price fixing is a pejorative about FDR just so you realize. its - TopicsExpress


price fixing is a pejorative about FDR just so you realize. its not a rational argument. the economy during the great depression there’s no strong reason to conclude if someone had not intervened the deflationary spiral would have kept prices lower for awhile but eventually the business in question would die naturally and we’d have been at a tragedy of the commons. I can’t qualitatively tell you for certain that th deflationary scenario would not have lead to death but I would be highly skeptical in the modern economic environment of people who attack FDR and use the great depression and 1920s depression. there’s no reason to conclude the deflationary spiral ever would have ever ended and the farmers wouldnt have ended up starving. but Ludwig von mises and the CATO institute and other and anti-inflationista’s won’t tell you that so “price fixing” = a subjective value judgement,
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:03:07 +0000

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