posted a shorter version on ldssingles Any and all feedback and - TopicsExpress


posted a shorter version on ldssingles Any and all feedback and suggestions greatly appreciated and most welcome. I am planning on 2 coin shows Salt Lake City, UT June 21 maybe June 20 and Baltimore MD June 26 - June 28 or possibly Colorado Springs, Co. and hopefully Orlando Fl. and or Saint Louis Mo in July and Chicago IL in August and would be honored and Love to meet with 1 or 2 of you Sweet Single ladies when in your area if convenient for you. I am so grateful for the atonement and all the tender mercies of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ our Master and for his hand in all aspects of our lives.. When i receivied my Patriaarchial Blessing on my 16th Birthday March 12, 1975 I was counseled Dont think that you are unimportant, and dont ever feel at any time that your life upon the earth is not meaningful and has no purpose because you have one of the greatest missions to perform that any mortal could have here upon the earth. I have been and am receiving more inspiration and enlightenment and hopefully progressing and making more needed changes and growth towards knowing and doing the Lords will more efficiently and fully, especially in regards to this mission and hopefully more fully and completely progressing towards a much much closer personal relationship with him and would love to meet a like minded and hearted elect lady, soul mate, help meet, and wonderful friend to team up with to hopefully help accelerate the final war of love, light and enlightenment, more fully exposing the adversarys kingdom, propaganda, centuries of deception, false teachings and traditions of men mingled with truth etc. and to more fully expand truth, healing and love and hopefully helping to create and inspire grass roots movements especially on facebook, to help establish and encourage the spreading of truth light and love and healing homes especially in America. The most important healing is spiritual, emotional, family, mental etc. that most always needs to coincide and or proceed physical healing. I am sure that I am on the adversarys top 100 detested list and if you are too we need to talk. What I, you or anyone else wants pales into insignificance unless we are in alignment with the Lords will. I hope the Lord wants to provide me with a third Very special elect lady by my side in his perfect time frame.. time will tell. I have been married to two very special elect ladies, Melinda Jean Burnett Miller Mindy and Sherri Janeal Olsen (Miller) the two best things that ever happened to me! and vice versa (very interesting stories) Sharing an inspired Special Christmas message from Mindy, Be of good cheer, Make good (wise) Choices, (and always remember) Its all about Love. I enjoy working out and getting out for a walk or in nature and struggle to make time and priority for all needed things and in working towards some sort of a healthy balance in life. Positive attitudes, faith and a sense of humor are all very valuable assets. I love serving people and spend most afternoons at Gold Coin & Diamond Exchange L.L.C. doing so In Beautiful Downtown Logan Utah across the street from the tabernacle. I would love to meet and get to know some very special ladies and you are many indeed! I am surrounded! I am not just selfishly (unfortunately most are) looking for an ideal mate. Because I have been given much I too must give! Happy to do Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. I have many talents in healing and may be able to assist in healing broken hearts, etc. I can even sing Eddie Holmans Lonely Girl and almost do it justice on a good day, obviously not close to Eddie as few may match Eddie! I also know many talented healers that also may be of assistance for those humble enough to desire assistance. If per chance we turn out to be right for each other I am most excited to build a beautiful loving precious relationship and marriage, inspiring each other and others by example to progress and become our very best selves and teaming up with our Savior in furthering his kingdom and His glory on this gorgeous beautiful Mother Earth and to assist in final preparations prior to his return. I just Re read Visions of Glory One mans astonishing account of the last days compiled and brilliantly written and authored by John Pontius and feel that it is the best book (non cannonized scripture) that I have ever read! Incredible, Fascinating, Awesome, Life and Mind altering spiritual insights and perspectives, Extremely inspiring and I feel that time is very short! and the beginning of the end may accelerate very soon. Our Savior and Our heavenly Parents love us dearly, perfectly and unconditionally They only are in charge and ultimately all the calamities prophesied and foreseen and absolutely essential cleansing that will wipe out the wicked, taking a small percentage of the righteous (many martyrs), and eliminating the adversarys power, priesthoods and kingdoms on Mother Earth. It is all for our good! Personally.. Im kind of excited about it! If ye are prepared ye shall not fear! Most of us still need a little or a lot more final preparations quickly! Procrastination is my worst weakness.. aarrghh.. this is an extended version as ldssingles limits to 5000 characters I am sending a blessing ball of Christs Pure Love, Light, Healing, Discernment, Protection, Grounding and Balance with Gods Pure Source Energy to all of humanity, Mother Earth, All Animal and Plant Life, especially all members of these wonderful networks including your families, extended families, families in Christ, Friends Clients and Associates. past present and future. I super charged and expanded Christie Marie Sheldons teachings from Love or Above and Unlimited Abundance very inspired and very highly recommended programs. One person vibrating at Love or above 500 MHz frequencies and higher or above will offset 7500 people vibrating much lower! One person may change the world! Thousands of people may drastically change the near future! It is happening! much more powerful important good is happening than evil! I loving challenge all to take a deep introspective spiritual look in the Mirror, not a mere casual glance or peek, a deep soul searching Gut wrenching look and make that change! Im looking at the Man in the Mirror! ♪♫ Im asking him to change his ways! ♪♫♫ If you want to make the World a Better Place♪♫♫ take a look in the Mirror and make that change! ♪♫♫ In closing I bear solemn witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, The great I Am that I Am of the Old testament, Creator, Master healer and my closest dearest friend, Our Savior and Redeemer, We are his beloved Siblings! Spiritually of Royal lineage, Sons and Daughters of our Heavenly Parents, Gods and Goddesses in Embryo. (Spiritual Sleeping Giants). The fullness of the gospel was restored through the keystone prophet Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ, The Holy Bible, The Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price are Holy Cannonized Scripture, The Word of God. I add my solemn humble witness to Josephs witness that a person can get closer to Christ through the Study and application of the teachings contained in the Book of Mormon than any other other book! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Gods organized kingdom on earth! We are lead by inspired wonderful, yet mortal leaders.. President Thomas S. Monson is The Lords Keystone Prophet for this incredible time that we live in just prior to Christs return and reign on earth. We are also led by 12+ Apostles of Jesus Christ Our Master that frequently bear powerful apostolic witness and testimony of these truths! I bear humble testimony and witness in the sacred name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 23:05:54 +0000

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