rap music was deemed too cool by the youth,and so mainstream media - TopicsExpress


rap music was deemed too cool by the youth,and so mainstream media had no control over it once it became available on a wider scale...because the youth would no longer settle for some bland ass pop music...it was only right these corporations sought to control the new phenomenon....because now they can control what is deemed cool in the name of Hip-Hop,and all the youth who werent raised knowing real,raw MCing,before it was fully embraced by mainstream(and not just conscious rap,but,raw lyricism or hungy MCn),these misled youth will think now think that what some white record exec gives a green light,is what is in fact cool while so many real gems get overlooked simply for not having the same exposure to the masses as some of the rap that gets constant airplay on playlists all over the country....now,these youth have no idea on the spectrum,variety and depth that rap can have,because they are busy liking what record execs wish for you to like,and that keeps those mainstream rappers in place because they wont cross the line so to speak,because they would lose their popularity or simply,it doesnt make them money.......and not only that,but other artists in other generes no longer have to worry about that cool factor helping these kids to see past the facade held up by the media,the facade that rap music is only trap rap,flossy metaphors and simple rhymes........the majors now have control of what and who the youth will think is cool as far as rap goes,so of course,anything outside of that will be looked at as weak and irrelevant and the most detrimental part of it all,Hip-Hop as a culture gets looked down on and written off,and the origins are ignored or looked at as something that doesnt have power in Black and Brown communities.......thats just the music biz,now,hollywood? thats a whole other ballpark,and theyre so racist,they think Egyptians were as white as tom cruise in the last samurai,and they want you to think that too....nah,that ish is dangerous
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:24:01 +0000

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