r NewsBox | Add comment fronts in the Middle East there were - TopicsExpress


r NewsBox | Add comment fronts in the Middle East there were unfavorable for the US events. Most Western media ignore them, but in vain: the development environment can dramatically change the entire regional situation and lead to a new jump in oil prices. According to close to the Israeli military intelligence website DEBKAfile, entrenched in Jordan and Syria border areas most efficient part of the Syrian armed opposition - Yarmouk Brigade (Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades) of 2,000 fighters in full force went over to the LIH headed al-Baghdadi. Yarmouk Brigade - a special connection. His two years preparing for Jordanian territory to the highest NATO standards US officers, mostly from the CIA, as well as representatives of the Israeli IDF. At the armed brigade is heavy and armored vehicles. It is assumed that it will be at the forefront of a general offensive on Damascus to the south. Yarmouk Brigade had the reputation of the pro-Western faction of the Syrian armed opposition. To whom then can count Western coalition in his phony war with LIH? As it turned out, the commander of the Yarmouk Musab Ali Karfan (Mousab Ali Qarfan) about two weeks negotiated on accession to LIH directly with al-Baghdadi, move recently with his staff from Iraq in the Syrian city of Raqqa. The fact that US intelligence agencies have watched it, is another of their high-profile failures. The consequences can be multifaceted. Finally collapses the myth that the United States supports Syria in a kind of democratic opposition. It becomes apparent that only the intermediate court in the transition of military and human resources in the hands of those forces with which Washington allegedly fighting. Sharply exacerbated the situation in the area of the Syrian-Israeli and Syrian-Jordanian border. Throughout it becomes the dominant force LIH. Instead march on Damascus could start reverse movement intensified militias in the direction of the Golan Heights and Amman. General vector of attack LIH may move south towards the oil monarchies of the Persian Gulf, involving the scope of armed struggle Islamists millions of Arab youth. Arab Spring, but in a new slipping out of control US Islamist version can reach Jordan and the Gulf countries. In this case, the price of oil is not only quick return to the previous level, but also greatly exceed his. If the leader of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden believed, for example, that the fair price of oil is 144 dollars per barrel, the al-Baghdadi refers to the price of $ 244. The most vulnerable link in the path will not LIH Syria, against which it was prepared Americans, and apparently calm Jordan. Her ostentatious stability is imaginary. In fact, 55% of the Jordanian population - it is the Palestinians still do not have full rights and are able to easily go beyond the force that will change their position. Support the ruling Hashemite dynasty always Bedouin tribes were not so many descendants of immigrants from the North Caucasus, known collectively as the ethnonym Circassian. Recently, however, the loyalty of the Bedouin to the King Abdullah II strongly shaken. Some tribes in the province of Maan, known for high-profile American TV series The Tyrant, already hung black banners LIH and lead a semi-independent existence. Some true Circassians to save the dynasty may be insufficient. Experts believe that the position of the Jordanian Bedouin affect the fate of belonging to them Pilot F-16 Lieutenant Muath al-Kasaesbeh, shot down over Syria on December 24 and captured militants LIH. It is believed that al-Baghdadi instead of punishment pilot may try to use the prisoner to persuade the leaders of the tribes on their side. Cvyaschennaya Muslim land of Mecca and Medina, and that Saudi Arabia remains the main purpose of armed supporters of the new caliphate. Will stand whether the Saudi dynasty before their pressure without support ground operations by large US Army? In any case, Riyadh will be faced with the necessity of extraordinary additional costs of strengthening security and ensuring the loyalty of the population. In such circumstances, for a fall of oil prices will inevitably be replaced by the opposite course. Probably sooner Barack Obama declared himself a grandmaster, beating Vladimir Putin. On the geopolitical chessboard many fields, and even more combinations. In addition, many pieces on this board, unlike the board game of chess, tend to move independently, not by the will of the game Grand Master. Source MININ Dmitry Ошибка?
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:40:16 +0000

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