posted Rosylyn, Today i realised it is so not about the - TopicsExpress


posted Rosylyn, Today i realised it is so not about the destination, it is soooo about the ride. yesterday , sometimes the world gets too heavy for me and sometimes ifeel guilty for living in Australia and being sooo lucky, not waking up to the smell of sulphur or the sound of shells dropping on my neighbours, or everybody hating me because of my governemnt and i cannot understand why american people are so against what we call medi-care, how can one not want someone less fortunate to reciee health care and their children get the medicine they need and my head gets so full. And then Stephen Dogcollar Dove starts Bonny Collar and i get all kitted up and the helmet is heavy and the clothes are hot and i climb on Bonny and everything, i mean everything falls away, it is better than being stoned, drunk every thing falls away. I have wanted to be the rider not the pillion, got smacked in the face doing about 120klicks and then i realised how much more strength i am going to have to build to be able to ride, and so i sat back, and was chaffered. for awhile there steve has been riding like he had Miss Daisy on the back. Yesterday it was just ONE, steve/bonny/me and we would go into the bends and straighten out of them and just hang on as we sweapt around, an erotic dance as the bike and our bodies are propelled along the hypnotic hum of asphalt and rubber, yeah i wear my Bonneville badge with pride. my aunty has said on a number of occasions that she finds the Australian countryside boring and she cannot understand why people ride. Nanna Jo gets it.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 06:36:45 +0000

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