revealed to him, saying, ‘there is no God but I, so worship Me.’” (Quran 21:25) islam is more inclusive in the holy revelations it affirms than any other heavenly religion in its present form. muslims uphold and respect the following scriptures: the Quran itself, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. the Torah (Tawrah in Arabic) revealed to the Prophet Moses (different from the Old Testament read today). the Gospel (Injeel in Arabic) revealed to Prophet Jesus (different from the New Testament read in churches today). the Psalms (Zaboor in Arabic) of David. the Scrolls (Suhuf in Arabic) of Moses and Abraham. third, Muslims believe whatever is true in them and has neither been altered or deliberately misconstrued. fourth, Islam affirms that God revealed the Quran as a witness over the previous scriptures and confirmation of them, because he says therein: “And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it and trustworthy in highness and a witness over it (the collection of old scriptures)…” (Quran 5:48) meaning the Quran confirms whatever is true in previous scriptures and rejects whatever alterations and changes human hands have made to them. we must distinguish between two matters: the original Torah, Gospel, and Psalms and the present day Bible. the originals were God’s revelation, but the present day Bible does not have the exact original scripture. no divine scripture exists today in the original language it was revealed in, except the Quran. The Bible was not revealed in English. Different books of today’s Bible are at best tertiary translations and different versions exist. These multiple translations were done by people whose knowledge, skill, or honesty is not known. As a result, some bibles are larger than others and have contradictions and internal inconsistencies! no originals exist. The Quran, on the other hand, is the only scripture in existence today in its original language and words. Not one letter of the Quran has been changed since its revelation. It is internally consistent with no contradictions. It is today as it was revealed 1400 years ago, transmitted by a rock-solid tradition of memorization and writing. Unlike other sacred texts, the entire Quran has been memorized by almost every Islamic scholar and hundreds of thousands of ordinary Muslims, generation after generation! The Quran is different from other scriptures in the following respects: (1) The Quran is miraculous and inimitable. Nothing similar to it can be produced by human beings. (2) After the Quran, no more scriptures will be revealed by God. Just as the Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet, the Quran is the last scripture. (3) God has taken it upon Himself to protect the Quran from alteration, to safeguard it from corruption, and to preserve it from distortion. Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its guardian.Quran 15:10 On the other hand, previous scriptures suffered alteration and distortion and do not remain in their originally revealed form. The Quran, for one, confirms early scriptures and, for another, is a trustworthy witness over them. The Quran abrogates them, meaning it cancels the rulings of the previous scriptures and renders them inapplicable. The Law of the old scriptures is no longer applicable; the previous rulings have been abrogated with the new Law of Islam. And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.Quran 3:85
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:32:47 +0000

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