read these few notes and pray to God for your - TopicsExpress


read these few notes and pray to God for your breakthrough. REFORMED CHURCH IN ZAMBIA CHILENJE CONGREGATION TEXT: EXODUS 3-4:1-31 THEME: LIBERATION FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT PERSPECTIVE – EXODUS 1. INTRODUCTION During the first Sunday I did expose the theme for the year 2015 and also the quarterly themes. The themes for this year 2015 and its quarterly themes are as follows: Proclaiming “The Year of the LORD’S Favour – ISAIAH 61:1- 3 (Kulalikira Chaka Cokomera Yehova) January to March “God who liberates us in a number of things (Liberation) Mulungu amene atimenyela nkhondo (Kumasulidwa)” April to June “The God who watches over us (Protection) Mulungu Amene Atiyanganila (Chitetezo)” July to September “The God who cares for us (Providence) Mulungu Amene Asamalira. (Kupatsa)” October to December “Praising God for His Favour and Goodness (Praise) Kuyamika Mulungu Chifukwa Cha Kukoma Mtima Kwake. (Kutamanda)” Today we will start looking at Janury to March quarterly sub-theme “God who liberates us in a number of things (Liberation) Mulungu amene atimenyela nkhondo (Kumasulidwa)” In particular the theme for this Sunday is ‘LIBERATION FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT PERSPECTIVE – EXODUS’ 2. BACKGROUND OF THE BOOK OF EXODUS Authorship: the book is attributed to Moses Date: around 1400/1200 B.C Sources: ‘book of the Covenant’ (24:4,7) Occasion: need for God’s chosen people to 1. Understand how they were formed as a nation through God’s mighty deliverance out of Egypt celebrated in the Feast of Pssover, and 2. Understand God’s laws, ordinances and statutes which they were to obey as His people Title: Exodus - Hebrew: shemoth (names) - Greek: exodus (way out) Theme: the deliverance and redemption which gave birth to a nation chosen of God to be His people Purpose: to record how God delivered Israel out of slaverly in Egypt in order to enter in to covenant with them as His people through whom His nature and salvation was to be shown to a wayward world. 3. DEFINITION OF THE WORDS/SYNONYMS: ‘LIBERATION FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT PERSPECTIVE – EXODUS’ LIBERATION - To be released from bondage - Freedom - Emancipation - Deliverance - Freedom - Liberty OT-EXODUS - Mass departure - Evacuation - Move out 4. TEXT IN FOCUS :- EXODUS CHAPTERS 3-4:1-31 Chapter 2 narrates about Moses’ birth (2:1-10); Moses fleeing to Midian (2:11-20) 2:21-25; The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help…. Chapter 3 narrates about Moses and the burning bush (3:1-22; 4:1-17). The two chapters narrate about a long conversation between God and Moses. 4:18-31; Moses and Aaron returned to Egypt on God’s mission of liberating the Israelites Chapter 3 and 4 are very vital chapters in the liberation story of the Israelites because it is this narrative were God RAISES Moses to be the messenger of deliverance. 5. WHAT IS NEEDED TO BE DONE IN ORDER TO HAVE GOD’S LIBERATON? a) CRY TO THE LORD; GROAN TO THE LORD; SEEK GOD; PRAY TO GOD, 2:23-25; 3:7 For liberation to come in our lives, families, children, business to come we need to groan to the Lord. The Israelites groaned to the Lord in Egypt. The synonyms to the word GROAN are: I. Moan – making a low sound usually because one is unhappy or in pain II. Cry out III. Grunt – a low sound especially because you are annoyed or not interested in something IV. Growl – a low sound, like a dog sound to show that it is angry V. They are also called ‘desperate cries’ Examples of people that groaned and God heard: a. Hagar Ishmael’s mother groaned and God heard her, Gen. 16:11 b. Job said ‘my groaning flow like water, Job 3:24; 23:2; c. David, Ps. 6:6;22:1 d. The earth groans, Ro.8:22,23; e. The Spirit, Ro.8:26 Today, there are certain things in our lives we need to groan to God, cry to God for liberation. I motivate you to GROAN for your children, husband, wife, marriage, business, education, favor, breakthrough, marriage etc GOD HEARS OUR GROANINGS. b) BE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, 3:1-7 Liberation will need us to be in the presence of God. moved away from the busy towns in Egypt, he went in to the bush tendering the sheep of his father in law (Ex.3:1-3) It was during his time out when God met him and revealed His plans to him. The plans to liberate the Israelites from bondage. God’s revelations come more when we are in private prayer with God. a number of prophets received revelations during their private prayer or when they were alone meditating. EVEN TODAY, THOSE THAT STAY MORE WITH GOD PRIVATELY RECEIVE MORE REVELATIONS, MOTIVATIONS, ENCOURAGEMENTS AND BLESSINGS. THIS TIME OF 40 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING IS THE BEST TIME TO BE WITH GOD – Mt.6v17 This year 2015 find time as a family, individuals, groups, choirs, fellowships, sections, companies, marketers etc to be in the presence of God. Pray and fast, seek God’s presence and intercede for the church. c) WE NEED A MOSES IN OUR LIVES TO HELP US, 3:10; We need an Aaron, (4:27-28); we need Moses (4:29-30) to get our liberation and breakthrough What is the meaning of Moses and Aaron? Moses: ‘because I drew him out of the water’ – Ex.2:10 Aaron: ‘someone who helps, partner’ – Ex. 4:27-29 God always sends people like Aaron and Moses in our lives to help us succeed in our lives. God sent Moses to the Israelites; God sent Aaron to Moses to help him in his mission. In life God send people to help us in particular situations. For instance: • Whenever the Israelites needed help God sent prophets to help them and deliver them • When Peter was in jail God sent an angel to liberate him from the jail, (Acts 12v1-19;7-8) • Moses was sent because of the mother, the sister, the midwives who saved him by not throwing him in the Nile, Ex.1:16-17 In our lives today God still does the same to us. God will never leave us dying in the devil’s hand, God will always send someone in our lives to save us or deliver us • When we need prayers someone would be there to pray with us • When we need counseling a Pastor/Bishop would be there to help us • When we need employment someone shall be there to help Trust God, He will send someone to help. Amen d) IDENTIFY GOD ACCORDING TO HIS NAMES I.E THE DELIVERER, 3:8,14, The two chapters 3 and 4 show one vital thing and that is to show that God is the liberator and deliverer of our lives. God is the deliverer, rescurer, savior, liberator and we need to trust him. God planned to liberate the Israelites. This year in 2015, let us identify with God in the way His has revealed to His people or to us. God revealed to the Israelites as: I. As a listener to people who cry to Him,2:23-24;4:31 II. As a deliverer of people in bondage, 3:7 III. As a God who saves in times of trouble, 3:8 IV. As God who holds our destiny, 2:1-10 V. As a God who appears to us in a different way, 3:1-3 VI. As a God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and our God today, 3:6,15 VII. As a God who will always be with us, 3:12 VIII. As a God who is the ‘I AM WHO I AM’, 3:14 IX. As a God who provides for us blessings flowing with milk, land and hone, 3:8,17 X. As a God who fights our enemies, 3:19-20 XI. As a God of miracles, 4:1-12 XII. The Lord who burns with anger, 4:14 God will reveal Himself to all of us differently. 2015 God will reveal Himself to us in a special way. 6. SUMMARY This year 2015, let us remember that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the only one who liberates us from bondage. Let us trust God for our liberation in all things. Mbusa Penias Mbewe 0979628372/peniasnelia@yahoo REFORMED CHURCH IN ZAMBIA CHILENJE CONGREGATION TEXT: EXODUS 3-4:1-31 THEME: LIBERATION FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT PERSPECTIVE – EXODUS 1. INTRODUCTION During the first Sunday I did expose the theme for the year 2015 and also the quarterly themes. The themes for this year 2015 and its quarterly themes are as follows: Proclaiming “The Year of the LORD’S Favour – ISAIAH 61:1- 3 (Kulalikira Chaka Cokomera Yehova) January to March “God who liberates us in a number of things (Liberation) Mulungu amene atimenyela nkhondo (Kumasulidwa)” April to June “The God who watches over us (Protection) Mulungu Amene Atiyanganila (Chitetezo)” July to September “The God who cares for us (Providence) Mulungu Amene Asamalira. (Kupatsa)” October to December “Praising God for His Favour and Goodness (Praise) Kuyamika Mulungu Chifukwa Cha Kukoma Mtima Kwake. (Kutamanda)” Today we will start looking at Janury to March quarterly sub-theme “God who liberates us in a number of things (Liberation) Mulungu amene atimenyela nkhondo (Kumasulidwa)” In particular the theme for this Sunday is ‘LIBERATION FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT PERSPECTIVE – EXODUS’ 2. BACKGROUND OF THE BOOK OF EXODUS Authorship: the book is attributed to Moses Date: around 1400/1200 B.C Sources: ‘book of the Covenant’ (24:4,7) Occasion: need for God’s chosen people to 1. Understand how they were formed as a nation through God’s mighty deliverance out of Egypt celebrated in the Feast of Pssover, and 2. Understand God’s laws, ordinances and statutes which they were to obey as His people Title: Exodus - Hebrew: shemoth (names) - Greek: exodus (way out) Theme: the deliverance and redemption which gave birth to a nation chosen of God to be His people Purpose: to record how God delivered Israel out of slaverly in Egypt in order to enter in to covenant with them as His people through whom His nature and salvation was to be shown to a wayward world. 3. DEFINITION OF THE WORDS/SYNONYMS: ‘LIBERATION FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT PERSPECTIVE – EXODUS’ LIBERATION - To be released from bondage - Freedom - Emancipation - Deliverance - Freedom - Liberty OT-EXODUS - Mass departure - Evacuation - Move out 4. TEXT IN FOCUS :- EXODUS CHAPTERS 3-4:1-31 Chapter 2 narrates about Moses’ birth (2:1-10); Moses fleeing to Midian (2:11-20) 2:21-25; The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help…. Chapter 3 narrates about Moses and the burning bush (3:1-22; 4:1-17). The two chapters narrate about a long conversation between God and Moses. 4:18-31; Moses and Aaron returned to Egypt on God’s mission of liberating the Israelites Chapter 3 and 4 are very vital chapters in the liberation story of the Israelites because it is this narrative were God RAISES Moses to be the messenger of deliverance. 5. WHAT IS NEEDED TO BE DONE IN ORDER TO HAVE GOD’S LIBERATON? a) CRY TO THE LORD; GROAN TO THE LORD; SEEK GOD; PRAY TO GOD, 2:23-25; 3:7 For liberation to come in our lives, families, children, business to come we need to groan to the Lord. The Israelites groaned to the Lord in Egypt. The synonyms to the word GROAN are: I. Moan – making a low sound usually because one is unhappy or in pain II. Cry out III. Grunt – a low sound especially because you are annoyed or not interested in something IV. Growl – a low sound, like a dog sound to show that it is angry V. They are also called ‘desperate cries’ Examples of people that groaned and God heard: a. Hagar Ishmael’s mother groaned and God heard her, Gen. 16:11 b. Job said ‘my groaning flow like water, Job 3:24; 23:2; c. David, Ps. 6:6;22:1 d. The earth groans, Ro.8:22,23; e. The Spirit, Ro.8:26 Today, there are certain things in our lives we need to groan to God, cry to God for liberation. I motivate you to GROAN for your children, husband, wife, marriage, business, education, favor, breakthrough, marriage etc GOD HEARS OUR GROANINGS. b) BE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, 3:1-7 Liberation will need us to be in the presence of God. moved away from the busy towns in Egypt, he went in to the bush tendering the sheep of his father in law (Ex.3:1-3) It was during his time out when God met him and revealed His plans to him. The plans to liberate the Israelites from bondage. God’s revelations come more when we are in private prayer with God. a number of prophets received revelations during their private prayer or when they were alone meditating. EVEN TODAY, THOSE THAT STAY MORE WITH GOD PRIVATELY RECEIVE MORE REVELATIONS, MOTIVATIONS, ENCOURAGEMENTS AND BLESSINGS. THIS TIME OF 40 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING IS THE BEST TIME TO BE WITH GOD – Mt.6v17 This year 2015 find time as a family, individuals, groups, choirs, fellowships, sections, companies, marketers etc to be in the presence of God. Pray and fast, seek God’s presence and intercede for the church. c) WE NEED A MOSES IN OUR LIVES TO HELP US, 3:10; We need an Aaron, (4:27-28); we need Moses (4:29-30) to get our liberation and breakthrough What is the meaning of Moses and Aaron? Moses: ‘because I drew him out of the water’ – Ex.2:10 Aaron: ‘someone who helps, partner’ – Ex. 4:27-29 God always sends people like Aaron and Moses in our lives to help us succeed in our lives. God sent Moses to the Israelites; God sent Aaron to Moses to help him in his mission. In life God send people to help us in particular situations. For instance: • Whenever the Israelites needed help God sent prophets to help them and deliver them • When Peter was in jail God sent an angel to liberate him from the jail, (Acts 12v1-19;7-8) • Moses was sent because of the mother, the sister, the midwives who saved him by not throwing him in the Nile, Ex.1:16-17 In our lives today God still does the same to us. God will never leave us dying in the devil’s hand, God will always send someone in our lives to save us or deliver us • When we need prayers someone would be there to pray with us • When we need counseling a Pastor/Bishop would be there to help us • When we need employment someone shall be there to help Trust God, He will send someone to help. Amen d) IDENTIFY GOD ACCORDING TO HIS NAMES I.E THE DELIVERER, 3:8,14, The two chapters 3 and 4 show one vital thing and that is to show that God is the liberator and deliverer of our lives. God is the deliverer, rescurer, savior, liberator and we need to trust him. God planned to liberate the Israelites. This year in 2015, let us identify with God in the way His has revealed to His people or to us. God revealed to the Israelites as: I. As a listener to people who cry to Him,2:23-24;4:31 II. As a deliverer of people in bondage, 3:7 III. As a God who saves in times of trouble, 3:8 IV. As God who holds our destiny, 2:1-10 V. As a God who appears to us in a different way, 3:1-3 VI. As a God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and our God today, 3:6,15 VII. As a God who will always be with us, 3:12 VIII. As a God who is the ‘I AM WHO I AM’, 3:14 IX. As a God who provides for us blessings flowing with milk, land and hone, 3:8,17 X. As a God who fights our enemies, 3:19-20 XI. As a God of miracles, 4:1-12 XII. The Lord who burns with anger, 4:14 God will reveal Himself to all of us differently. 2015 God will reveal Himself to us in a special way. 6. SUMMARY This year 2015, let us remember that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the only one who liberates us from bondage. Let us trust God for our liberation in all things. Mbusa Penias Mbewe 0979628372/peniasnelia@yahoo
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:45:22 +0000

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