raptureready/rapnews_db.php 04 Sep 14 Draghi Says ECB To - TopicsExpress


raptureready/rapnews_db.php 04 Sep 14 Draghi Says ECB To Purchase Asset-Backed Securities European Central Bank president Mario Draghi is holding a press conference latest monetary policy decision from the ECB saw the bank unexpectedly cut interest rates. Draghi just announced that the ECB will begin a quantitative easing program in October, comprised of asset-backed securities and Euro-denominated covered bonds. Atheist Group Gets All Religious Expression Banned From HS Football Games Starting this season, team chaplains, fan signs with Bible verses and praying before games will all be banned from Orange County public schools in Florida, thanks to an atheist activist group who sent a threatening letter to the district’s superintendent. The Only Answer to the Evil of ISIS: Eliminate it By Force the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria which, like the evil leaders of Nazi Germany, will not respond to reason, diplomacy or logic, and they are accompanied by a large swath of fundamentalist Islamists who support and sympathize with this group. Despite the denial of the Left that there is evil and that radical Islam is evil, the evidence speaks for itself. 2.9 earthquake hits Ladera A magnitude 2.9 earthquake hit Ladera along the San Andreas Fault Wednesday evening around 8:24 p.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Al-Qaeda chief Zawahiri launches al-Qaeda in South Asia Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has announced in a video message the creation of an Indian branch of his militant group to raise the flag of jihad across South Asia. In the 55-minute video posted online, Zawahiri pledged renewed loyalty to Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar. Correspondents say his stated allegiance is an apparent snub to Islamic State (IS) militants. Islamic State action not ruled out by David Cameron David Cameron has said he will not rule anything out in relation to military action against Islamic State, which is holding a Briton hostage. But speaking ahead of a Nato summit in Wales, the prime minister told the BBC any action, including air strikes, must not be Western intervention over the heads of neighbouring states. He and Barack Obama warned against an isolationist approach in the Times. Municipality approves massive expansion for Palestinians in east Jerusalem The Jerusalem Municipality’s Local Planning and Construction Committee on Wednesday approved a large development for the Jebl Mukaber neighborhood. The plan will feature 2,200 housing units and 130 hectares for the development of infrastructure, including parks, roads, schools, cultural institutions and businesses. Erekat pushes Palestinian statehood case with Kerry Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat met with US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday and presented the top American diplomat with a plan for establishing an independent Palestinian state within a specific timeline. The initiative delivered by Erekat...reiterated the Palestinian call to to end the Israeli occupation and establish a state based on the pre-1967 lines with a capital in east Jerusalem... Venezuelan Socialist Party swaps God for Chavez in new prayer A member of Venezuelas Socialist Party has rolled out a variation of the classic Christian Lords Prayer to implore beloved late leader Hugo Chavez for protection from the evils of capitalism. Rogue ‘Cell Towers’ Can Intercept Your Data; At Least One Found In Chicago So-called rogue cell phone towers, the type that can intercept your mobile calls and data, are cropping up all over the United States, including here in Chicago, according to a company that specializes in developing highly secure mobile phones. Saudi court sentences an American and 23 others to prison on terrorism charges A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced an American and 23 other people to prison on charges they created a terrorist cell and planned attacks on foreigners and oil pipelines. The official Saudi Press Agency says their sentences range from two to 27 years in prison. The state report on Wednesday said the U.S. national was sentenced to 17 years prison, six of those years for cyber-crimes. He was ordered deported after completing his sentencing. UN says $600 million needed to tackle Ebola as deaths top 1,900 The United Nations said $600 million in supplies would be needed to fight West Africas Ebola outbreak, as the death toll from the worst ever epidemic of the virus topped 1,900 and Guinea warned it had penetrated a new part of the country. Beheaded journalist Sotloff had kept his Jewish roots hidden As long as there was a chance Steven Sotloff was alive, there was fear that exposure of his Jewish roots and Israeli past could put him in further danger. Justice Department to investigate Ferguson police Attorney General Eric Holder this week will launch a broad civil rights investigation of the police department in Ferguson, Mo., according to two federal law enforcement officials. The investigation, which could be announced as early as Thursday afternoon, will be conducted by the Justice Department’s civil rights division. It will follow a process similar to that used to investigate complaints of profiling and the use of excessive force in other police departments across the country, the officials said. Nato faces up to crises on its borders Nato leaders meet for their summit in Wales amidst the most serious security crisis in Europe since the end of the Cold War. Russia is back at the top of Natos agenda. And this summit must seek to respond to the long-term challenge from Moscow while managing the evolving drama on the alliances borders. Britain will not be ‘cowed’ by terrorist threats as IS threaten to kill British hostage British Prime Minister David Cameron has reiterated his determination not to bow to terrorist threats. Islamic State militants, responsible for the beheading of two US journalists, say a British hostage will be the next to die.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:14:05 +0000

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