praaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaise the Lord,, what a mighty GOD We serve, to - TopicsExpress


praaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaise the Lord,, what a mighty GOD We serve, to Him always be the glory , , i love to talk about His goodness and mercy towards us,,hello my dear friends, Happy new month to all of you,, in Psalms 118;24 Declared , This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it, and in Ecclesiates 3;1;4 Declared To Everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven, A time to weep, and a time to mourn, and a time to dance, and in Matthew 5;4 also declared Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted, and the bible also declared weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning in Psalms 30;5,,,,,,,,,, saturday was one of my Sisters final funural,Service and yesterday was the Thanksgiving Service as well,, i did not had a chance go to GHANA But while i am still in United States guess what God did? He Sent His word to Ghana and stand on my behave without my presence,, the Word did everything on my behave, this is the GOD I am talking about, He knows how to arrange things in times of our need, read Jeremiah 33;3. Call unto Me, And I Will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things,, which thou knowest not,,,, and read Isaiah 55;8;9;10;;11 and Jeremiah 1;12,,, my dear friends, we serve a Faithful God,And it is Good to trust in the Lord than to put your trust in man, as the bible declared, in Psalms 34;8 and in Psalms 40;4,,,,,, when you learn to trust God and not man always He will make a way for you,, when you are in need, i am very greatful to God for what HE did for me saturday and Sunday thanksgiving as well,,,, this is something i cannot hide from you,,,,,, ,,,, the Crowds He sent did make a huge diffrence, , , , and my family and i was very greatful to GOD,, we are very greatful to the people He sent to go and stand behind my family, may God richly bless all of those friends,,, , any time God does something for us it will always look diffrent in our eyes, according to Psalms 118;23, This is the Lords doing and it is mavellous in our eyes, ,,,,and what He did Saturday was beyond mavellous ,,, i meant the number of crowds GOD sent to go and stand behind My Family, ,,, preachers and chiefs and many friends , my whole family was very greatful,, to God,, including me,, this is the reason i am sharing with you,,,those are special V,I,P friends straight from GOD O Yes true friends is a Gift of GOD, Example David and Jonathan,,,, A Friend is a gift of GOD and ,,I Value friends, example friends like some of you,, in times of trouble they will never turn thier back on me no matter what they are doing they will always stand for me why?because i do care for people as well, and God is my witness, so in time of need God always will sent people that i need to my way, not those that i dont need but to those that i need,,, ,, and ,yesterdays,,, too GOD Sent another group of friends, from the same Kumasi for the thanks giving service ,,,, This is the God i am talking about He always cares,, if we learn how to depend on Him,, He will never dissapoint us,,, ,people were amazed to see such a crowds, this reminds me in Psalms 118;22? Lets read it together,,,,,,,, The Stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the Corner,? vrs 23 is what i like very much,,, this is the Lords doing , it is mavellous in our eyes, now i am not the tail to the family any longer ,, today through JESUS CHRIST , i am the Head of the Family,, i have a word for some of you,, dont you try to commit any sucide like Judas or dont try to take any deadly pills, for what you are going through,,,, , why? because eventually you too will become the head of your Family Like JESUS ,Joseph,, Esther and many in the bible,,,, O Yes Jesus is the head of the Jews, and Now He is the Messiah of the Jews, and the whole world as well,THIS IS THE LORDS DOING And it is mavellous in our eyes,,, except you give up on Him,,,but if you trust Him and His Word,, Dear Friends , you will be the head and not the tail as it is written, this are not my own words, to you,, read your bibles you will come across,, allow HIM To work on your behave will you?,, dont take any revenge,unforgiven, resentment,hatred, envy those things always block our blessing,, always , be nice with them even if they hate you to death try and ,love them to death as it is written and see what GOD Will do on your behave infront of thier faces, , let me put it in this way,,,to become the head of the family is too small for GOD but Infront of the NATIONS is much better ,,yet those families members will see what God is doing,,on our behaves, , this time you will become a Prime Minister,read the story of Joseph whiles his brothers lied to Jacob ,Joseph has died God was preparing a better place for him,,, His dream came to pass exactly what he told them ,,,,,please read your bibles,, whiles some of my family thought , i have been killed by some wild animal like Joseph Now my dream has come to pass like JOSEPH,, i have become a Prime Minister like Joseph,, and i agree with God, what He did for Joseph, He has done for me,,,,,, i dont hold bitterness hatred ,revenge envy unforgiven base on what many did to me, in the family,,, and this has open a door of blessing for me free of charge today whatever i need God is taking care of , everything is in control, just depending on Him alone has make a huge diffrent, dont worry about what they are saying about you, be happy for what God is doing,, you dont read your bibles some of you so everything worries you,, when we depend on GOD He will make a way even when it seems your back is against the wall, ,,, look at what He did yesterday and saturday , For me whiles i am here,,, you may not like such message some of you, do you?: well position your dentures very good,,, i cant hide such words from you,, i meant such truth from you,, ,, the last thing i will do is to hide what GOD Has done,, from people like you,, there are some things, He will tell me to be quite until it is done, and there are some things He want me to share with friends like you so you too will know the kind of GOD You and i serve,,, i love to frustrate the devil anytime you tell friends what God has done for you and others satan goes crazy,, havent you notice this?, he hate when we give God such a praise,, My dear friends everyone of you need a true friends,,, A true friends that in time of needs they can stand on your behave even if you are not there ,, with your presence or without,, your presence they can still be there for you, those are the real true friends i am talking about, remember the story of David and Jonathan , David Stood for Jonathan, while Jonathan isnt there,, read 2 Samuel 9;1;going,, and may GOD Bless those special friends who did attend our sisters funural service saturday and yesterday which is thanksgiving service, for us,,,, God will bless you for what you did,, because time is also a seed, many of you didnt know this, GOD Always reward our time for people ,,, time is a seed and always it will brings a good harvest, incase many of didntknow,,, our time for God and our time for people always brings a good harvest,, remember the widow woman and Elijahs story,,? not only she obeyed the Prophet she also did had time and prepared something for the prophet, this is where it opens the miracle door for her, some of you because of lack of knowledge and lack of discernment you dont know how to tap and receive from GOD, There will a time someone will ask you to do him or her a favor. and do something for them but at the moment you say No to them while there is a way for you to do,. you such has lock yourself in,, why?because your Yes to them is a wide open door of your breakthrough, but because of Lack of discernment this is the area many Christian fail, the widow woman first told Elijah Sir i dont have i have only little food i and my kid is going to eat and die,, but Because Elijah want her to be blessed,, He convinsed Her to used the last Meal , and the bible says she obeyed,, and spend time and prepared prophet what he requested, you may be at the point of a need that will be a time God will sent someone to you , but at the moment we say No to them or i dont have you have block a blessing coming to your way, ,, Bible will give you and i a lot of insight, we need, anyone who does not care for people are not really blessed, some of you lack of knowledge and lack of discernment will make you ignore the very blessing God has assign to you,,, whenever someone ask you to do something for them it is not just by an accident if you let by the Spirit, you may be at the edge of point of a need,,like the widow woman,, and this is where many people fail, only few christians pass this area, at the moment we start making excuses while there was a way to do for them,, it will block your blessing read your bibles, many of you dont read your bibles so you dont know what you are missing,, you never know when God will sent someone to you, to be a blessing to you, the person might not say anything to you, i am coming with a blessing,, but at the moment you say no to them,, this is it,,, you have block a blessing but at the moment you say yes to them GOD Will also say yes to your needs, GOD Will say yes to your problem, He will meet your needs,,, please some of you connect to bible and see what you are missing,,, i am not talking about just only money, your time for someone is also a seed, GOD Valued our time as well,, but at the moment we rufuse, , and say no to them, you have lock yourself in,, please going to church alone is not enough learn to study the bible so you can be blessed,,,, i really care for people,you dont know how many people God has touch me to be a helpful to, some of them i have never met them before yet, God will use me to be a blessing to them, you can be in Lagos or Abuja or Pourt harcourt, or Togo or Abidjan,, or Germany or place, when GOD is sending me to you,, i dont need your address from you, be4 you know the angels will be there and present the Gifts, God is been doing this , so many times, i meant He is been using me through this area , i meant people i dont know and dont know thier address, but He will sent me to you,, or i need is just a common word from Him, He will leads me there, without having a problem, and this is one of the reason He is also rewarding me, i value people more than money or riches, , i want to tell you this true story, the diffrent between some Rich folks without knowledge and some poor folks with knowledge,, , i used have have a millionier friend in chicago, he was very rich and do not valued people neither respect anyone, but him ,,after he got all kinds of money,, he won a lottory almost 20 million dollars one night , through dream, few years ago,, and he forgot the one who did not blocked his dream but kept his memories to remember all the numbers, and when he became rich he thought there is no more God,, and also thought that money will last him forever like Nebuchadnazzars story,,, the wicked King, lolhahaha,,, this is what some fools think they valued thier riches more than GOD And people,,,,,,, My dear friends this Rich man and his family tried to disconnect themselves from the Ghanians in Chicago, they blocked thier numbers he wasnt like that until he became rich,, what a fool? And , oneday God sent me to them they were living in a nice 3 million home,, very beautiful place in Chicago, nice gated huge house, , i was there for almost a week the funny story is for my 6days spending with them they never cooked for me always we eat from the restorant breakfast launch and dinner, and i asked them, why they never cooked in thier own house while they have everything i am just like Peter, i love to ask good question,, , i meant a huge kitchen and a nice stove with brand new suace pans, and etc,,, why they dont cook from thier own kitchen meanwhile they are typical Ghanians they wasnt born here only thier last kids was born here, that doesnt change thier identity, ,, and they told me our food will always smells all over the house,, whenever they cooked could we imagine?, and i asked them ever since they came to Chicago, theyve been eating from the restorant, without eating thier own food? or this is a new to them,,, they never used a word smell but the food stink, my rips was falling apart through laughing hearing a real typical GHANIANS Who was poor before and Now running away from thier own tradition food,, lolhahahaha, those couples were poor before my dear friends,,they used to work in a factory 4 dollars an hour in those days , until oneday GOD Makes a way for them,, this time pride is taking control over thier lives,but with all what they said , i advice both couples to start humble and also commune with the Ghanians expecially those he used to hung on,, i told them ,,they shouldnt hide themselves from them, so is thier phone numbers ,, else a day will come they may need them very badly. ,, despite thier riches,, but they never pay close attention to my advice until the day his wife pass away, now what i told them has come to pass,,,, now this time this Rich man is looking for people to come to his wifes funural, and the people in Chicago revenged him for what they did to them,, when his wife was alive,, this Rich man changed thier phones numbers from even thier own close friends, and some family members as well,, ,and now that he lost his wife he wanted to published his phone numbers to the public, so people can know where they are having funural service ,, isnt wisdom and Knowledge a good thing for everybody to receive from GOD? Now that Mr Rich man so and so has lost His wife He needed peoples help. including His phone numbers, publicly so they can trace the location And , before they told me they want thier own privicy,, they dont want anyone to disturb them,, when i told them to give thier numbers to thier close friends, for it is not good for them to do that,,,, they dis-respected GOD,, They didnt know it was GOD Who sent me to them to give them this godly advice,,,, and when he lost his wife now he needed some people to come to the funural and the people of Chicago begin to call one another , Saying nobody should attend Mr so and sos wife funural service within 24 hours almost everybody in Chicago has heard Mr Rich man has lost his wife, and they are saying to one another now he should asked his money in the stock market to do everything for him, including his funural,, it was sad and funny at the same time,,, this is a truth story,, it happened in chicago a few years ago one of thier surberb area, almost every Ghanians in Chicago knows this family,,,, no body went to the funural, service only few close friends to him, did attended the funural service,, i was soppose to go but unfortunately i didnt, i was very tight, ,and within some few months one of our friends husband did pass away both were pentecostal so all the church members attended our friends husbands funural it is so good to be a christian,, because when you die GOD Will have a special funural service for you,, , and you will go to heaven as well,, so being a christian is not a bad idea at all,,, this richman was there, because we were close friends ,, he was there seing everything going on , and a few days latter i call him myself,, and he asked me why the Chicago people did not attended his rich wife funural as a Richman like him,,.saith the foolish man, and he said to me ,but the chicago people did came to Mrs so and so who was even very poor and her dead husband,, as well,,, his service was much better than my rich wifes funural Saith the foolish Rich man to me,,, he did saw all kinds of people. attending our friend funural, service ,,, and i told Him bodly saying now you see how foolish you are dont you? because of your riches, you have isolated yourself from people you know,, including your own family members and your very close friends as well, , because of your riches you have changed your phone numbers, ,, because of your riches you refused to take godly advice from me when GOD Sent me to you at the right time,, but,, both of you ignored a word from GOD ,Now do you see the diffrence between a foolish Rich man, and a poor wise lady,? Saith me to the rich man,, , , and i told him,, you need to repent and begin to have right relationship with people else you too will die just like your wife sadden death, he thought i was playing with him,,, when i was talking to him through phone, and within four years latter he too died ,, after the death of his wife he begin to fool around with all kinds of womens ,, and we all know 60% of women love money, they love Rich mens as well only few women do not really care about those things whether you are Rich or poor thier love for you will never decress thier love for you will be the same,,,,, some women , if you dont have money thier love for you is less than 5% thier love for you will be diffrent,,,, but even if you are impotent and you are a damn rich some womens will consider to love you ,,, thier love will be 100%, and up,,,,, and they woouldnt mine to tell you to use artificial toy penis comes with AA Battries with a charger attach with belt just to entertain them for money, could we imagine?, and some wouldnt mine sleeping with male dogs just for money as well , my GOD?,, i feel like vomitting, lolhahaha,,,, My dear friends,,, this Rich man was fooling around with all kinds of women until oneday GOD Showed it to me through dream what he is doing, again,,, He told me to warned him from danger One more time , so i call him through phone and warned him,Mr so and so this is thou Saith the Lord GOD of host to you this is what youve been doing and He want to save you one more time as you have backsliding, but ,, if you continued to fool around with all kinds of womens then you will get a stroke and die from heart attack, through your dissobedient,,, he never pay close attention again untill it came to pass, i was in Chicago when i saw him sitting in a wheel chair, please do not you take my words for granted, it always come exactly,, now where is His riches? he too has pass away and left his3 million home behind the one who never had respect for GOD And man? then i begin to cry when i saw him in a wheel chair,, and i told him Mr so and so,, i told you this several times to run for your life,, God used ,me to talk to you many times,, because He knows you couples are my friends , GOD told me to speak to you to run for your life but you did never pay close attention to my word, And he was crying, but i lead him to CHRIST to receive a re-born again else he will go to hell if he died,,, , He was so blessed i went thereat that particular moment, and God used me to lead Him to Christ, my dear friends Hell is real and Heaven is also so if you dont know JESUS as your personal saviour now is the time to do so,, the bible says it is appointed unto man to die and after the dead there is a judgment, this Rich mans , too has joined his wife, almost 5 years ago,,, my dear friends dissobedient is always our worse enemy,,most of the sickness and some sadden death happens to people some of them is our own dissobedient and unawareness,,, O Yes nothing just happens without God first revealing to us if that will be the case then GOD is a wicked God, but because He is a Loving and Caring GOD He always reveals them to us before it happens,,,, whether you believe this or not,, nothing just happens without God first revealing to us,,, only we dont pay close attention to him, most of the time, if we do we will skip many traps, and temptations,, and sickness so is death as well sickness is not from GOD So is sadden death,, my sister who just die 3 months ago ,, also refused a word from me,, 5 years ago she was strong going up and down, at that time,,,, thinking nothing can happens to her, and GOD Used me to talk to her,, as a loving Sister i said exactly what GOD told to me to tell her,,, she was laughing at me,,,, Saying O i am a Catholic, dont worry, and kept Laughing at me,, and i never gave up and call her again and warned her from danger,, yet she never pay close attention to what GOD Is using me to tell her until it came to pass , untill sickness strike her so are you going to tell me God never reveals them to us before it happens? dont be fool some of you, He reveals everything to us before it happens whether you are save or not save He always Reveals,, we are dealing with a smart devil , the same satan who deceived Adam and Eve is the one we are dealing with,, if we are wise and vigelant and biblically instructed always we will excape from his trap, why? because God always reveals everything to us be4 it will happens,, dont you dare get confuse,, nothing just happens to His childrens without first revealing them to us be4 it happens, and always He reveals to redeem, and when we dont pay close attention for what He is saying,,, this is the time satan can get access and a chance , and claim a victory, for himself and he will come and accuse us to make we think as if GOD doesnt care or doesn know it is going to happens read JOHN 16;13 and find out yourselves some of you fools, always question GOD When tragedy occurs, , He cares from day one i meant His Love for us was from day one, His love for us is , the day Adam and and Eve dissobeyed Him, if He doesnt care and Loves us How comes He sent JESUS To us, after Adam and Eve dissobeyed Him? read JOHN 3;16 and find out yours,,be4 anything will happen the Holy Spirit will reveals to us,,this is His job,,, He always gives us information keep, reading JOHN 16;13 and find out yourselves,,,, only we dont pay close attention to Him,, sometimes We are so busy,, and satan Want GODS Peoples ignorants so we dont hear , when He speaks,,,, the bible says fools cannot be changed through counsel, in Proverbs 23;9 Speak not in the ears of a fool; for he will despise the Wisdom of thy words some of you dont listen to godly counsel or godly advice as well, you think , you know better so nobody can speak through your ears ,but sometimes God uses people to speak to us incase we dont know,,,, and when we dont obey and discern trouble will come,, remember the flood, GOD did not just sent the flood to come and destroyed the people He revealed them to Noah to remind the people what is going to happened and today, He revealed them through the Holy Spirit whether is the enemys attack or whether is a word from Him, HE Always reveals, look at what happened to this Rich man? he was a Rich but a fool, so , you can be Rich and still be fool, or you can be christian and still be fool, as proverbs 23;9 declared,,, this Rich man i am sharing his story with you died ,be4 his time,, through dissobedient, GOD Sent me to him serveral times to speak to him,,, and most of the time through phone conversation, but because of his riches he refused all of them, And , lets remember , our riches cannot keep us for the rest of our lives if we refuse to obey a word from God,, we need to draw very close to His word we are dealing with a smart satan, his wishes is all should die before our time so we can accuse God why?, now position, yourselves for me this is just an introduction,,,
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:00:03 +0000

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