prashasya tu prashastavyaam siitaam taam hari pumgavaH | guNa - TopicsExpress


prashasya tu prashastavyaam siitaam taam hari pumgavaH | guNa abhiraamam raamam ca punaH cintaa paro abhavat || 5-16-1 1. hari pumgavaH = the best among vanaras; prashasya = praising; taam siitaam = that Seetha; prashastavyaam = who is fit to be praised; raamam ca = and also (praising) Rama; guNa abhiraamam = pleasing with His virtues; cintaa paraH abhavat = became immersed in thought; punaH = again. The best among vanaras praising that Seetha who is fit to be praised, and also praising Sri Rama pleasing with His virtues, became immersed in thought again. Verse Locator sa muhuurtam iva dhyaatvaa baaShpa paryaakulekShaNaH | siitaam aashritya tejasvii hanumaan vilalaapa ha || 5-16-2 2. saH hanumaan = That Hanuma; tejasvii = the radiant one; muhuurtam iva dhyaatvaa = thinking for a moment; vilalaapa ha = cried; siitaam aashritya = about Seetha; baaSpa paryaakulekSaNaH = (and) became with eyes tormented with tears. That Hanuma the radiant one thinking for a moment, cried about Seetha and became with eyes tormented with tears. Verse Locator maanyaa guru viniitasya lakShmaNasya guru priyaa | yadi siitaa api duhkha aartaa kaalo hi duratikramaH || 5-16-3 3. maanyaa = respectable; lakSmaNasya = to Lakshmana; guru viniitasya = instructed by teachers; siita api = Seetha also; guru priyaa = dear to teachers; duhkha aartaa yadi = if She is stricken with grief; kaalaH = destiny; duratikramaH hi = is indeed difficult to withstand. "Respectable to Lakshmana, instructed by teachers, Seetha is also dear to teachers; if She is stricken with grief, destiny is indeed difficult to withstand." Verse Locator raamasya vyavasaayaj~naa lakShmaNasya ca dhiimataH | na atyartham kShubhyate devii gangaa iva jalada aagame || 5-16-4 4. vyavasaayaj~naa = (knowing) effort; raamasya = of Rama; dhiimataH lakSmaNasya ca = and of sagacious Lakshmana; devii = Seetha; na kSubhyate = is not worried; atyartham = a lot; gangaa iva = like Ganga; jalada aagame = in the rainy season. "Knowing the effort of Sri Rama and of sagacious Lakshmana, Seetha is not worried a lot, like Ganga in the rainy season." Verse Locator tulya shiila vayo vR^ittaam tulya abhijana lakShaNaam | raaghavo arhati vaidehiim tam ca iyam asita iikShaNaa || 5-16-5 5. raaghavaH = Rama; arhati = is suited; vaidehiim = to Seetha; tulya shiila vayo vR^ittaam = with Her well matched character age and conduct; tulya abhijana lakSaNaam = with well matched pedigree and characteristics; iyam = this; asitekSaNaa = black-eyed Seetha; tam arhati = is also suited to Him. "Sri Rama is suited to Seetha with Her well matched character, age and conduct; with well matched pedigree and characteristics this black-eyed Seetha is also suited to Him." Verse Locator taam dR^iShTvaa nava hema aabhaam loka kaantaam iva shriyam | jagaama manasaa raamam vacanam ca idam abraviit || 5-16-6 6. taam dR^iSTvaa = seeing that Seetha; nava hema aabhaam = with the radiance of new gold; shriyam iva = like the goddess Laksmi; loka kaantaam = delightful to the world; jagaama = (Hanuma) went; manasaa = by heart; raamam = to Sri Rama; abraviit = spoke; idam vachanam ca = these words also. Seeing that Seetha with the radiance of new gold, like the goddess Laksmi, delightful to the world, Hanuma went by heart to Sri Rama spoke these words also. Verse Locator asyaa hetor vishaala akShyaa hato vaalii mahaa balaH | raavaNa pratimo viirye kabandhaH ca nipaatitaH || 5-16-7 7. asyaaH hetoH = for the sake of this Seetha; vishaala akSyaaH = the wide eyed one; mahaabalaH vaalii = Vali of great strength; hataH = has been killed; kabandhaH ca = Kabanda also; raavaNa pratimaH = equalling to Ravana; viirye = in strength; nipaatitaH = has been felled. "For the sake of this Seetha, the wide eyed one, Vali of great strength has been killed, Kabanda also equalling Ravana in strength has been felled." Verse Locator viraadhaH ca hataH samkhye raakShaso bhiima vikramaH | vane raameNa vikramya mahaa indreNa iva shambaraH || 5-16-8 8. vane = in the forest; samkhye = during war; viraadhaH = Virada; bhiima vikramaH = of horrible prowess; hataH = has been killed; raameNa = by Rama; vikramya = by valour; shambaraH iva = like Sambara; mahaa indreNa = by Mahendra. "In the forest during war Virada of horrible prowess has been killed by Rama by valour, like Sambara by Mahendra." Verse Locator catur dasha sahasraaNi rakShasaam bhiima karmaNaam | nihataani jana sthaane sharair agni shikha upamaiH || 5-16-9 9. jana sthaane = at Janastaana; catur dasha sahasraaNi = fourteen thousands; rakshasaan = of raksasas; bhiima karmaNaam = of terrible deed; nihataani = have been killed; agni shikha sharaiH = by arrows equalling tongues of fires. "At Janastaana fourteen thousands of rakshasas of terrible deed have been killed by arrows equalling tongues of fires." Verse Locator karaH ca nihataH samkhye trishiraaH ca nipaatitaH | duuShaNaH ca mahaa tejaa raameNa vidita aatmanaa || 5-16-10 10. raameNa = by Rama; vidita aatmanaa = with a famed mind; Kharashca nihataH = Khara has been killed; trishiraaH ca nipaatitaH = Trisira also has been fell down; mahaatejaaH duuSaNaH ca = Duushana with great glory also (has been killed); samkhye = in war. "By Rama with a famed mind, Khara has been killed, Trisira also has been fell down, Duushana with great glory also has been killed in war." Verse Locator aishvaryam vaanaraaNaam ca durlabham vaali paalitam | asyaa nimitte sugriivaH praaptavaan loka satkR^itam || 5-16-11 11. asyaaH = for Her; nimitte = sake; sugriivaH = Sugreeva; praaptavaan = obtained; aishvaryam = wealth; vaanaraaNaam = of Vanaras; vaali paalitam = ruled by Vali; durlabham = difficult to be obtained; loka satkR^itam = and worshiped by the world. "For Her sake Sugreeva obtained wealth of vanaras ruled by Vali difficult to be obtained and worshiped by the world." Verse Locator saagaraH ca mayaa kraantaH shriimaan nada nadii patiH | asyaa hetor vishaala akShyaaH purii ca iyam niriikShitaa || 5-16-12 12. asyaaH heto = for Her sake; vishaala akSyaaH = with wide eyes; saagaraH ca = the ocean; nada nadii patiH = lord of rivers and streams; kraantaH = has been crossed; mayaa = by me; iyam = this; purii ca = city also; niriikSitaa = has been explored. "For the sake of Her, with wide eyes, the ocean, lord of rivers and streams, has been crossed by me; this city also has been explored." Verse Locator yadi raamaH samudraantaam mediniim parivartayet | asyaaH kR^ite jagat ca api yuktam iti eva me matiH || 5-16-13 13. yadi = if; raamaH = Rama; asyaaH kR^ite = for Her sake; parivartayet = turns upside down; mediniim = earth; samudraantaam = with the ocean at the end; jagat ca api = and the entire universe; yuktam iti = it is fair; eva me matiH = this is my opinion. "If Sri Rama for Her sake turns upside down the earth with the ocean at the end, and the entire universe it is fair, this is my opinion." Verse Locator raajyam vaa triShu lokeShu siitaa vaa janaka aatmajaa | trailokya raajyam sakalam siitaayaa na aapnuyaat kalaam || 5-16-14 14. triSu lokeSu = among three worlds; raajyam vaa = kingdom or; siitaa vaa = Seetha; janakaatmaja = the daughter of Janaka; sakalam trailokya raajyam = all the kingdom of three worlds; na aapnuyaat = will not approach; siitaayaaH kalaam = a sixteenth part of Seetha. "Among three worlds, if it is a choice between kingdom or Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, all the kingdom of three worlds will not approach a sixteenth part of Seetha." Verse Locator iyam saa dharma shiilasya janakasya mahaatmanaH | sutaa maithilaraajasya siitaa bhartR^idR^iDha vrataa || 5-16-15 15. iyam = This She; saa siitaa = is that Seetha; sutaa = the daughter; janakasya maithilaraajasya = of king Janaka of Mithila; mahaatmanaH = the great soul; dharma shiilasya = and noble one; bhartR^idR^iDavrata = with a firm resolution towards husband. "This She is that Seetha, the daughter of king Janaka of Mithila, the great soul, and noble one with a firm resolution towards husband." Verse Locator utthitaa mediniim bhittvaa kShetre hala mukha kShate | padma reNu nibhaiH kiirNaa shubhaiH kedaara paa.nsubhiH || 5-16-16 16. kSetre hala mukha kSate = while a field was being ploughed; utthitaa = (She) rose up; mediniim bhittvaa = splitting the earth; kiirNaa = covered; shubhaiH kedaara paamsubhiH = by auspicious dust of field; padma reNu nibhaiH = equalling pollen. "While a field was being ploughed She rose up splitting the earth covered by auspicious dust of field equalling pollen." Verse Locator vikraantasya aarya shiilasya samyugeShu anivartinaH | snuShaa dasharathasya eShaa jyeShThaa raaj~no yashasvinii || 5-16-17 17. eSaa = She is; yashasvinii = the famed; jyeSThaa snuSaa = eldest daughter-in-law; raaj~naH dasharathasya = of king Dasaratha; vikraantasya = valorous one; anivartinaH = not turning back; samyugeSu = in the battle. "She is the famed eldest daughter-in-law of king Dasaratha the valorous one, not turning back in the battle."
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 14:02:12 +0000

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