posted by Ian Parks 16 hrs · Edited · As most of us who pay - TopicsExpress


posted by Ian Parks 16 hrs · Edited · As most of us who pay attention are aware, Facebook is actually a huge CIA data mining operation used for collecting personal information, friend connections and generally spying on our every move. If this wasnt bad enough on January 1st Facebook will require you to accept some new terms and conditions to continue using Facebook that basically gives them the right to access personal information on your phone, computer, laptop etc and share it with the government. More about this here: https://youtube/watch?v=JFmRKOnHUfc#t=329 In anticipation of this I am moving to another Social Media site based in Iceland called Iceland recently kicked out the Rothschild banking system so as a country are OK in my book. actively advertise they are very much against spying and only ask you for minimal information when signing up. Ive signed up and it all looks good. Ive joined some groups and already have an active news feed. Feel free to add me and maybe join some of the groups Im in, as well as loads of others available, to get you started. You can sign up here: I have also joined another site called TSU which also looks good, but you need an invite to join. I will provide one if you PM me. This site shares revenues so you actually get paid for people engaging on your page and clicking ads etc.. They dont have any prominent claims on protecting your privacy which is why is more appealing to me. Heres the link: These seem to be the best 2 alternatives at the moment. Im keeping my options open to see which one most people gravitate to, but is the one im most interested in due to their anti-spying stance. The whole spying thing which Edward Snowden began to blow the whistle on is not to catch terrorists or pedophiles as they advocate, but to keep tabs on everyone to identify any individual or group of people that threaten the scam society they have setup. The structure of our society is a very carefully designed, implemented and monitored control system designed to vampire our energy (in the form of taxes) to benefit the few whilst the rest of us tread water. There are a whole range of interlocking scams in operation that force us to buy oil, energy, water, gas, food etc.. from the system to keep us reliant on it. They withhold free energy technologies are force us to continue using fossil fuels, then they charge us a tax for our carbon footprint.... you couldnt make this stuff up. Anyone who challenges this control system is identified and dealt with in any way neccessary to allow the scam to continue. Facebook is also a very big part of this. What they dont want is any single person or group gaining too much of a voice or influence over others so facebook limit who can see your posts to likely around 10%. This is to tightly control any single person, or groups, reach as they (the Elite) are the ones that want domination of information dissemination through the media etc... This is all about maintaining control and the ideas people hold in their minds are far more powerful than they would ever have you realise. The control system only works because people believe its genuine and the people running the show are our representatives with our best interests in mind.... When the reality becomes common knowledge they lose their grip of control. Whilst people are distracted with the x-factor, sports and other trivialities they are not causing a problem. What they fear the most is people starting to wake up, think and actively get together and challenge the system, so the idea is to keep us distracted, ill with junk food, poison pharmaceuticals and fluoride in the water so we simply keep working, paying taxes and not question anything.... I try not to get upset at this but Grrr....
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:27:19 +0000

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