prologue part one Chapter 2 PROLOGUE Greetings my fellow - TopicsExpress


prologue part one Chapter 2 PROLOGUE Greetings my fellow travellers of the mystic alchemical sea, I am your host the alchemist, I am the poet of the eternity, and I am the pan dimensional bard. Alchemy is all about healing, it is about using the self as the crucible, it is a journey of sixty five levels, of sixty five signs, of five zodiacs, and of thirteen chakras. You too oh reader will be shown, will be activated into the core of alchemical methodology, and you will never be the same, we are moving vertically up the body. When upon hitting the thirteenth and last chakra, I will open them all up, I will spin them all, I will integrate them all into one, and then we add the fifth level where we expand outwards on the horizontal, thus becoming a true pan-dimensional being. I am telling you that each chakra has four signs assigned to it, and I start as we must at the earth, the connection, to where and who we are, our home, our place of planetary existence, and to further assist us all in the transformation of the alchemical energies I am using the Kundalini as the key of the secret and eternal energy that is usually asleep in most people and in some almost dead, it cannot be removed, it cannot be extracted, it is within the self purely with the desire and the intention to arise, to awaken and send its energetic pulse into the aura, the eternal being, the child that I/we are going to make. Our story begins in an old manor house; it could be yesterday, a thousand years ago or a thousand years ahead in the future, the time is not important, I like to believe it is in all at the same time, it is a mix of styles, a touch of baroque here, Victorian there, and gothic in yet another, it could be anywhere and yet nowhere and it is, but it all fits together somehow. There are three stories, with a round tower that stands on the verge of a small lawn, we can see an overgrown pond, its water blackish and dark, as if nothing has lived there for years, the grasses are overgrown, the odd door and window is open and then there are some that are covered with boards. There are some broken window panes, with huge pieces of masonry coming away from the walls, leaving holes of varying sizes in various places. Variations of light and shadows can be seen moving behind some of the windows, but then in truth all we see are cobwebs and rotting, disintegrating furniture, there is plant life, rampart throughout the house, that really looks like it has not been lived in for a good couple of centuries. But here I am, I am the alchemist, I am not young or old, but both, I am neither male nor female, but both and I am swaying in the half light, my eyes are intently focused on the crucible in front of me. My head is lifted and I look with hope and desire at the growing spark as it expands from within, the crucible, and then of course the self. As the alchemist I am dressed in a mixed and flowing style of clothing, neither old nor new, and again neither male nor female, but both, I have a billion mixes of different cultures and religious persuasions, each one as precious as the previous, I am all and neither. I am in an upper room of the manor house, in the upper level of the round tower; I stand in my laboratory the alembics, the jars, the crucibles and other various assorted alchemical apparatus. There is a grand table on which are some intricate designs imprinted, and most of the equipment and apparatus sits there, tubes snake from one crucible to another and back again, in front of me and to the side is a huge book, with massive leaves, that gently curl in the dusty air. Then the Mercurius appears before me, and is always showing the opposite to what I present, if I present an image of being male, it becomes female, and of course if I am female it presents as a male, and if neutral in the blend of the two, becomes the opposite to the blend. The Mercurius spoke, quietly and concisely and the voice seemed to come from the book, the crucibles, and even the very air itself, it spoke even inside my head. “For ten thousand lifetimes have we learnt, and so we see, we know, the secrets of the eternities. For ten thousand more have we been burnt, and so we feel, we know that the fires will burn with the silent truth that is dormant within our being. Then for yet another ten thousand more we were all but ignored, left to rot by the decaying dream, scattered to the myriad corners of the universe.” As the alchemist I replied with almost reverenced tones to my voice. “But in this one lifetime we have uncovered the power that within us was stored, quietly waiting to be transformed in the miracles of the journey. So we started a sacred odyssey to uncover its timeless, ageless, wisdom, that eternal source that is planted, nurtured, nourished, and then allowed to blossom in all its sacred perfection. We gladly explored and will explore every avenue, every nook, every cranny, every rise, every fall, and every nuance along the way.” “Follow us, my child you may gain your own reward.” The Mercurius seemed to both gesture with their long and elegant hands as well as their voice. I stepped away from the table for a while, and quietly pondered on what, on whom and on why I had done over the thirty thousand lifetimes, some as male, some as female, and the odd one as both, and even one where I was neither. I saw myself as a human progressing, in some exalted yet in others poor and alone. I looked at and learnt the lessons from each one, I can remember what I felt, what I saw, what I did, the myriad children I had brought onto the earth, the other myriad children that I had sired, I felt strong and proud of all that I had done, the good, the bad and revolting, the sad, and the sublime joy. I then realised that it was in fact from all over the stream and ocean of time, some of the lives were past, one was present, and yet others were of the future, I return to the table and back from the small reverie I jot down a small note in the margin of the book. I hear a hiss of air, the sound of a swinging gate, over the carpeted area of the floor, and through the debris, about two to three meters from where the crucibles are and where I the alchemist stand, I can see a pool of light appear. The Mercurius appears, tendrils of smoke and light still cling to the clothing, and they are surrounded by a rainbow of colours all in constant movement. Along with the clothing there are symbols from many religions and philosophical genres emblazoned all over the clothes and some even appear to be spinning in the air around them. I collect my temporary scattered thoughts, and quickly regain my composure, staring at the shifting clothes, the shifting body underneath, the waves of energy just pouring out and seeming to roll over me gave me pause, after what at first appeared to be a minute or two, turned out in reality to be only a couple of seconds I spoke. “I was and have been guided by the billion teachers, the eternal poets, the loving often decadent masters, the sweet and captivating mistresses. I saw them all uniting, blending becoming one, how I used to wonder, be amazed at the things that they had said that they had done.” Then as if to prove that this was the right time, the Mercurius and I spoke in unison. “Although ancient we were and are young as well. Its secret world given to us, to enjoy, to play, to delight in the constant growing, evolving. I stopped, paused as the meaning descended upon my being, but the Mercurius continued. “To you all now we shall pass on gifts in ways of ways you cannot tell. Here in the prologue, we set the tone, we set the pace, and here is the alchemical advice, the balance of time and space. In this is the purpose of this work, in this is the power to create. Here to make the body, here to make the mind, here to make the soul, here to make the spirit, and here the power to transcend them all. Here too is the dreamer delighting in all that the dreams created. Here is a Mercurius telling students all, to know the ship of the soul on each of you must call then into its silent eternity you must fall.” “Use our imagination, use our thought, our feelings, let us soar into the heart, into the soul of who we are, of where we are use the sacred dream of the source that pulses within us, showing us vistas of worlds unknown.” I humbly replied and further pondered on the words. The Mercurius tapped the side of their nose, as if to confide in me a secret. “Know you my little ones that potential danger lurks in its supernatural theme.” I stepped into my own sub/unconscious awareness and I saw and felt if simply for the sake of argument, that I am aware of all my past/future lives. I thought of all the teachers I have had male, female, and those in between, teachers old and older and even teachers young and younger. I thought also on the various cultures in which I lived and how those cultures have influenced my thinking and my feeling. I look around the room at the faded pictures of my family, the memories, of days and nights in delight and wondrous delirium, the frames long broken, the pictures themselves worn into almost nothing, (this is to indicate that a long time has passed since the Alchemist started this quest) The Mercurius continues, voice getting stronger. “In an ancient lifetime past and in the future ones yet to emerge, we vainly sought the eternal clue to see what truths others could know. Those things that we had yet to achieve, to look for a key that sits inside each and all of the flowers of Logres till upon one hallowed day out of a billion lived, loved so harmlessly we drifted away. We saw the universe dancing within, echoing through the nothing, and so our sanity started to dissolve.” I pondered on what has/had prompted me to begin this journey and read it, live it, become it, so that in spite of loving family and such it consumed me, I thought is there an underlying cause for my thinking, am I looking for a chance to attain some sort of deeper meaning to whom, where and what I am. The Mercurius with those continuously shifting clothes, and energy kept on talking. “It was from an ageless antiquity, lying dormant, resting eternally in the quietness of our mind. It was the dream that you see, the story soon to be defined.” I step up to the table, and make a small adjustment to one of the valves, I respond with a plea, which slowly builds up in intensity. “It was from an ageless world in the forgotten history of human kind. The secret revealed through all material to be divined. Here in the world of mortals all, dancing in forms that Mother Nature has carefully designed. Beyond the darkened path lies the light that all must find. See here the self-created god, created by all to save mankind. To be armed with lance and rod, to dance quietly in a twisted mind.” I picked up the gem that I had sitting on its own little cushion to the side of the table, I touched the stone that was laying on a similar cushion on the opposite side of me, I knew they are the representations of my own truth; I cleaned them, I held them in the palm of my hand, I could feel them, giving off a faint barely perceptible beat and not inconsiderable heat, I was able to communicate with them. I would imagine that the light/energy within is reflecting of the various facets of it, and just as its about to burst, I imagined it had entered into me and that it is suffusing my body and my cells with a renewed energy and light, allowing it to transform whatever is there within that needs to be transformed. I move around the table with the crucible still bubbling away, I look into the book; I turn a page and ponder for a while and smile at some hidden joke. The Mercurius responds to the Alchemist with an almost casual disdain. “Here we see yet another army of mindless sleepers who have passed in each in every age? Here are the gifts of the eternal reapers their parading of the powers of winter’s cage.”
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 08:39:39 +0000

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