real psychic is keen intuition and vibes that you get from the - TopicsExpress


real psychic is keen intuition and vibes that you get from the emotional vibrations from others and your surroundings and your connectedness to them and your routes around you and in your ancestry basically how will you tune in to the frequency of all consciousness on your way to it as you become more aware of your reality around you the tuning gets finer..... thus enabling you to predict and ever infinite amount of moments because theyre just very easy to understand because youre looking for a above from a conscious perspective like the Sun looking at the earth and absorbing all of the vibrations all at once then writing it down on a piece of paper is like a maP it becomes fairly easy to be psychic at that point its just a preconceived idea of what a psychic is that throws people off like the thoughts of mind control what people think it literally mean somebody hacking into your subconscious bluntly... like reverse words and pictures behind pictures, when really its more like this subjected circumstances and experience is leaning a finer tuning to that of the system leading to an easy prediction of the actions due to circumstances and perceptions from the experiences laid before them repeated ideas on how to think about something popular opinion makes you feel like youre being outnumbered and attacked and us it must be the overcoming outweighing answer the truth when is also a misconception.. As the tuning gets finer of that person within the confines of the system and same with the journey towards our consciousness so can you become into a journey being sucked into a system holding you back weights made of material thoughts and perceptions that way your spirit down to ego self, the more important it becomes to the material in the system around them it becomes a reality the stoning them on a whole separate frequency kinda like AM and FM leading to many separate frequency stations with all substations within them all leading to anything but the infinite consciousness and intuition and the vibrating frequency of the universe that you need to be in balance and in tone with to grow awareness and consciousness.... thus mind control is easily done because that more something is fine tuned to the way the system is the easier it is to predict what theyll do and the actions to do with them and they push them into that by circumstance controlling nevermind in programming it as they go educating it to repeat which are mindful dumped out any too complex information that doesnt fit the standard of a persons preconceived belief system socialized by others and a system of circumstances and experiences,.. to the other effect of faith healing you can kind of see how this can come and play when people collectively with the correct intent do something it works when there is wrong intent and it is false beliefs it doesnt work quite as well even if the person has serious faith, but in truth in a collective we can project our energy on to a person and heal a person.... to an extent, you can also raise their vibration in itself thus tuning them away from said system I was speaking about above also making them feel better........ as far as straight up disease there is many cases of people truly firmly believing in the fact that the disease does not exist in the disease itself disappearing from existence and reality unexplainable by doctors..... as well as I said it is very much so to do with much more complicated subjects then just face it has to do with a lot to do with vibration and the geometry of reality.... in the US music and chanting say of the ancient times was more along your lines for real faith healing...... . as well if you have more of a connection and intuitive balance with the things around you you also have a greater understanding of harmony and how to harmonize with an and help balance an erratic vibration you can also make that person more aware of their inner self through things that are commonly done in religion which are not intended to help you bring more awareness to your inner self to a full extent but is meant to do so to make you feel as though you were on the right path and the religion again using the good symbols and good things for wrong reasons with wrong intent........ think about it ..
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:26:50 +0000

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