put out laundry and put in another load. put clean dishes away. - TopicsExpress


put out laundry and put in another load. put clean dishes away. getting stuff together so i can set up getting a library card and meeting adam at the library in about an hour to get it done. for now, Im writing down what areas i have questions for in the visa forms to look them up later tonight ( counts as homework for me lol) adam and I went through a fair amount of the paperwork yesturday so theres not much left to do. just go over a few things, print the forms out again to make an actual clean copy of it for the visa office and then hopefully we can schedule an appointment while peter is off so itll be easy to get to glasgow and get it done. I cant help but worry though. Its just how i am. Adam has gone through a lot and hes really been improving a lot. The thing i worry so much about is being rejected and it really just devastating not only me but him as well. Im worried about how it may affect him after all the improvement hes had since ive been here. Just hope things stay this way with me being by his side, thats all im asking for. Ive been away from him for such a long time and we are finally married and together. Just dont want that to ever change now since we finally have each other. We both need this. Adam might need me sometimes, but sometimes i wonder just how happy he makes me and just how much i need him too. Im sure he does. Its why hes so good at helping me through things when i get upset worrying about things. well, this sort of went from a status update to a worry rant and talking about how much i love my husband. Im sure things will be fine. i hope things will be fine. I pray things will be fine.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:23:27 +0000

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